Is Osama really wrong?


Philosophically speaking?

Here's what he believes:

1). A man should wear some really rather swanky robes. Covers up the spare tire, comfy and effortless... no problem there.

2). Women should be subservient. Guys just imagine your girl bowing to your every command, no more mouthiness!

3). As many wives, women as you can handle! Bring 'em on home!

WAR! What are we fightin' for?


damn it where is the country where the wife can have MANY husbands....
it's better to have loved and lost
than to live with the psycho
for the rest of your life

I See You When You're Sleeping
Toose, of sirness. Imagine having too ,many wives that you can no longer get into your home as they are packed to the walls. I don't think it's a good idea, unless you store some in a garage or maybe put them in the bank - I don't know, I'm only male.

Originally posted by Sir Toose
that's against nature... sorry, being Adam has it's privelidges

now thats just fu**ed up.
I want a differnat di** in every room.....if you can do many I can too damn it..
fair is fu**ing (literally) fair!

me thinky this was a bad thread to start Toose I see many a bad posts "COMING"

Originally posted by miniontv
Toose, of sirness. Imagine having too ,many wives that you can no longer get into your home as they are packed to the walls. I don't think it's a good idea, unless you store some in a garage or maybe put them in the bank - I don't know, I'm only male.
Yeah, but YOU are GOD's representative to them.. GOD in the flesh. they cannot cross you, they must worship you!

now thats just fu**ed up.
I want a differnat di** in every room.....if you can do many I can too damn it..
fair is fu**ing (literally) fair!

me thinky this was a bad thread to start Toose I see many a bad posts "COMING"
Nope...under Osama's laws you have no rights! I have concluded that it must be the women of the free world who are goading their men into this war. It's only bad for them... the guys are just doing it out of a sense of familiarity of doing what their wives/mates tell them

No harems fro you, ARE the harem! Allah has spoken!

Originally posted by Sir Toose

Yeah, but YOU are GOD's representative to them.. GOD in the flesh. they cannot cross you, they must worship you!

Are you serious...........

~ Nikki ~

"I'm your hell, I'm your dream.......I'm nothing in between.......You know you wouldn't want it any other way".........

"Listen, when I slap you, you'll take it and like it"..........Humphrey Bogart..........Maltese Falcon.......

Graze on my lips and if those hills be dry, stray lower, where the pleasant fountains lie...........William Shakespeare.......

I See You When You're Sleeping
Originally posted by Sir Toose

Yeah, but YOU are GOD's representative to them.. GOD in the flesh. they cannot cross you, they must worship you!
yes, it's seems clear...but still needs further clarification. What about hermaphrodites who have both male and female sexual organs? Must they marry themselves, or be ordered by themselves?

This thread troubles me. In the words of the teminator

"I see now why you cry" with a thumbs up.....

Hmmm… okay

1). A man should wear some really rather swanky robes. Covers up the spare tire, comfy and effortless... no problem there.

Men might be more comfortable in their housecoats all day but then again, that would depend on what you’re doing… long skirts can get tangled up around your legs and cause a few problems… ever try to ride a motor-cycle in a long dress…

2). Women should be subservient. Guys just imagine your girl bowing to your every command, no more mouthiness!

I’m sure the fantasy of subservient women can be very inviting to some males but on closer examination, let’s see what exactly that would mean under Osama’s rules… Women would only be allowed to wear the burka because they are considered such sexual creatures they can not control themselves and are in danger of “jumping” every male who comes along… I’m not sure how covering the women up stops this because she can still see out of those little slits but the men have no idea what “she” even looks like… makes you wonder who can’t control what, doesn’t it… ... anyway, you can forget about checking out the babe at the local mall guys… they all look the same…. Women aren’t allowed to voice an opinion either so dudes, the heats on you and if a mistake is made, guess who has to take the blame…all the blame... ... And Osama doesn’t allow women to work either so you can scratch that jet ski you were planning on buying… you’d look pretty silly riding it in your housecoat anyway…. and since Osama doesn’t believe in letting women go to school to even learn reading, writing, and arithmetic… the guys will have to take time out of their Lazyboy to work on the household accounts… Oh… and I almost forgot… since women aren’t allowed to leave the house either unless they have a male relative or their husband with them… guess what guys… you’re going shopping…

3). As many wives, women as you can handle! Bring 'em on home!

All the females you can handle… bring ’em home huh… and Bin Laden lives in a cave with men… why?

WAR! What are we fightin' for?

Hope for the future…
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Originally posted by miniontv
What about hermaphrodites who have both male and female sexual organs? Must they marry themselves, or be ordered by themselves? .....
Hmm, you think like me! I always thought it would be funny if a hermaphrodite married him/herself. Imagine the half wedding dress/tuxedo it would wear. "I now pronounce you man and wife... (pastor holds up mirror) You may kiss yourself."

BTW, I have heard of women who had more than one husband. In fact, if I was the Osama of this country, I'd allow it.

hmmm, I'm not sure what to say about this subject but in the meantime......

*violet smacks minion for his insubordinance *

Her Violet Eye, are you the girlfriend of Minion's that we took a poll on?

Yes !! I thought everybody knew. hmm, you voted no....

Men might be more comfortable in their housecoats all day but then again, that would depend on what you’re doing… long skirts can get tangled up around your legs and cause a few problems… ever try to ride a motor-cycle in a long dress…
One simply has to put a woman in a side car to hold the skirts out of the way… see why I get paid to think?

I’m sure the fantasy of subservient women can be very inviting to some males but on closer examination, let’s see what exactly that would mean under Osama’s rules… Women would only be allowed to wear the burka because they are considered such sexual creatures they can not control themselves and are in danger of “jumping” every male who comes along… I’m not sure how covering the women up stops this because she can still see out of those little slits but the men have no idea what “she” even looks like…

I see your point… I’ll have to tie mine up

Women aren’t allowed to voice an opinion either so dudes, the heats on you and if a mistake is made, guess who has to take the blame…all the blame... ...

ONE thing that won’t change

And Osama doesn’t allow women to work either so you can scratch that jet ski you were planning on buying… you’d look pretty silly riding it in your housecoat anyway…. and since Osama doesn’t believe in letting women go to school to even learn reading, writing, and arithmetic… the guys will have to take time out of their Lazyboy to work on the household accounts… Oh… and I almost forgot… since women aren’t allowed to leave the house either unless they have a male relative or their husband with them… guess what guys… you’re going shopping…

[i]Why Caitlyn, you’ve married\been courted by the wrong kind of guy! I’d let my harem learn, smart women are sexy! They just won’t be allowed to use it against me All that other is humbug, you willful sprite. You will spend time in the stockades.

All the females you can handle… bring ’em home huh… and Bin Laden lives in a cave with men… why?
Conversation, women can’t hold a decent one so he has to get his other head off.

Hope for the future…
Obviously I’m poking a little fun here and I hope you can see my tongue firmly implanted in my cheek. I heard a radio show where a guy was defending the lifestyle…but he wasn’t joking and I thought it was a scream. It’d be even funnier if someone put a bullet in his head though.

Prince Of All Saiyans
Originally posted by miniontv
Toose, of sirness. Imagine having too ,many wives that you can no longer get into your home as they are packed to the walls. I don't think it's a good idea, unless you store some in a garage or maybe put them in the bank - I don't know, I'm only male.
Not to mention all of them having their period on or around the same time, God only knows what Bin Laden must go through when a case of multiple PMS sets in. Maybe his wives will wind up killing him!
And BTW, Film Fr3ak, the country you're looking for is Utah..a man can have as many wives as he wants there, only one catch, you have to be a Mormon...