Disney buys LucasFilm, Star Wars Episode 7 slated for 2015


I'm not old, you're just 12.
Howard The Duck 2 would be a right barrel of laughs...
Honestly? I'd love to see a reboot of Howard the Duck! With the rights (now owned by Disney) finally going back to Marvel Studios (also owned by Disney) we could possibly get a well made, funny film, faithful to the surreal work of the late, great, Steve Gerber! Could be a great idea!!! I'd personally want to see Edgar Wright direct this one, it'd be a nice fit.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson


Hahahaha, Good pictures!

I think it will be good movies, Even though it's made by Disney.
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I feel torn between joy and despair.

- There will be new Star Wars movies
- They will be directed by J.J. Abrams whose work I love


- It's Disney...
- I'm not sure lens flares will fit the Star Wars theme
- What if the movies are too similar to the new Star Trek series?
- What if the movies are only made for money and will be crap?

Seriously though, for those who fear that Star Wars will be killed with this movie: Disney has bought big things before and didn't ruin it.

And there really is no point judging until we at least get a trailer so for now I'm just gonna be psyched that Star Wars are not over.

When I first heard rumors about Abrams directing Star Wars I laughed, and thought there was no way the director of the new Star Trek movies would also direct the new Star Wars movie. It just sounded silly to me. But now I know it's confirmed, I'm not sure what to think.

I love the new Star Trek, and I bet Abrams could do a great Star Wars movies. I'm just hoping that the franchises don't end up feeling too similar. Looking forward to seeing where it goes from here.
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will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
The reboot can't be any worse than what Lucas was doing with the last ones.
It reminds me of a toilet paper on the trees
- Paula

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
Just thought this was funny and interesting, thought some others might get a kick out of this.

With Lucasfilm and Disney making a standalone ‘Star Wars‘ film focusing on the adventures of young Han Solo, we started thinking about the young actors that could possibly fill those shoes, and only one name made sense: Jennifer Lawrence. Too bad she’s a woman.

First off, I’m not ridiculous — I know Han Solo is/was/will always be a man. You can’t write a story about young Han Solo and make him into a woman unless one of his early adventures included a trip to a sterile hospital facility planet for gender reassignment surgery, and Disney probably never wants to go there.

But here’s the thing, when I think about all the male actors under 30 who are aged appropriately to play a young Han Solo, none of them seem right for the part. Josh Hutcherson, Nicholas Hoult, Chris Hemsworth (or Liam, even) , Aaron Johnson, Zac Efron, Anton Yelchin, Logan Lerman, Shia LaBeouf, Alex Pettyfer, et al. — none of these guys are right for a young Han Solo. Most of them are too feminine to play the part, and that’s not an accusation or a complaint, but it’s just how things have been shifting in recent years. We’ve been attracted to more sensitive leading men in recent years — tastes evolve over time. Some of the names on that list are the opposite of feminine, like Chris and Liam Hemsworth, but those Hemsworth fellas are a bit too gruff and one-dimensional.

Han Solo has swagger. He’s witty, sarcastic, quick-thinking, and adventurous. He has a wry smile and he’s awfully full of himself for good reason. He’s mischievous and daring and masculine without being muscle-headed. Every lady wanted to be with him and every guy wanted to be him. There’s only one actor under 30 who I think could play Han Solo with the same je ne sais quois of Harrison Ford, and that’s Jennifer Lawrence.

Not only is she athletic enough to run from bad guys, but she can convincingly wield weapons in a way that feels like someone might actually get hurt. Her roles are often women who are confident (bordering on cocky), determined, quick-witted, and smart, and she can lob one-liners like no one’s business. She has that mischievous twinkle in her eye, just like Harrison Ford’s Han Solo. Her resilience in ‘Winter’s Bone,’ her action heroine antics in ‘The Hunger Games,’ and her witty banter with Bradley Cooper in ‘Silver Linings Playbook’ combined could make for an excellent intergalactic hero in the vein of young Han Solo.

It’s just too bad that Han is a man and history can’t be rewritten (no matter what that other intergalactic traveler ‘Doctor Who’ tells us). Lawrence’s demeanor combines both feminine and masculine traits, most likely owing to her Kentucky upbringing. She’s no-nonsense in interviews and has quickly become one of America’s favorite young actors, saying what’s on her mind and being honest to what most of us (or at least most publicists) would consider a fault. The woman has swagger — there’s just no other word for it. And swagger is a term we strongly identify with men, yet this young woman clearly possesses that masculine quality in a way that’s uniquely feminine.

