overrated movies: old ones, independent ones, liberal-themed ones


I haven't seen Citizen Kane or Casablanca, or several other old movies like that. Frankly, I think I would be a little bored. I didn't love Double Indenity or Gone with the Wind, so other movies of that era don't really interest me. In the past few months I feel like my taste in movies and shows has changed quite a bit, so I actually appreciate the "finer" things more now, but I still love some silly comedies that most critics hate. Dinner for Schmucks and Billy Madison are two of my favorite movies. They're just fun and funny. With that said, I don't love every movie that manages to get a bunch of cheap laughs. It has to show a hint of comedic intelligence in it, so it doesn't feel like something the average person could write. Some critics seem to dismiss some movies just because they're silly, so they automatically assume it isn't worthwhile.

DeeVeeDee's Avatar
Not Enough Time
I also have to put these two movies, especially the first one because I saw people saying it was such a great movie on another thread.

Taxi Driver and Raging Bull.

I'm sorry, maybe someone can enlighten me, or maybe I need to watch them again and see if I can appreciate them more. I can see how the cinematography is considered great, the camera shots, etc. But I could not stand these movies. I HATED Raging Bull, thought it was awful. Taxi Driver was better, but still did not catch my interest. It is one of those movies I've never seen the ending because I fall asleep everytime I watch it or get distracted or something. I just thought it was boring and pointless, I just didn't get what the fuss is about.

But like I said, maybe I need to try watching it again (Taxi Driver). I am not giving Raging Bull a second chance.
"so i turned away, because i didn't want to see. just like everybody else."

"If dreams are like movies then memories are films about ghosts"

I also have to put these two movies, especially the first one because I saw people saying it was such a great movie on another thread.

Taxi Driver and Raging Bull.

I'm sorry, maybe someone can enlighten me, or maybe I need to watch them again and see if I can appreciate them more. I can see how the cinematography is considered great, the camera shots, etc. But I could not stand these movies. I HATED Raging Bull, thought it was awful. Taxi Driver was better, but still did not catch my interest. It is one of those movies I've never seen the ending because I fall asleep everytime I watch it or get distracted or something. I just thought it was boring and pointless, I just didn't get what the fuss is about.

But like I said, maybe I need to try watching it again (Taxi Driver). I am not giving Raging Bull a second chance.
Sit down.
Turn off the lights.
Don't look at your phone, talk, or get up to do anything distracting.
Immerse yourself in Taxi Driver and the setting of the film fully.

Also, neither are art films. Both are very popular and accessible.

Sit down.
Turn off the lights.
Don't look at your phone, talk, or get up to do anything distracting.
That's what everyone should do when they watch a movie. Certainly when it's one of high quality. You can't get fully into a film unless you're only focusing on the screen.

You don't have to do this with every film of course, but some deserve a respectful treatment.

Has anyone mentioned The Wrestler?

I came across this movie while channel surfing last night and surfed right by it. I have no desire whatsoever to watch this movie again.

Okay, Mickey Rourke is cool, and his personal comeback in his acting career (and his life in general) parallels that of the film's protagonist. And Darren Aronofsky is cool.

So how did two cool dudes settle for such a pathos-ridden, hackneyed plot? One of the most predictable films I've ever seen.

DeeVeeDee's Avatar
Not Enough Time
Sit down.
Turn off the lights.
Don't look at your phone, talk, or get up to do anything distracting.
Immerse yourself in Taxi Driver and the setting of the film fully.

Also, neither are art films. Both are very popular and accessible.
I did do that for both, as I do for most movies, especially those I take seriously. I honestly just found them boring, Raging Bull more so. And I didn't think they were art films, just well done films or "critically acclaimed" films. But that doesn't take away from the fact that I felt I was watching something with no point.

Like I said, I may need to, let me rephrase, probably should, try again.

And I don't remember if I mentioned that I thought Taxi Driver had something there, but I couldn't make it past the first half any time I watched it, and I did feel maybe I cut myself off just as soon as something was going to reveal itself. But at the same time, if you can't keep my interest through the first half of the movie, what really should I expect in the second half? And what does that say?

RJMacReady's Avatar
Registered User
I'm the least pretentious film goer of all time. The TCM remake doesn't hold a candle to the original, and it has nothing to do with it being revolutionary. I agree with your sentiment that a lot of critically acclaimed movies suck though.

Movies with critical reception that I don't care for:

The Godfather II
The Sixth Sense
The Shawshank Redemption
The Usual Suspects
American Beauty

Finished here. It's been fun.
Damn you really think those films are overrated? Yeesh, to each his own though I suppose.
Umm I think Titanic is very overrated,Terminator 2 is overrated.The Avengers is heavily overrated, great popcorn flick but nothing more than that.Batman Begins is very overrated.

Registered User
I was curious about that myself?

I always thought the Usual Suspects was over-rated. It's enjoyably for what it is, but the whole film just seems like a set-up for a twist.

Then again Bryan Singer was a child when he made that.