Favorite Visually-beautiful films


Pitch Black, I saw this at the cinema and the visuals were sublime, just upgraded my dvd of the film to blu ray. It's mostly the filters and use of colour. It was incredibly bright in the cinema during the daylight scenes, really gave the planet they crash landed on a brilliant atmosphere.

Mmmhmm, completely agree. Underrated film with underrated photography. Absolutely beautiful to watch.

I like the visual looks of films by Wally Pfister and of course Roger Deakins. Love the look of Memento. Subtle yet stylish. The cool blues of Leonard's motel and inky blacks just gives off this vibe that's a little too hard to put into words right now. It's just an effective use of colour schemes. The wonderfully lit scenes of the motel room also compliment Patti Podesta's simple yet nice production design. The objective scenes in which Leonard is alone with his thoughts in the motel room has some of the best use of black and white I have ever seen as well as excellent use of camera shots. It's like a more prettier survelliance sequence or something. The exterior shots of the subjective colour scenes definitely give this cooler breezier feel to California than most films set there.

I've noticed that Nolan/Pfister has made use of silhouette's in many of his films, specifically silhouette's in hallways or narrow exteriors (Dormer trying to get rid of evidence in Insomnia, the shot of Leonard slowly walking his way to 'create a case he cannot solve' in the abandoned werehouse in Memento, Cobb getting stuck between to walls in Inception. These are minor observations but he has used them a good few times now so I thought it was worth pointing out.

meatwadsprite - apologies. I think I accidentally clicked negative reputation on your post. Still getting used to the system.

I'll add a few more...

True Grit (2010)

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
Wow I can't believe I forgot about Pitch Black, that is one of my favorite movies, and just in my opinion the only good thing that Vin Diesel has ever made.

Chicks dig Lord of the Rings, Randal
One of the more recent ones I've watched that comes to mind is Tetro, absolutely gorgeous!
"I know, honey. Look at the map. We go your way, that's about four inches. We go my way, it's an inch and a half. You wanna pay for the extra gas?"

Anarchist within reason
Lord of The Rings
Saving Private Ryan
Blade Runner
If at his council I should turn aside, Into that ominous tract which all agree, Hides the Dark Tower. Yet aquiescingly I did turn as he pointed, neither pride nor hope at the end descried, so much as gladness that some end might be.

Robert Browning 'Childe Roland to The Dark Tower Came'

Wall-E is the most stunningly visually-beautiful film ever made...i am sure in this statament 100 percent.

What Dreams May Come, Paprika, and, from Kurosawa, Sanjuro.
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The Red Shoes

Black Narcissus

Black Swan (for the creepy factor)

Hunchback of Notre Dame (Disney. There are some nice scenes there and the architecture is stunning)
American Beauty (iconic motif)
The English Patient (not my fave film but aesthetically beautiful)
Lost in Translation (nice urban shots of Japan without being flashy)
Schindler's List (great use of black and white)
Girl With A Pearl Earring (perhaps lost something dramatically but I love how the cinematography is meant to look like a Vermeer painting)

I have more and might even put up some screen shots later!
You cannot have it both ways. A dancer who relies upon the doubtful comforts of human love can never be a great dancer. Never. (The Red Shoes, 1948)

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
I just watched The Cell last night and I haven't seen it in years so I had kinda forgotten about it, after watching it again I think it deffinatly fits in with the Visually Beautiful films.

If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission
I just watched The Cell last night and I haven't seen it in years so I had kinda forgotten about it, after watching it again I think it deffinatly fits in with the Visually Beautiful films.
You are so awesome for mentioning this
"If we choose, we can live in a world of comforting illusion."
- Christopher Nolan

Princess Mononoke was one of the most beautiful animated films I've ever seen. Spirited Away was another.

My personal favorite would probably be The Last Unicorn. It's old, and I'm sure some would call it an inferior animated film compared to others (including the ones I mentioned) but there is just something about it that moves me.

As for live-action, Children Of Men was beautiful to me, in a gritty sort of way. It's one of the best-looking films I've ever seen. Totally immerses you in its sci-fi world.

The Cell is a gorgeous film, I think, though it has some very grotesque and disturbing imagery...and Natural Born Killers too, a film I absolutely love.

And I can't forget 2001: A Space Odyssey.
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

A few more mentions: Pan's Labyrinth, Fight Club, Pleasantville, Wings Of Desire, Legend, The Assassination Of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford, Road To Perdition, Brokeback Mountain, Edward Scissorhands, Interview With The Vampire, Queen Of The Damned, Peter Jackson's King Kong, Hero, The Fifth Element, Apocalypse Now...

Ok I'm done

RIP www.moviejustice.com 2002-2010
Films are art. For sure. Some are beautiful to look at, regardless of narrative or dialogue.

For me the most visually stunning film I have ever seen is Barry Lyndon. Many many others come close, but I'm in awe of Kubrick's film each time I see it more than any other on an asethitic (sp) level. It's been said that a person could take any shot of that film and put it up as a wall painting and I agree with that.

"A candy colored clown!"
Member since Fall 2002
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I watched The Cell and it is one of the most stunning movies i watched about dreams!...almost beautiful as a real dream...other films that are visually great are Hypercube,second part of film Cube,2001 Space Oddity(off-course),Akira,and every Kurosawa movie...Inland Empire by David Lynch is also visually great,but it is creepy a lot,probably eeriest movie ever.