What movie have you seen the most times?


Fifth Element is probably mine.
"Why pay a dollar for a bookmark? Why not use the dollar for a bookmark?"
Steven Spielberg

Probably Psycho...but there is a group of movies that I watch as many times(like Taxi driver, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Vertigo ecc...)

Schindler's List. 195 min of hapinness

Either The Shawshank Redemption, my fav of all time, or Die Hard

Probably "Dinner At Eight" or "The Best Years Of Our Lives".

The Shawshank Redemption - 45+ times full. And probably 100+ times partially.

Then it would be the Help and the Descendants. Coz Starz and The Movie Channel were playing it almost every day a few months ago. 15+ times.

Whoa, 45 times is surely an impressive number of watches. Even Roger Ebert said that he was tired of watching Citizen Kane after watching it over 50 times (and note that he watched it 50 times distributed over a period of around 40 years).

Whoa, 45 times is surely an impressive number of watches. Even Roger Ebert said that he was tired of watching Citizen Kane after watching it over 50 times (and note that he watched it 50 times distributed over a period of around 40 years).
45+ and 100+ partial is just over a period of 5 years! As i said in 1994 movie thread, every time i feel a little depressed and low, work, life, something bothering me, i just turn it on, and i after 15-20 minutes i feel a lot better. Better pain relief than solanpas or any other anti-depressant medication!!

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
The Great Escape and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid since i started watching them as a child. I was around 6 with GE and actually saw BCSK at the drive in, around 5 or so and watched both faithfully, catching it on TV back in the seventies and eighties every time it came on, and then for most of my life since and i'm 48 now. Surprisingly, i only have GE on dvd and always rented BCSK.

Friends Don't Let Friends Pay Movie Prices for Rentals
It's Spaceballs for me. 2nd place would either be The Godfather or High Noon.
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The Brave Little Weeman Returns!
Probably Toy Story 2 I used to watch it every day when I was about 7. Loved the film.

Also watched Calamity Jane a worrying number of times, due to my mum loving the film
"This aggression will not stand, man" -The Big Lebowski


The Bib-iest of Nickels
I feel like I have seen the Toy Story movies the most, because I watched them a lot as a kid, and because my nephew watched them every single day for about three months when he was younger.

Ocean's 11, dont know if its the music, the plot or the actors but I always feel like putting this on and somehow it never gets old. Even after the 13 so times I've watched it.

"Hey Look it's Masterman"
I'd probably have to say gladiator, I've seen it atleast 20 times.

The Duchess's Avatar
Registered User
The 1953 version War Of The Worlds.

I never seem to tire of this movie.

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