What young Actress today, will still have solid work in 30 years?


Some of the better opinions I have seen thus far in this thread are Rachel McAdams, Ellen Page, Anna Paquin, Natalie Portman, Kiera Knightly, Abigail Breslin and Carey Mulligan. All talents whom I would very much like to see in future dramatic roles.

Also keep an eye on Gemma Arterton and Freida Pinto.
"Astronomy compels the soul to look upward, and leads us from this world to another" - Plato

When I read the title Rachel McAdams was the name that jumped to mind straight away but im going to say,

Dakota Fanning

Dakota Fanning is going to be applying for food stamps in 30 years.

Don't know how she'll fare in 10 years' time but I would like to see Kiernan Shipka in more diverse roles. Asides her, there's also Emma Watson and Saoirse Ronan. Especially Saoirse, I think we'll be seeing her a lot.

Ten years later, I'm surprised that everyone one thought Kirsten Stewart would have disappeared into obscurity by now.
Not that surprising at the time given people thought she might sink after twilight the same as Pattinson. Ellen Page sadly looks a bit optimistic now though.

I would imagine fame wise Johansson and Portman will remain relevant if they want to be, they've already started moving rather more into "middle aged" roles.

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Priah Ferguson, Erica Sinclair from Stranger Things for certain. I loved her performance from this season she's a trip. There's been a lot of young talent I've been noticing in film and TV but sadly, I can't recall them individually.

Don't know how she'll fare in 10 years' time but I would like to see Kiernan Shipka in more diverse roles. Asides her, there's also Emma Watson and Saoirse Ronan. Especially Saoirse, I think we'll be seeing her a lot.

Totally agree regarding Ronan...helluiva an actress.

Just watched Elle Fanning last night in Woody Allen's A Rainy Day in New York. Fanning is so charming that she should have a long career-- at least as notable as Mary-Louise Parker's.


Kinda wild that this thread is already about 10 years old, so we have a much better idea which of these replies are looking likely to be correct.