Who will take on Obama in 2012?


Keep on Rockin in the Free World
" Fear mongering " ? Iran's been actively working on producing a nuke for at least the last 6 years. According to published Mossad sources, they are less than two years away from achieving their goal. Even Mossad's X-chief admitted as much recently on 60 minutes ( and he does not want Israel to act on this now nor act on it prematurely ).
Wasn't it Ahmadedijan himself that confirmed that Iran is developing nuklear power ( for peacefull/energy purposes ).
But that very same individual appeared in front of the United Nations a little over a year a go and said that once Iran aquires nuklear capability Israel will cease to exist.
So what if Iran has been actively looking to aquire Nuclear capability? Thats a good thing not a bad thing. If they have nukes, there will be no war.

And if there is, if Israel ceases to exist (which is true now anyway, afterall they are illegally occupying atm)..then what will happen? Oh thats right, America will launch a zillion missiles their way, Judgement Day will have arrived, and since 80 percent of American are Christians as i understand things, they will be greeted into heaven by their lord and saviour.

So again, whats the big deal?
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

I think philosophers like you need to be awakened by real events.
I would propose a meeting with the families of Iranian nuklear physisists that have been eliminated by the Mossad in the past two years.
You can tell them all about " fear mongering " and Iran's lack of nuklear program.

On the other note, it surprises me that you don't see the difference between the government mandating you do something and the government automaticaly doing it for you. In either case, you got no say.
That's not what a democrasy is all about and ours is supposed to be a democracy.

So what if Iran has been actively looking to aquire Nuclear capability? Thats a good thing not a bad thing. If they have nukes, there will be no war.

And if there is, if Israel ceases to exist (which is true now anyway, afterall they are illegally occupying atm)..then what will happen? Oh thats right, America will launch a zillion missiles their way, Judgement Day will have arrived, and since 80 percent of American are Christians as i understand things, they will be greeted into heaven by their lord and saviour.

So again, whats the big deal?
Where would we be without satire?

I think philosophers like you need to be awakened by real events.
I would propose a meeting with the families of Iranian nuklear physisists that have been eliminated by the Mossad in the past two years.
You can tell them all about " fear mongering " and Iran's lack of nuklear program.

On the other note, it surprises me that you don't see the difference between the government mandating you do something and the government automaticaly doing it for you. In either case, you got no say.
That's not what a democrasy is all about and ours is supposed to be a democracy.
And I'm surprised that you so loosely label something as "socialized," when you mean "authoritarian," which is what a mandate on buying PRIVATE goods or services is. Since you bring up Democracy, that's what Marxism is on a social scale. I do see the difference, you can't seem to, if funds are pooled for medical treatment, that is Socialism, if you are forced to buy private insurance, that is Authoritarianism. If someone can't afford to buy insurance under Socialism, it's already available to them, if they can't under Authoritarianism, they get fined. Also, "not having a say" about the exact taxes you pay equaling Socialism essentially renders all socities Socialist. It's not like you can fill out a form like; "Yeah, I'll donate to the defense funding, medical research etc. . . " This isn't that hard.

...uh the post is up there...

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
I think philosophers like you need to be awakened by real events.
I would propose a meeting with the families of Iranian nuklear physisists that have been eliminated by the Mossad in the past two years.
You can tell them all about " fear mongering " and Iran's lack of nuklear program.

On the other note, it surprises me that you don't see the difference between the government mandating you do something and the government automaticaly doing it for you. In either case, you got no say.
That's not what a democrasy is all about and ours is supposed to be a democracy.
I'll say it again, and you can read it slowly.

I Don't care if Iran has nukes. If anything, i'm happy.

