Soundtrack question


I'm having a lot of trouble finding a decently priced copy of the Soundtrack to Sunshine. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Where have you looked so far? I assume you tried Ebay? If you don't use Ebay, then you can try, or try a local record shop, since they're usually cheaper than chains. What's your preferable price range?

I've been looking for it, too. Not on Amazon or iTunes, and a quick search on eBay doesn't yield anything, either. I'm not sure if they made them, or made only a few, or what. Either way, it's pretty hard to come by, which is a shame, because I loved the music.

Where have you looked so far? I assume you tried Ebay? If you don't use Ebay, then you can try, or try a local record shop, since they're usually cheaper than chains. What's your preferable price range?
Yeah, can't seem to find it on amazon, found it on Ebay once, it was 40 or 50 bucks, and locally no one has had it (I haven't checked in about half a year though). I didn't think it was gonna be this hard to come by, but I completely agree with Yoda...I love that damn music!
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