Movie Theme of the Week!


I was born in 1950
I am going with a few starting with


Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
well, the dude's pretty young. give him a break.
you ain't whistlen dixie there, I'm wearing a Blue Jays world series T-shirt i bought in 93'.

hey look another grey hair.

"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

you ain't whistlen dixie there, I'm wearing a Blue Jays world series T-shirt i bought in 93'.

hey look another grey hair.

Dex, what'd I tell ya? Remember that time you discussed your old underwear and I told you to buy yourself some new pairs (I totally forgot all about it until just now, but then it just randomly popped into my head after all this time -- your old underwear -- it happens.)


That reminds me. I actually have a Niagara Falls, Canada t-shirt that says 1997 on it -- that was the year I went to Canada. Sexy Canadian.

I simply wanted to alert him to the fact that he hotlinked from the wrong site.
Whoops just noticed the hotlink

Anyways its Men in Black
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
okay, Sexy, i was determined to find you some more films since you said there wasn't anything much you liked from '83.

Videodrome -i remember you quite liking this in your review thread

The Outsiders

look at all the lovely eye candy!

The Evil Dead

Twilight Zone: The Movie

If I had a steak, I would f**k it!
okay, Sexy, i was determined to find you some more films since you said there wasn't anything much you liked from '83.

Videodrome -i remember you quite liking this in your review thread

The Outsiders

look at all the lovely eye candy!

The Evil Dead

Twilight Zone: The Movie
I know I was born 13 yrs. later, but the outsiders are still my homies!

okay, Sexy, i was determined to find you some more films since you said there wasn't anything much you liked from '83.
Thank you.

Originally Posted by ash_is_the_gal
Videodrome -i remember you quite liking this in your review thread
Almost went with an avatar from it, but wasn't feeling Videodromish.

Originally Posted by ash
The Outsiders

look at all the lovely eye candy!
Ooooh, Emilio Estevez. Gonna go back to my birth year and rip off your Mickey Mouse shirt.

Originally Posted by ash
The Evil Dead
Meh. Never cared much for this series.

Originally Posted by ash
Twilight Zone: The Movie
Never saw it. Didn't a famous actor die during the making of it?

Out of all the movies I've mentioned coming close to using, this was the closest. Could not get the avatar to look right.

Originally Posted by Dex
Thought about using it, too. Good movie.

Originally Posted by Dex
The hell is this?

Originally Posted by Dex
Never thought Andrew McCarthy could be hot until I saw this poster. Maybe I should see the movie.

Originally Posted by Dex
I actually like European Vacation more. But this isn't bad.

Never saw it. Didn't a famous actor die during the making of it?
That would be Vic Morrow, according to a quick Wikipedia search. Its not worth watching, either, even if you're a fan of the series. Actually, its not worth watching especially if you're a fan of the series.

That would be Vic Morrow. Its not worth watching, either, even if you're a fan of the series. Actually, its not worth watching especially if you're a fan of the series.
It was nothing special, but tolerable. I liked the introductory teaser best.

Sexy, The Right Stuff was from 1983.
Rented that (from a library). Never got around to watching it.

Also: WarGames.
I know you're all just trying to get me to see 1983 more positively, but really, is my Scarface avatar bad? Do I look like I just came out of the dressing room closest to the clearance rack at the Retro 80's Avatar Dress Shop or something? Did you catch me as I tried to maneuver over to the rest of y'all by the Hot Items! shelf, trying to appear "with it"? Well, fine, I admit it: This Scarface avatar only cost me 83¢. Special "Year of Release" discount. Sorry -- I thought the homeless bum look was in this year. Maybe it was last year. Or the year before that... I don't know where I'm going with this, so I'll just shut up.