And I'm surprised that you so loosely label something as "socialized," when you mean "authoritarian," which is what a mandate on buying PRIVATE goods or services is. Since you bring up Democracy, that's what Marxism is on a social scale.
So high on Marxism, but Karl Marx concept was not even an original one. For your edification, the priciple that Marxism was based on ie. " to work as hard as you can for the collective good and have the collective good take care of your needs " originated in first tribal societies. As we got more populated and complicated, it became impossible to stick to the original concept.
In the early twentieth century the populace became disenchanted with royalty ruling them, so they rallied under the Marxist banner, hoping for less government domination, more equality and a better life.
The Soviets overthrew their Czar and Lenin came to power and communism took over Russia. The idea of Marxism flourished for a few years, Lenin got sick and a power struggle took place in his own rulin party. Stalin emerged victorious and turned Marxism into communist dictatorship, along the way killing 20 million of his own people. And that's all she wrote.
Continue dreaming about Marxism. In essence it's an anti-thesis to human nature - the need for individuality and individual prosperity.
I don't want to go back in time, certainly not to the time of total government domination, which in all practicality Marxism , brief as it was, turned out to be.

So high on Marxism, but Karl Marx concept was not even an original one. For your edification, the priciple that Marxism was based on ie. " to work as hard as you can for the collective good and have the collective good take care of your needs " originated in first tribal societies. As we got more populated and complicated, it became impossible to stick to the original concept.
In the early twentieth century the populace became disenchanted with royalty ruling them, so they rallied under the Marxist banner, hoping for less government domination, more equality and a better life.
The Soviets overthrew their Czar and Lenin came to power and communism took over Russia. The idea of Marxism flourished for a few years, Lenin got sick and a power struggle took place in his own rulin party. Stalin emerged victorious and turned Marxism into communist dictatorship, along the way killing 20 million of his own people. And that's all she wrote.
Continue dreaming about Marxism. In essence it's an anti-thesis to human nature - the need for individuality and individual prosperity.
I don't want to go back in time, certainly not to the time of total government domination, which in all practicality Marxism , brief as it was, turned out to be.
I added to my previous post, explaining how you were incorrect in your classification. As far as the USSR, as you have stated earlier it was more of a quasi fascist nation, which loosely followed Marx's writings. Also, I find it telling that you have no issue with war being waged under false pretense, because the leader of the country isn't so nice. The world's full of them, why not go after North Korea, China, and a whole host of other countries that aren't so nice under false pretense as well?

I'll say it again, and you can read it slowly.

I Don't care if Iran has nukes. If anything, i'm happy.
Cool, don't worry, be happy for the few short years you have left or do you think that perhaps Manitoba has some magic umbrella saving it from the radiation fallout.
At first I thought you were joking, but now sadly I realize, you are just misinformed.
Don't mind me, I'm just another paranoid who dwells in not too far away atomic shelters.

Cool, don't worry, be happy for the few short years you have left or do you think that perhaps Manitoba has some magic umbrella saving it from the radiation fallout.
At first I thought you were joking, but now sadly I realize, you are just misinformed.
Don't mind me, I'm just another paranoid who dwells in not too far away atomic shelters.
Must have been there since August 2006, when we were supposedly in dire danger.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
Cool, don't worry, be happy for the few short years you have left or do you think that perhaps Manitoba has some magic umbrella saving it from the radiation fallout.
At first I thought you were joking, but now sadly I realize, you are just misinformed.
Don't mind me, I'm just another paranoid who dwells in not too far away atomic shelters.
Cold war. maybe you heard of it.

Remember the axis of evil speech that Dubya dropped on the people? Well what country did they invade?

The one with zip zero nada weapons of mass destruction, thats who.

Do you think that was a fluke?

edit: by the way, what colour level are you worried?

I added to my previous post, explaining how you were incorrect in your classification. As far as the USSR, as you have stated earlier it was more of a quasi fascist nation, which loosely followed Marx's writings. Also, I find it telling that you have no issue with war being waged under false pretense, because the leader of the country isn't so nice. The world's full of them, why not go after North Korea, China, and a whole host of other countries that aren't so nice under false pretense as well?
Hmmm... Actually Mr. Hu is probably the most progressive leader China has ever had and I wish he'd stay on a bit longer. Sadly though, I think he will soon be replaced by a much more controling guy.
Gadaffi had similiar aspirations as Saddam but Reagan put a quick end to that.
It's not that Saddam wasn't a nice guy, he wasn't, it was his idea of expansion- Kuwait, Iran, Syria, Lebanon ( I know, all far fetched theories ) that made him a real threat.
As far as North Korea goes, sure we'd love nothing more than to topple that dictatorship. The problem is China, who would never stand for US being right on it's borders.

