

In no particular order:

Beer Summit:

Yes it is silly, and that is why it kind of makes me wonder why it even happened. Tax dollars were spent making this happen, and I bet those dollars add up to quite a bit taking in all the costs, so if it is silly why waste money on it? Obama, by his own admission said a pretty "stupid" thing when he called them out (the police) for acting stupidly w/o having any knowledge of what actually happened. OTOH, I understand the reason for jumping the gun, it just should have not been done by the president. He, of all people, should get the facts before spouting off. To say that African Americans have not suffered prejudice from the police in many locations over the years would be a lie, and that I am sure, is why the charges were dropped against this man as they should have been. Take in mind that the arrest was not made because he was breaking into is own house, it was because he was disorderly. Did he have a right to be angry? Probably, was it because he was black? From what I have seen, no. So in closing on this topic: was it silly to have them have a beer get together (it obviously was not a summit)at the capitol? Yes it was silly, one of the many "silly" things the president has done, just add it to the list. Oh yeah, nice touch having Biden show up at the last minute.
I was disappointed that, after making some inroads into improving race relations, when the first minor incident comes down the pike, Obama immediately took the "Oppressed Black Man" stance. And it was a minor incident, too minor to bring up in a press conference and way too minor for a president to respond, especially without full knowledge of the facts. And what was that about "calibrating" his words differently??? A squirm word to cover the fact that he's never admitted he was wrong and never appologized to the policemen he called stupid. As for the beer party, Obama picked up the rescue line the police officer tossed him, hoping it would make him seem like a regular fellow, just an elevated Joe Sixpack. (I was tempted to say it let him pose as "one of the boys," but I don't want to end up at another beer binge photo-op on the White House lawn.)

Just a quick addition to my list: Czars

I want to discuss this in depth and will as time permits, but it is my understanding that these positions hold real power, use tax payer money for salaries, work directly for Obama and answer to no one else. I am not sure if this is true or not as the media seems to skew to the far sides.

Found some more

How thought provoking. . . If only the rest of Obama's detractors put as much effort into their political arguments as they do in Photoshop, then we may well find the economic and energy solutions that have managed to evade us.

How thought provoking. . . If only the rest of Obama's detractors put as much effort into their political arguments as they do in Photoshop, then we may well find the economic and energy solutions that have managed to evade us.
LMFAO.. whatever dude. I just found the pictures funny. If you have a complaint about their photoshopping (which I think is pretty fairly done), why dont you do some and display it on MoFo yourself.

LMFAO.. whatever dude. I just found the pictures funny. If you have a complaint about their photoshopping (which I think is pretty fairly done), why dont you do some and display it on MoFo yourself.
Nothing personal, just kind of getting tired of this kind of stuff, admittedly some of these kinds of things can be clever, but I just think some are juvenile. Even the McCain/Palin ones as well.


Only two major gripes about this. There certainly are more qualified judges out there that hold the same ideals, and - what exactly is her stance on abortion again? I was never really upset about her as a choice, not that I agree with it, but I am certain I would not have agrred with anyone Obama choose, so eh. BTW, congrats to her on her confirmation, I actually mean that.

I am burdened with glorious purpose
I find it fascinating that someone would say they would NEVER agree with someone just because they are of a different political party.

That's the problem with this country today. Everyone has closed their minds to another's point of view.

I'm so angry right now I could spit. So incredibly angry at this country and the people here. (Not at you, 7thson, btw).

I find it fascinating that someone would say they would NEVER agree with someone just because they are of a different political party.

That's the problem with this country today. Everyone has closed their minds to another's point of view.

I'm so angry right now I could spit. So incredibly angry at this country and the people here. (Not at you, 7thson, btw).
It's always been like that, you have the culture and the counter-culture, it's just more obvious today with the 24-hour news networks. Now you have some guy in a suit screaming about how the opposing side is "destroying the nation."

As far as being open to new ideas, well most Democrats weren't "open" with Bush policies, but rather tolerant; such as with the war and wire-tapping.

I am burdened with glorious purpose
It's always been like that, you have the culture and the counter-culture, it's just more obvious today with the 24-hour news networks. Now you have some guy in a suit screaming about how the opposing side is "destroying the nation."

