The Godfather Returns & The Godfather's Revenge


Godfather a.k.a Don Tirell
Cant wait I love the Godfather saga I will suporte it rather its good or bad

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
How can anyone even think of remaking The Godfather? The book and movie were brilliant. Leave it alone.
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

Hey lets make it in 3-D! Ooo thatd be kewl!

Hollywood producers should just drink bleach. The amount of millions of dollars pissed away on these insultingly stupid concepts challenge my movie buffdom to its core.

What might seem more plausible is they make a movie on the real life story of Frank Costello who had the most similarities to the Vito Corleone character. They would never make that tasteful leap Im sure, and when hollywood attempts to recreate mobster lore they cast sillyassed prettyboys like Patrick Dempsey in the roles.

This is kind of a suprise to me.As many were made & as long as they were,I thought they would keep the book down.Al pacino beter be in it.I thought they would make another scarface before they would make another godfather lol.Like elvira actualy was prego by toni,has a son & names him antonio jr lol.He finds out what happend to his father & takes revenge on the columbians.Yeah I know it probly won't happen.But it relly wouldn't suprise me anymore.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
I predict they will never make another Godfather movie. This isn't something easy to reboot. It's a character driven story. A reboot would require, what, retelling at leas part of the story? Har! Har!

Godfather a.k.a Don Tirell
Just waching Michal fall over at the end of part 3 made me wonder. I wont to see a part 4 but it haves to made with respect and taest , class and some funess and a blood drope of swagger.If thats done geting a tiket would be an offer I cant refuse

Godfather a.k.a Don Tirell
I would like an ETA on the movie

I would like an ETA on the movie

24 light years from yesterday...

if we're lucky...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Those titles are hilarious. But seriously, if they want to go 'The Godfather' route, just make film adaptations from his other novels (Fools Die, Omerta). I don't see why not *shrug*

I know what you mean.. Its up to Speilberg, Peter Jackson, Michael Bay, Tarintino, Rodriguez, Zack Snyder, and Frank Miller to make those fresh ideas...
Dont forget Christopher Nolan.

Honestly , seeing these being my favourite films , i'd rather they dont remake , reboot or add sequels to these. Why ? The Godfather Story was about one man....Michael Corleone. He died in Part 3 therefore sealing his fate and the fate of the trilogy. Dont remake it , it wont be as good. Dont reboot it. It wont be as good. Just leave it be and be the classic that it is now.