sequels, cant live with em


Registered User
why are sequels always to terrible yet so irresistible.

ok so there are exeptions, ie the godfather, toy story, lethal weapon. but you cant ignore such disasters as Blair Witch 2, Urban Legend the final cut etc.
your views?

and what movies are just crying out for a sequel, my first choice would be Beetlejuice 2.

Originally posted by Kielle
why are sequels always to terrible yet so irresistible.
Simple: because most are made as a result of the success of some pretty solid movies, and there's always a chance that we can get more of the same. I, personally, never want a good movie to end, but I also know that if it goes on too long, either in terms of running time, or in number of films to follow it, it can be ruined...

...which is why we watch sequels. We enjoyed the original, and are hopeful that the next chapter will be just as good, because if it is, it is truly a delight. It complements it all so well.

Registered User
I also know that if it goes on too long, either in terms of running time, or in number of films to follow it, it can be ruined

true, true my friend, let us not forget Rocky, and the exorcist.

Registered User
Yea but Jurassic park in my opinion has been done BUT now there bringing out 3!!!!!!(why)
Jack be nimble Jack be Quick Jack jumps over the candle stick(silly Jack should have jumped high)

Registered User
Why you ask, why?
because the first two were huge and everyone's in it for the money these days. i dont think it'll be the same without spielberg.

Registered User
It will be the same story line big killer dinos who eat the most annoying member of the cast and then they all escape (YAWN!!!)

Registered User
oh such sarcasm.
but i agree, who is the most annoying member of the cast in your opinion?

Yeah, it's just dinos chasing humans: that's COOL! What was exciting about the first: seeming what looked like completely real dinosaurs chasing people. Sometimes they narrowly escaped. It was exciting. I don't think anyone was on the edge of their site while they were having the genetic cloning process explained to them.