Hmmm... Actually Mr. Hu is probably the most progressive leader China has ever had and I wish he'd stay on a bit longer. Sadly though, I think he will soon be replaced by a much more controling guy.
Gadaffi had similiar aspirations as Saddam but Reagan put a quick end to that.
It's not that Saddam wasn't a nice guy, he wasn't, it was his idea of expansion- Kuwait, Iran, Syria, Lebanon ( I know, all far fetched theories ) that made him a real threat.
As far as North Korea goes, sure we'd love nothing more than to topple that dictatorship. The problem is China, who would never stand for US being right on it's borders.
So, if that required telling Americans that these countries were an immediate threat based on no evidence, you would be fine with that?

edit: by the way, what colour level are you worried?
Who, me, worried? Whatever makes you think that. I don't worry, I do.
Whatever it takes, whatever makes me happy ( and hopefully doesn't hurt someone else in the process ).

Reality is a b..ch and then you divorce one. Life goes on. Peace!

So, if that required telling Americans that these countries were an immediate threat based on no evidence, you would be fine with that?
Do you read history? How many wars have been started for less qualifying reasons? This idea that we are all one is a bunch of contoling B.S.
News flash. We are not all one and we have different interests. When everything is said and done there are the victors and the vanquished and it's the victors who write history and enjoy the spoils.
Of all the victorious countries in history, America has been the most gracious in victory and that's why it deserves special consideration.
If you are not American, you can only envy it, if you are, you can love it or leave it.

Do you read history? How many wars have been started for less qualifying reasons? This idea that we are all one is a bunch of contoling B.S.
News flash. We are not all one and we have different interests. When everything is said and done there are the victors and the vanquished and it's the victors who write history and enjoy the spoils.
Of all the vitorious countries in history, America has been the most gracious in victory and that's why it deserves special consideration.
If you are not American, you can only envy it, if you are, you can love it or leave it.
The fact that wars have been initiated for petty and in some cases material reasons, justifies manipulating the public into supporting military action? So, you seem to advocate for a ruling class that has sole say in military actions, and that America's actions towards other soverign nations are inherently justified because of our military prowess and wealth, you realize that sounds a bit like fascism.

So, if that required telling Americans that these countries were an immediate threat based on no evidence, you would be fine with that?
Oh, and I guess Saddam's invasion of Kuwait never happened. That's why you don't consider it evidence.

Oh, and I guess Saddam's invasion of Kuwait never happened. That's why you don't consider it evidence.
We did engage him and stopped him. So we decided to retaliate in 2003 for an invasion that occurred in 1991 and we stopped? What logic are you operating under? Any excuse to invade Muslim countries?

The fact that wars have been initiated for petty and in some cases material reasons, justifies manipulating the public into supporting military action? So, you seem to advocate for a ruling class that has sole say in military actions, and that America's actions towards other soverign nations are inherently justified because of our military prowess and wealth, you realize that sounds a bit like fascism.
Words and stones......... We didn't get to where we are by being docile.
We also took Germany and Japan out of the ashes and helped them become super powers, whatever the motives.
Now, even in recession, we enjoy a quality of life that's among the top in the world and if we want to keep having it, we have to protect it.
If we become lazy and complacent and ignore threats both from inside and outside, we will end up the same as many gone great civilizations before us.

Words and stones......... We didn't get to where we are by being docile.
We also took Germany and Japan out of the ashes and helped them become super powers, whatever the motives.
Now, even in recession, we enjoy a quality of life that's among the top in the world and if we want to keep having it, we have to protect it.
If we become lazy and complacent and ignore threats both from inside and outside, we will end up the same as many gone great civilizations before us.
Yeah Germany was way too docile, hence why they lost WWII. Might makes right. . . and other pseudo-fascist catchphrases.