What do you think is the Best Star Wars Film?


The Hidden Fortress which is the film it's based is quite a bit better than the series. My vote goes the dark surreal Empire Strikes Back. With it's Snowy Campy begining and then to the take off and than the landing on the flying planet to the amazing fight with the force this film rocks.

ESB. Hands down.

Second favorite ROTJ.

Originally posted by Mary Loquacious

One of the reasons I like it so much is that, of the original trilogy, it's the one with the wall-to-wall action, drama, and romance (and oh my f*cking God, I can't believe I just said it that way, but I can't think of a better way to put it).

Its strength is partially in the fact that it was the second part of a planned trilogy--it didn't have to waste time on set-up, and it didn't have to rush around to an end-of-the-half-hour conclusion. Also, of all the SW movies, it has the snappiest dialogue and the best character development. Not to mention that there are no weak/lame characters (yes, like the Ewoks and Jar Jar). We get the Emperor, we get Lando, we get... YODA , and there you have it. That's why Empire is my favorite.
I'm lazy. You're articulate. It's a perfect marriage.
Everything is destined to reappear as simulation.
Jean Baudrillard
America, 1988

Now With Moveable Parts
Originally posted by Sullivan
I'm lazy. You're articulate. It's a perfect marriage.
He said "marriage"....hee hee!

"And wuv, twue wuv..."
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Originally posted by sadesdrk
He said "marriage"....hee hee!
Yeah, watch out...next thing you know I might be saying "kids".


And this, this is for Commish. This is not the right place to post it but I thought you'd appreciate it, anyway.

Click image for larger version

Name:	yoyoda.jpg
Views:	121
Size:	118.6 KB
ID:	358  

The Future Ed Wood
empire is the best but i have been growing more towards a new hope at the mo. i love in empire when yoda goes berzerk on R2 "mine mine mine" i laugh ever time
Tremble and despair for I am power! - Milamber - Magician

Visit the best film forum on the web http://www.empireonline.co.uk/

this is to all the yoda fans
Attached Images
File Type: bmp yoda.bmp (395.4 KB, 155 views)
Behold Their Coming Back

since f people downloaded my joda here is my storm tropper
Attached Images
File Type: bmp storm tropper.bmp (395.4 KB, 130 views)

RIP www.moviejustice.com 2002-2010
Ever since I was 6 and 7 years old having first seen the star wars movies on pirated vhs and wearing them out to death time and time again, I've always liked the Empire Strikes Back so much more than the others. Probably didn't know why I did, hell I still might not but I can try to offer a few explanations on why I think it is the best one

1. Star Wars: A new Hope will be remembered the most because it was the first. However I think that one thing that sets this back is that the characters reek of the 70s with the hairstyles and everything. I know I know Empire wasn't much far behind in this category but it didn't hit you in the face like a mack truck like it does here.

2. The first star wars, to my disliking plays out like a fairy tale. The good guys always win, the stormtroopers always miss, and the idea that some kid who didn't even know what the force was two days ago, can use it to guide a torpedo down a shaft to destroy the death star is a bit too much. Considered that in ESB he struggles to even use the force to yank the lightsaber out of the ice.

3. The ceremony at the end just seemed to be pathetic oh lets end it happy crap.

4. While A New Hope was very fairy tale like with little emotion, Return of the Jedi seemed to cartoonish. With odd ball characters like Jabba the Hutt and many others in his palace, and then having them killed off by a small rescue mission was asking a lot. Seeing a dude with a fish's head give orders was funny. A bunch of furry little teddy bears being led by a rag tag bunch of rebels, defeating the galatic empire the strongest force in the galaxy with sticks, stones, and ropes against lasers, cannons and technology was a joke. Lets face it people.

5. The Empire Strikes Back seemed real with real emotions and situations instead of everything being so distant.
The bad guys didn't win. This may go unoticed alot but there are very few storm troopers in this movie and the one time where there is they aren't portrayed as idiots standing in line waiting to be shot. With the exception of Yoda there are really almost no none-human stupid looking aliens that serve just to add flavor. A flavor that I don't like. The idea for Lando to betray a friend was really cool and the whole trap for Han Solo and Luke Skywalker was pretty bad ass. This is the kind of thing I would except from the galaxy's strongest navy and government. The lightsaber duel is beyond comparison to anything in the old or in the new trilogy.

You know what Im tired of explaning myself, but Empire is the best, oh and another thing George Lucas should stick to writting and technical stuff not directing, this one actually had a decent director.
"A candy colored clown!"
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Personally, I can't get enough of AOTC.

The Anakin character taking the downward spiral is really cool. At 18 I was just like him, impatient, raging... now I'm not impatient.

Anyways... AOTC for me so far.