But her male peers don’t have that same appeal — the only other actors close to her age group that have swagger are Ryan Gosling and Chris Evans, and neither of them could play a young Han Solo because they’re just a little too old and a little too Aryan.

Can we throw a Rule 63 down here? If you’re not aware, Rule 63 is an internet rule that states that for every fictional character there exists an equal, opposite-gender counterpart. This is why it’s cool to see guys cosplay as male versions of female comic book characters and vice-versa. It would be amazing if Disney and Lucasfilm decided to gender-swap Han Solo — and yeah, we all know Han was a guy in the old ‘Star Wars’ movies, but wouldn’t it be cool if they could just make Han a woman without having to address the fans like they’re talking to children? In an ideal world, young Han Solo could be a woman, and we wouldn’t say anything about it because we’d just accept that it was really, really f—ing cool.


Lucas has confirmed the rumours... Hamill, Fisher and Ford were negotiating a return to the Star Wars Universe...

But he hasn't said whether they struck a deal or not...

"My name is Psycho but you can call me Stuart."

Mark Hamill has confirmed that Fisher is on board...

Bryan Burke has confirmed filming to start in 2014...

Empire Magazine's June edition (Australian edition) has a massive spread on J.J. Abrams covering both the Star Trek and Star Wars spheres, and I'm certain it said that all the big three from the OT; Hamill, Fisher, and Harrison had signed on for Episode VII.
"Alexander, do you want to stay for tea? My favorite, convict curry. We used to make it in jail."

I'm puzzled by the amount of people concerned by Star Wars changing hands and the announcement of the new films. Have people forgotten about the prequels, clone wars and all the other ultra kid friendly content we have had in recent years?

As far as I'm concerned, it can't drop any lower then the prequels and I don't think it will with Episode VII. I think JJ Abrams is a safe bet for the new film, he'll deliver the adrenaline that the prequels completely lacked and his visual style suits the sci fi genre. In the long term, I think they will follow a similar format to the Bond films - for every relatively bad/formulaic film that comes out, there will most likely be something fresh and new to balance it.

The only films I am sceptical about are the character spin off's. These films have always felt tame for other film series imo (Scorpion King, Wolverine, Avengers build up). I would much rather see these films used to explore and create other stories in the universe, or even adapt some of the stories from the books.

I think the problem this film will face is the amount of people who are completely invested by the original trilogy and cannot open their mind for the film to adjust to modern standards; those films will always be there to admire. Comparing and not accepting any change will only lead to disappointment and at the end of the day, Star Wars isn't the cinematic messiah it is built up to be, everything about it is average, its simple cheap entertainment that many people enjoy.

I am the Watcher in the Night
I think Disney has handled some franchises extremely well and put Marvel into a great position after acquiring it.

What worries me a little is that Abrams is slated to direct. I've loved his work on star trek and MI3 wasnt so bad. My problem is that his directing style may not work in the star wars universe, now here me out before I get labelled a mad fanboy.

I like Star Wars but im not a crazy fan, having said that I do hold it in great esteem, definitely one of the best movie sagas ever and, even with Lucas not doing it justice with the prequels, it has it's own style. None of this lens flare, sharp, handheld camera style zoom or camera wobble. I think it needs to be made in more, dare I say it, "traditional" style.

Comparing and not accepting any change will only lead to disappointment and at the end of the day, Star Wars isn't the cinematic messiah it is built up to be, everything about it is average, its simple cheap entertainment that many people enjoy.
I respectfully disagree. Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back are monumental works of art that touched the hearts of more people than a thousand arthouse films combined (perhaps due to the fact that the total number of tickets sold by a thousand arthouse films combined is smaller than Star Wars').

They are the closest thing to a North American mythology that we have. The Star Wars movies are to the US cinema what the Illiad was to the literary culture of the ancient Greeks: tales of mythological proportion taught to the kids at an early age.

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I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
Fisher,Hamil and Ford are confirmed(kinda) to come back for episode VII.I dont want to say that this is 100% correct because I don't know,but if Fisher said so,why not.Maybe it is just a rumor but I thought it would be nice to post it here.

I couldn't find any "big" sites confirming this but I just heard about it maybe they are still working and checking news...Again I don't know is this true or a rumor but wanted to post it...Would this be a good or bad thing?I don't want to see them coming back for episode 7,maybe just as a minor roles or something...
“By definition, you have to live until you die. Better to make that life as complete and enjoyable an experience as possible, in case death is shite, which I suspect it will be.”


Check this out.

Photo taken during a meeting... in the background is some conceptual art containing the Millennium Falcon and none other than Obi Wan Kenobi.