Movies & Movie-goers today


This isn't meant to be a pretentious statement or thread. But I do wonder - do you think it's people, individuals, who recognize good movies and collectively put them on their pedestal or is it that people are 'made aware' of what the 'good movies' are and what the 'bad movies' are and just follow suit? I wonder because there are people who of course watch good movies and sometimes go - wow that was overrated but there's always the explanation of them simply wanting to go against the current - what opinion do you have on the subject?

(The reason I ask is every time there are questions about - favorite quotes in movies the usual suspects emerge and it just seems like every bodys just watching and adoring the same stuff EVEN THOUGH people are meant to be different, how is it on something as SPECIFIC as favorite quotes we somehow all agree on a certain set of texts?)

Some good points made.

I think it's all of the above.

If a film is genuinely good... people will individually put them on a pedestal, making the film successful in money and notability. The voice of the majority tends to be correct (apart from Twilight and Harry Potter).

There are also others that will follow suit and say it's good to fit in with the populous, rather than making their own mind up.
More than likely through some sort of fear of being persecuted by the populous who enjoyed the film.

Others will watch a film and make up their own mind about it being overrated and it's a genuine thought on their behalf, they genuinely didn't like the film that the populous enjoyed...

... but then there are others who will actually slam a movie solely to be different.
They probably like the film, but just decide to have a rebellious streak about it. Sometimes it's down to a certain actor in the movie or something trivial, sometimes they just want to be different and start an argument.

There's so many factors to take in with the audience mentality. Not just about movies either. It happens with all 'in' things. Music, TV, all that.

I mean, I can't stand Harry Potter at all, yet it's the most successful franchise going... the other end of the spectrum is that I love Alien 3 just as much as (maybe a little bit more than) the first two Alien films. This is a genuine mentality of mine, and I've been ribbed by some of the MoFos on this forum for my choices but hey, it's my taste.

It's an interesting subject, but there's my thoughts.

I think that marketing plays a bigger roll in society today than it ever has and most people aren't even aware of it's affect on them. People go and see a movie because it has a big marketing budget more than because it is a great film. This is the same when it comes to food choice, TV programs, toys for our kids and sadly (mostly) the politicians we vote for.

However, there is also the aspect of taste. I would rather watch a low budget film with a well thought out story line and deep character development than a $100 million dollar shallow blockbuster that has no real plot but is full of great special effects.

What I am saying is that most people go with the flow and see the films put before them rather than exploring and finding the great films that never made it to mainstream.