That's right, Jim Mora, we're talking about playoffs


Keep on Rockin in the Free World
Sorry WaWa. I've already decreed the Steelers shall emerge victorious this week.

and, so it shall come to pass.

( ive never seen this monstrosity, my interest is piqued. im thinken its yoda with a samoan Fro? )

hey did you guys notice Sanchez on the sideline picken his nose and wipen the booger on an unsuspecting teammate?

gotta love the internet.

"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

Jets moving a little now, near the end of the half (unsurprisingly). Before this drive, however, Pittsburgh had outgained them 232-11. The Jets had been outgained 96-10 passing, and 136 to 1 on the ground.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Nothing matters besides the Packers being Superbowl bound...and the fact that B.J Raji is the latest trendy kitchen gadget (The Freezer)!

YES! It was getting just a tad uncomfortable there, but that goal line stand was huge. Steelers in great position now if they can pick up a couple of first downs and run just a few more minutes off the clock.

Wha? We got hit with a safety the last time we played them, too. Better than a TD, since we're still up by two scores, but man.

I like a nice, dramatic game as much as the next guy, but I'm not loving this little ray of hope right now.

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
Great. Another injury on the offensive line.
Touchdown! Great drive. Over nine minutes, and the running game looked very good.
Touchdown! Great drive. Over nine minutes, and the running game looked very good.
Ugh. Not only is the injury to Pouncey, but he's on the cart. Crap.
Yeah, they're pushing them around so far.
Man, Mendenhall is a beast.
Mendenhall for 35. Dude is running at will.
I did not notice that. I was too busy watching the Steelers toss the Jets' defense around like a bunch of green rag dolls.
Oh, please let that stand.
You're referring to the fumble? The rule book clearly states it was a backwards pass unless your initials are Tom Brady then it's "the tuck rule."

And it does. This is, uh...quite a first half.
Jets moving a little now, near the end of the half (unsurprisingly). Before this drive, however, Pittsburgh had outgained them 232-11. The Jets had been outgained 96-10 passing, and 136 to 1 on the ground.
YES! It was getting just a tad uncomfortable there, but that goal line stand was huge. Steelers in great position now if they can pick up a couple of first downs and run just a few more minutes off the clock.
Wha? We got hit with a safety the last time we played them, too. Better than a TD, since we're still up by two scores, but man.

I like a nice, dramatic game as much as the next guy, but I'm not loving this little ray of hope right now.
Local play-by-play man: "The only jet going to the Super Bowl will be the one carrying your AFC Championship Pittsburgh Steelers."
Obviously a quota spammer. I'm going to give you a temporary two week ban or until The Steelers lose.

Yeah, I posted like a dozen times, didn't I? Can't help myself. And sometimes I go back and look at this stuff years later, which is pretty funny.

Ban away; nothing's going to dampen my mood tonight. The two weeks leading up to a Steeler Super Bowl are always insanely fun. Fight songs on the radio and in department and grocery stores, everyone all decked out and fired up. Half the fun is that two-week period.

And yeah, I was referring to the fumble, though in this case the Tuck Rule would've been the thing that would have saved him, I think. Looks like, based on the replay, they were making a distinction between the elbow moving forward and the arm as a whole, seeing as how the arm actually moves a little forward as part of the "wind up." I think the rule might be about the actual wrist and hand moving forward, since other parts of the arm move slightly forward before then.

Anyway, yay and stuff.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
QB: Advantage Pack
RB: Advantage Steel
WR: Advantage Pack
TE: Advantage Steel
OL: Advantage Pack
DL: Advantage Pack
LB: Advantage Steel
DB: Advantage Pack
ST: Push
Coach: Advantage Steel

Either way you slice it, going to be one hell of a game.

I saw that. I'm going to chalk it up to just random excited jostling with no deliberate sexual connotation, which sounds like a hilarious legal term. I will henceforth never think of it again. Except, of course, every time I load this page. Thanks for that, Dex.

Meanwhile, I have proposed a friendly little wager to WBadger and raul, our resident Cheeseheads. I'll keep you guys posted on whether or not we have an accord.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
I Am not a cheesehead, however I would entertain a friendly proposal as well Chris.

What did you have in mind?

also, when can we expect a rundown review on your DVD bounty from the mofo bowl?

The wager I'm proposing is strictly avatar-based, nothing of actual value, unless one's dignity counts.

As for the DVD thread: just waiting until a few more come in! Shouldn't be too long. It'll help when football season ends, too. It's amazing how much more free time I seem to have as soon as it ends each year.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
Well what happens when the Steelers lose? will you alternate the Avatars that we will have made for you?

I was teaming up with Aus, fellow Steeler fan, so each Cheesehead would be able to pick one for each Steeler fan, and vice-versa. Though 7th is a big Steeler guy, too, so we could expand the field. Though it's hardly much punishment for a football agnostic like yourself, with your wide array of jerseys and whatnot.

I remember doing something like this with OG- for the 2004 election. I stuck him with a picture of the Johns (Kerry and Edwards) looking as if they're about to kiss each other with little animated hearts popping up over them. He cracked and took it down after a day, which is almost as gratifying as getting to see it for a week would have been.