Virus movie title question


Hello everyone, Does anyone remember the name of a movie about a virus that escaped in a medical facility and they had a very strong security system, so all the doors closed keeping a lot of employees inside and they began developing a different personality, almost like evil and had serious outbreaks in their bodies and the only person that was immune to the virus was a woman that found out at the end of the movie that the reason that she was immune was because she was pregnant .

I would love to find out the name of this movie, please help . Thanks Nick

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
Warning Sign (1985)

Joanie in Warning Sign is immune to the bio-engineered Hate Plague because she's the only pregnant woman in the quarantined facility; the special hormones in her blood is what keeps her safe and is the basis of the cure.


Sounds interesting. Might check it out.
Movies - The best escape from reality

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
It does look pretty good, will definitely put it on my Netflix queue.

If anyone cares Netflix does not have this movie, it has it and you can click SAVE but I've done that to movies years ago and their still not available yet so good luck getting ahold of this one.

Yes. Thank you so much. You guys are the bomb, you guys knows everything. This title is not available on Netflix. I will try Amazon. Once again Thanks a lot. Cheers. Nick

Hey mark it is Warning Sign. Not available on Netflix . The year is 1985.