As far as being open to new ideas, well most Democrats weren't "open" with Bush policies, but rather tolerant; such as with the war and wire-tapping.
I will not agree with this. When Bush went into Afghanistan, Democrats thought it was the right thing to do. Having policy differences is not the same as shouting the other side down and knowing you will NEVER agree with anything they do because they are of the other party.

And screaming the other side is "destroying the nation" is quite frankly, destroying the nation. These loud mouths need to stop.

I will not agree with this. When Bush went into Afghanistan, Democrats thought it was the right thing to do. Having policy differences is not the same as shouting the other side down and knowing you will NEVER agree with anything they do because they are of the other party.

And screaming the other side is "destroying the nation" is quite frankly, destroying the nation. These loud mouths need to stop.

I admit, I over-generalized, not ALL Democrats caved to political pressure and there should be more like them. What I meant was that some Dems chose not to voice loudly their concerns, then again who would have listened in all the noise of the post-9/11 hysteria?

I also agree that the Glenn Beck's of the world, who scream fascism,when they themselves express fascist beliefs; i.e. Beck's assertion that states should succeed so as not to take stimulus money, which is down-right un-American itself. Never did I hear the most flaming liberal suggest such a thing when Bush was in power, had they, they would have been demonized by the very likes of Beck.

I must reach out here and say: I disagree with so many things that Tramp debates about, but - and this is a big but - I respect her and her ideals. This country is built on the right of free thought. I just hope we can find some middle ground to work with, not tramp and I exactly, but conservatives and liberals. There has to be a middle ground we can all live with. I did not say agree with, but live with, otherwise the definition of freedom in America will become someting entirely strange to all of us.

I find it so amusing that conservative pundits are now all worked up over the idea that Obama's reading our e-mails.

What happened to that whole; "safety is much more important than individual liberty and the President can use all tools at his discretion," talk go?

Here's a "free" thought. Why don't we dissolve all of the parties and start over? Maybe then all of you people will stop all the finger pointing and actually work together for a change.

Here's another: Doesn't it ever occur to any of you that this is what the real people in power want? Constant arguing and no real solutions to our problems.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

I find it so amusing that conservative pundits are now all worked up over the idea that Obama's reading our e-mails.

" talk go?

Or wait: I find it amusing that libs are not worked up???? It cuts both ways.

He, or anyone, can read all my email - nothing in there but spam and my subscription to "be big, be a man" newsletters.

I am burdened with glorious purpose
Here's a "free" thought. Why don't we dissolve all of the parties and start over? Maybe then all of you people will stop all the finger pointing and actually work together for a change.

Here's another: Doesn't it ever occur to any of you that this is what the real people in power want? Constant arguing and no real solutions to our problems.
Yes, that has occurred to me. And I have believed for years that that is exactly what the people in power want.

Look at the town hall meetings going on now. They are disintegrating into riots. Egged on by people like Beck and paid for by the health insurance companies. They are loving it. They've accomplished exactly what they want. They get to keep the status quo and more and more Americans will not have affordable health care.

Yep. No real solution to our problems.

And 7thson, I appreciated your post. I really wish we all could find a middle ground, but the people in power and their greed won't let that happen.

EDIT: Filmfreak, what are you referring to?

Yes, that has occurred to me. And I have believed for years that that is exactly what the people in power want.

Look at the town hall meetings going on now. They are disintegrating into riots. Egged on by people like Beck and paid for by the health insurance companies. They are loving it. They've accomplished exactly what they want. They get to keep the status quo and more and more Americans will not have affordable health care.

Yep. No real solution to our problems.

And 7thson, I appreciated your post. I really wish we all could find a middle ground, but the people in power and their greed won't let that happen.

EDIT: Filmfreak, what are you referring to?
What is bad is that many of the people at these rallies have no clue as to what the plan is, admittedly the Dems haven't been to clear, but they seem to shout Fox News talking points about "Cash for clunkers," and some internet rumors about a euthanasia component in the plan, and whole range of periphery issues. I don't think they even know why they are against it so much.

The fact is that one side oppose the other side, simply to keep them from scoring points. Would the plan be a success, maybe, maybe not, no one knows, but if it would then the Republicans would lose face. If they supported it and it failed they would have to take the blame, so they take an opposition stance.

BTW tramp, I'm referring to an alleged news story about some in the administration stating that they want to keep track of opposers of the the healtcare bill. Don't know if it's true, if so I don't agree with it, of course to Fox News it's fact by now