Help finding name of this movie? (image included)


I was given this screenshot a while ago from my brother. He doesn't remember much and this doesn't seem to be a movie that i could've seen.

So, i don't have a description only an image. Hope someone can help me with this one.

Hmmm....I don't what it is, but I wonder if it's a screenshot or a production still. It looks like the crew may be on the ground.

According to my brother it's 100% a screenshot and a productionstill. But as i said i haven't seen the movie so i don't know.


Your image is gone. . .

No, i removed it because my brother mixed up two pics. The one i placed he knew, he just forgot about it but eventually remember the title.
This is the movie he's been looking for:

My first thought is The Birds but i don't think that's it. I know there's a shot in that movie of birds sitting on the wire but i can't remember this shot.

Has anyone got a clue?

I never seen the movie but thank you Nausicaä i'll pass it to my brother.

I just watched Wendy & Lucy. It was definitely the movie that the image i posted came from. Nausicaa, my brother says thanks for finding the movie !!