Jedi stunk. Too many muppets. Empire was the best of the first trilogy.

Only my opinions...don't like em? Bite me.

I love the one when they come down to save Spock. Remember Spock choked that idiot on the bus?
"I know a man who was born with his heart on the outside. Every man's worst fear, he also had heavy hands. he couldn't touch his lovers face, he couldn't hold a baby." - Buck 65

RIP www.moviejustice.com 2002-2010
Originally posted by Travis_Bickle
I love the one when they come down to save Spock. Remember Spock choked that idiot on the bus?
You've either flown over the cukoos nest or suffered a case of .... Daisy...... Daisy.... you drive me ..haaaalfff crrraaaazy.......

I dont hava favorite Star Wars film. I like parts in each film. Like I like some parts in Empire better than some parts in Jedi and I like some parts in Jedi better than in Empire. But essentially, to me atleast, they're all equal. Attack of the Clones fu*kn rocks- though I didnt like the overuse of CGI- ahem, like the fu*kn clowntroopers. Did Lucas think we wouldnt notice that they were CGI? Lazy fu*ker. Phantom Menace was wicked too! I admit Jar Jar had way too much screen time and Maul had less than he should have- but it was totally a kick ass movie. But again- Too much CGI makes the movie look a little cartoony.

I liked A New Hope a lot- but it's probably my least favorite. I respect it because its the first Star Wars movie and all that junk, and its a great movie- but it doesnt have the power that the other films have.

I'll do this anyway.
Favorite to least favorite:

Empire Strikes Back
Attack of the Clones
The Phantom Menace
Return of the Jedi
A New Hope

Originally posted by iluv2viddyfilms
Ever since I was 6 and 7 years old having first seen the star wars movies on pirated vhs and wearing them out to death time and time again, I've always liked the Empire Strikes Back so much more than the others. Probably didn't know why I did, hell I still might not but I can try to offer a few explanations on why I think it is the best one

1. Star Wars: A new Hope will be remembered the most because it was the first. However I think that one thing that sets this back is that the characters reek of the 70s with the hairstyles and everything. I know I know Empire wasn't much far behind in this category but it didn't hit you in the face like a mack truck like it does here.

2. The first star wars, to my disliking plays out like a fairy tale. The good guys always win, the stormtroopers always miss, and the idea that some kid who didn't even know what the force was two days ago, can use it to guide a torpedo down a shaft to destroy the death star is a bit too much. Considered that in ESB he struggles to even use the force to yank the lightsaber out of the ice.

3. The ceremony at the end just seemed to be pathetic oh lets end it happy crap.

4. While A New Hope was very fairy tale like with little emotion, Return of the Jedi seemed to cartoonish. With odd ball characters like Jabba the Hutt and many others in his palace, and then having them killed off by a small rescue mission was asking a lot. Seeing a dude with a fish's head give orders was funny. A bunch of furry little teddy bears being led by a rag tag bunch of rebels, defeating the galatic empire the strongest force in the galaxy with sticks, stones, and ropes against lasers, cannons and technology was a joke. Lets face it people.

5. The Empire Strikes Back seemed real with real emotions and situations instead of everything being so distant.
The bad guys didn't win. This may go unoticed alot but there are very few storm troopers in this movie and the one time where there is they aren't portrayed as idiots standing in line waiting to be shot. With the exception of Yoda there are really almost no none-human stupid looking aliens that serve just to add flavor. A flavor that I don't like. The idea for Lando to betray a friend was really cool and the whole trap for Han Solo and Luke Skywalker was pretty bad ass. This is the kind of thing I would except from the galaxy's strongest navy and government. The lightsaber duel is beyond comparison to anything in the old or in the new trilogy.

You know what Im tired of explaning myself, but Empire is the best, oh and another thing George Lucas should stick to writting and technical stuff not directing, this one actually had a decent director.
I agree. I love Star Wars and Return of the Jedi, but Empire Strikes Back is definately my favorite. I really wish Lucas would STOP directing movies.
One of the biggest myths told is that being intelligent is the absence of the ability to do stupid things.

Registered User
Return Of The Jedi for me

Return of the Jedi ............
~ Nikki ~

"I'm your hell, I'm your dream.......I'm nothing in between.......You know you wouldn't want it any other way".........

"Listen, when I slap you, you'll take it and like it"..........Humphrey Bogart..........Maltese Falcon.......

Graze on my lips and if those hills be dry, stray lower, where the pleasant fountains lie...........William Shakespeare.......

1 A New Hope
2 Attack of the Clones
3 Empire Strikes Back
4 Return of the Jedi
5 The Phantom Menace

Hopefully Episode 3 will be the best of the whole Saga.
When I Die Bury Me Upside Down So The World Can Kiss My A$$.