Movies you regret seeing


I completely understand, but I can't help still disliking the movie. In the first place, I'm not a huge fan of Science fiction. For that reason, I'm usually very critical about those types of movies. I didn't find it interesting, and I still regret watching it. Honestly, I just prefer foreign films with less drama and a bit more meaning to them. Again, that's just my opinion and I just really don't like Science Fiction. And Super 8 was, in my opinion, a little silly. I wasn't impressed with the actors and actresses. I don't really like child casts because the acting is never as good as I'd like it to be. The plot of the movie was a little obvious. There weren't any twists and overall it felt like a cliché.

Whoops, silly me, missed the post where you explained Super 8.
Okay, well, I thought the casting worked really well. The character archetypes they set up with the main protagonists fit quite well in the less modern setting, and the actors portrayed them more than adequately; I was a little reminded of Stand By Me (which is a favourite movie of mine,) in the chemistry the characters shared and the rash, childish personalities that were contrasted against the very serious and very real dangers of the movie. I guess if you didn't really like the acting I can't argue that, but I never found any problems with it. Like I said, I thought the interacted very well with each other, and their delivery never had me questioning their abilities as actors. I think there exist very talented child actors, and those in this movie exhibited that very well. When I read reviews of Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, a lot of people criticize that movie's main protagonist as being rather bland and without many defining personality traits. Personally I disagree with that (since the character is meant to be autistic and those WERE essentially his personality traits,) but I do see where they are coming from. In that case, the actor is rather condemned to those sort of criticisms through the writing, but in Super 8, the characters are very much alive and active, with a very high-energy environment to keep them going. I'm not saying that covers up or excuses bad acting, because if anything, that sort of script does more to bring out a poor actor, but in this case, they really shined and had me following and relating to them throughout the story. As for the plot being obvious, I have to disagree again. Did you really see aliens coming? And crazy puzzle-piece spaceships? No man. No you didn't. Don't even lie about that. All of that, the setting, and the theme all sort of contributed to the cliché aspect of it, but I think that's what made it so charming as opposed to dragging it down. If you don't like sci-fi flicks, I can't fault you for that, but as far as they go, Super 8 was pretty aaalright.

All good points. Maybe the acting wasn't SO bad, but the script was... So it made the acting seem worse by default. And I didn't really predict the exact events, but it was quite clear that we were going to get a "happy ending" with all of the kids learning an important and cheesy lesson. I just don't like Science Fiction or Tom Hanks. Can't help it

Again, I thought the script was well done. The protagonists were quirky enough for them to be interesting, but real enough that it didn't shove the humour down your throat. They were all driven by something; the movie, the girl, Charles' mother, etc. In the end it all worked out for them, sure, but I don't think that automatically makes it cheesy. To be honest, I'm not even sure ALL of them ended up with a lesson. Charles did that thing where he let go of the pendant he had with the picture of him and his mother, symbolizing that he was willing to move on from her death to develop a more full relationship with his father, but I thought it was tactfully done, and I remember it inciting emotion in me. If there was one thing that was cheesy, it was when the alien telepathically communicated with that one character. That was... eh. In the back of my mind I was hoping it would end up like the alien autopsy scene from Independence Day, culminating in the little boy being ripped to shreds by the alien. But I digress: it wasn't the worst thing they could have done, and I'm glad they went out of their way to personify the alien that little bit when he let the boy live. But like I said before, it's true, if you don't like sci-fi, you're probably not going to like Super 8. And I'll have you know, Tom Hanks' filthiness adds to his charm.

lesbian vampire killers, piece of ****

I didn't particularly enjoy watching The Other Guys.

I didn't like The Other Guys either! Recently, Will Ferrell's movies haven't been that great... Zoolander, Elf and Anchorman are classics... but Land of the Lost and The Other Guys weren't very good.
Forever bitter because my friend wouldn't help me with the dunk tank! So hurt.

What about step brothers?

Actually, I really disliked Step Brothers! I love Will Ferrell. I think he is hilarious!!!!!!!! But Step Brothers was so disappointing... His jokes are usually clever and silly... but the jokes in Step Brothers were just vulgar. I could only watch 10 minutes of the movie and then I had to turn it off. Normally, I wouldn't be so upset about the quality of the movie, but I was just so shocked that Will Ferrell would play a role like that.

But Step Brothers was so disappointing... His jokes are usually clever and silly... but the jokes in Step Brothers were just vulgar.
I'm no Film expect, far from it! I think that was the point of the movie, being vulgar and juvenile. I could be wrong?

You are certainly right about that! I just thought that being so over the top vulgar isn't usually Will Ferrell's style. Some of his movies can be a little vulgar, but not to the point where it's the only thing you notice. For that reason, I didn't like the movie. Although, I certainly agree that it was intended to be juvenile.

I didn't like The Other Guys either! Recently, Will Ferrell's movies haven't been that great... Zoolander, Elf and Anchorman are classics... but Land of the Lost and The Other Guys weren't very good.

I agree! I saw parts of Land of The Lost but it couldn't keep my attention.

You are certainly right about that! I just thought that being so over the top vulgar isn't usually Will Ferrell's style. Some of his movies can be a little vulgar, but not to the point where it's the only thing you notice. For that reason, I didn't like the movie. Although, I certainly agree that it was intended to be juvenile.

I actually really liked that movie which is very surprising because I'm normally not amused by that stuff.

When I saw Titanic, i thought it's the worst movie i've seen.

Then I saw Twilight.
10 kinds of people on Facebook

Never ever ever ever ever ever again!!!@!@!

Lmao! Thats a classic, your crazy!

I didn't particularly enjoy watching The Other Guys.
I for one actually believe the other guys is one of the best comedies ever made. It is the only film I went to the theater more then once to see. I'd say it's "The Hangover" of 2010, and off topic but "Horrible Bosses" would be the "Hangover" of 2011.

Not as in similar plots or anything just on same comedy level
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

I for one actually believe the other guys is one of the best comedies ever made. It is the only film I went to the theater more then once to see. I'd say it's "The Hangover" of 2010, and off topic but "Horrible Bosses" would be the "Hangover" of 2011.

Not as in similar plots or anything just on same comedy level

I know a lot of people liked that movie. My boyfriend and his brother and their friends loved watching The Other Guys, I just didn't. Lol.