10 summer movies your looking forward to the most?


CatDancer's Avatar
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Terminator 3
28 Days Later
Freddy vs. Jason
Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde
Pirates of the Caribbean

and of course Return of the King

Tuna's Avatar
Originally Posted by zerious
Is Stuck on You coming out this summer?
Comes out this December
Boards don't hit back

Terminator 3:Rise of the Machines
Pirates of the Carribean: Curse of the Black Pearl
LXG: League of Extroadinary Gentlemen
Bad Boys 2
Freddy Vs. Jason
The Order
American Wedding
Kill Bill
Alien Re-Release ( I know it's 10 to choose from ...oh well )

I'm an Irish Leprechaun
1. Terminator 3 - Rise of the Machines
2. American Wedding
3. Underworld
4. The Hulk (not out for another 2 weeks in the UK)
5. Charlies Angels - Full Throttle
6. Bad Boys 2
7. S.W.A.T
8. The Matrix Revolutions
9. The Last Samurai
10. Freddy vs Jason