What's the Scariest movie you've ever seen?


Labrynth. Because of David Bowie's package. But if I had to give a legit answer...

2001: A Space Odyssey.

2001: A Space Odyssey.
Well, if you ask me I don't think that 2001: A Space Oddyssey is scary in an usual way. It doesn't make you frightened by pop-up faces or suspense. The cosmos itself is pretty scary. Why? Because in this movie it is but a void. An endless, limitless void. Another horrific aspect is this computer-red-dot-machine which obviously is inhumane. It shall never overlook any mistake, shall never forgive and will do everything to complete the task.

Well, if you ask me I don't think that 2001: A Space Oddyssey is scary in an usual way. It doesn't make you frightened by pop-up faces or suspense. The cosmos itself is pretty scary. Why? Because in this movie it is but a void. An endless, limitless void. Another horrific aspect is this computer-red-dot-machine which obviously is inhumane. It shall never overlook any mistake, shall never forgive and will do everything to complete the task.
Well said. Also the fact that the main character who's emotionless throughout the whole film is only ever bothered by HAL bothers me as well. Like... if he's scared then that's a pretty good reason for me to be scared as well.

Some scenes in the hills have eyes freaked me out when the mutant guy drank milk from the womens breast that was so freaky

I would have to say Ringu ( The japanese version of the Ring )
Samara is much scarier as a japanese women than american TBH
Worth a look anyways
A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti.
- The Silence of the Lambs

28 Days Later is one of the scariest movies I've ever seen. Realistic and fast-paced, sort of a scary action-thriller.

The Thing is scary, and has an awesome cast and FX.

The Ring scared me. People seem to hate on it but I think it's a great remake, at least the equal of Ringu. I also felt The Grudge was pretty scary too, though not as much as The Ring was for me.

The Sixth Sense has some very intense and scary parts. Although people usually focus on the twist ending, it's a very effective horror movie throughout.

The Descent was also very scary. The sequel was actually done pretty well but it wasn't nearly as scary for me.

The original One Missed Call was scary, especially the elevator scene and the hospital scene.

The first Nightmare on Elm Street was scary.

....Session 9, The Crazies remake, Scream, Poltergeist 1 & 2 all contain some of the most effectively chilling stuff I've seen in films.
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

Oh, but if I had to pick the one movie that scared me the most, I would say the original Night of the Living Dead frightened the hell out of me when I was a kid.

The movie which scared me for it's suddenly popping out disgusting creatures was The Grudge but I just can't stand that movie.It's a cheap horror. :P
The most artistic and scary movie for me is The Shining.It's creepy right from the start to the very end.

This is quite a moment from the original Black Christmas, quite a moment indeed.

Also 'a zombie at the window' scene from Italian flick The Gates of Hell scared me sheitless as a kiddo, not too dissimilar form that in 28 days later.

Most movies dont scare me anymore, but when I was a kid about 11 or 12, I saw one called Unknown Island that scared the crap out of me. For a long time after that I would dream of dinosaurs coming through the wall in my room.

In The Gates of Hell, also having another more well known name given...It wasn't simply the scene of the zombie at the window, but it was the fact that it was the older sister of the kiddo who saw it, along with someone saying something to the effect of 'That isn't your sister anymore'; The biblical/demonic happenings in this film drew more fear with these details, as it was then not simply a zombie. Watching 'Rec' recently didn't scare me near as much, but then again I was very young and I've seen and heard much since.

I believe my first horror, only tiny tiny, first movie memories really were of The Exorcist. Talk about fear, going behind the couch, peeking, trembling even; it even gave me problem on the shitter, I thought she was going to bite my arse off, this was tide into my fear of the deep-end in our pool, cause obviously Jaws must be there. Perhaps I was even old enough after a few years to realize how so greatly irrational it all was, it was part impulsive due to the intitual and tremendous fear of the films, and also part because I enjoyed the sensation of fear.