TV Series that once liked


LoraLeigh's Avatar
Movie Fan
Have you ever loved a show years ago, and then you get the series on DVD or you watch the re-runs and then think "why did i ever like this show?", that's what it was like for me the other day when i was watching some re-runs for a show i used to watch back in the early 90's. Some that i loved then, but now i think are really stupid or lame are:

Beverly Hills 90210
Melrose Place
Silk Stalkings
Saved By the Bell
Kids Incorporated

Does anyone have any that they regret watching?

TBF, were you really expecting anything else with that bunch? I was a huge BH 90210 fan, but I wouldn't buy any because I doubt that it'd take more than an episode or two for the novelty to wear off. That said, I think if I jumped into season 2, I'd have a better chance. Seasons 2-4 were the best.

Not really a list of "Why did I watch that?", more a list of programmes I've tried to watch again and failed to connect with, even though I loved them as a kid.

Star Trek
The Dukes Of Hazzard
The A-Team (plus Knight Rider, Street Hawk, Airwolf and all the others)

I'm sure there are others.

I tried to watch an episode of season 1 Buffy recently and it was awful but I loved it as a kid. I also attempted to watch an episode of Men Behaving Badly which I also enjoyed as a teenager but struggled.

I do not regret watching them as kid but they were defintely of there time. I would also throw up the Star Trek franchise these days as well, even though I could not get enough of them as a teenager.

Things date badly over time there is nothing wrong with that. A quick check of your profile Lora says you are 30, did you really exepct to connect with Saved by the Bell at 30?

LoraLeigh's Avatar
Movie Fan
No, but when i watch certain shows or movies today that i liked years ago, i still do remember the feelings that i got from the show and how i enjoyed them then or still do enjoy them now, but with some of the other one's the feeling is not there.

But yeah, some things just don't stay with the times.