need to know a name of a movie but all i have is a discription


I once, years ago, saw a movie (probably a black and white) where a man walks out of a door and stops, looks left and right, then flips a coin and turns to the right. Everything that happens to him from that decision is shown, then the film goes back to him coming out the door, flipping the coin and turning the opposite way and shows what happens when he does that. Does anyone remember the name of the movie or the people that starred in it?

I dont think that is it o think its older then that.. but thanks

Sorry about that, I looked for "What If" movies and it was the only one I could think of and the only one Google found that had a coin flip in it.

Will.15 or Yoda will probably know this one.

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
Found this but doesn't seem to be of much help.


Mr. Tako habitually does this in King Kong Vs Godzilla to make decisions. He even does it when the two monsters first confront each other in an attempt to predict the winner.

In Scarface (1932), Guino Rinaldo was the one to popularize this trait as a quirk of gangster and gangster movies in general.

Parodied in the film Some Like It Hot where a character played the same actor who played Guino is Scarface asks a fellow gangster (who is flipping a nickel) "Where did you pick up THAT cheap trick?"

In Coming To America, Prince Akeem flips a coin to choose between traveling to New York or Los Angeles to find himself a bride.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
Also the ending of Travels With My Aunt ends with flipping a coin to determine a character's fate.
It reminds me of a toilet paper on the trees
- Paula

More recently there's 'No Country for Old Men' with Anton Chigurh as an obsessive coin-tosser.

The movie in question by the OP has a good concept. I'd be interested in knowing its title too.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
More recently there's 'No Country for Old Men' with Anton Chigurh as an obsessive coin-tosser.

The movie in question by the OP has a good concept. I'd be interested in knowing its title too.
I doubt there is a black and white movie with that plot.

There is also that Twilight Zone episode with Dick York where the flipped coin lands on its side.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
No coin toss involved, but The Devil's Advocate has a plot in which the main character makes a decision and then towards the end the film goes back to that decision, giving him a second chance and he makes the other choice. Other films with similar ideas include Sliding Doors and Run Lola Run and an episode of Doctor Who. I can't think of anything quite like what you're describing, though.