I can't stand this actor/actress


Chappie doesn't like the real world
Sorry this isn't the thread you were thinking of Caity and Godoggo. I think Toose had a simalar thread...but in more Toosie type verbage.
Maybe what you're looking for is in there? Have fun looking.
Found it: here it is

Apparently I am on a thread finding role today.

I earned it honeykid, come on, give it to me - I dare you. That'll teach you for your Daniel Day-Lewis bashing. (Sorry, I don't do smiley faces, but if there was one that showed an extremely sly grin, that'd be me right now). I actually like Drew, and her production company did produce Donnie Darko which is a plus, although I think they also produced that awful Charlie's Angels movie...
So you're not as excited as me about Charlie's Angels 3?

Her company didn't just produce Donnie Darko, it saved it.

When I saw this thread I tried to think of an actor or actress I didn't like, but I couldn't think of any. I'm fine with pretty much all of them.

But I just now remembered Drew Barrymore, and how much I don't like her. Maybe all my actor/actress disliking goes to her, and that's why I'm fine with everyone else.

Put me in your pocket...
Found it: here it is

Apparently I am on a thread finding role today.
I'm glad you found it Godoggo. I thought I had posted more than once on how creepy Billy Bob was to me.

And after reading through that other thread...I can now trade my cup of tea in for a big glass of wine/whine for all of the Julia hating.
My husband doesn't like her either....

RE: Meg Ryan...yes, you should see Courage under Fire. She's really very good in it and it's before her botox days.

Jim Carrey - he likes to pull faces that are just not funny. The only thing that I actually like him in is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, where he pretty much plays out of his usual character.

Nicholas Cage - He overacts and is just soo cheesy.
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Kate Hudson.

Three words: Her rom-coms.

Found it: here it is

Apparently I am on a thread finding role today.

Originally Posted by Caitlyn in that other thread
Tom Green
Julia Roberts
Ben Affleck
Leonardo diCaprio

Wow... can't believe I forgot about Tom Green... well... wait, yeah, I can believe I forgot about him...

I need to take Leo off the list... he's pretty much redeemed himself... especially after Gangs of New York, Blood Diamond and The Departed...

Oh... and add the moron... Tom Cruise...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

I need to take Leo off the list... he's pretty much redeemed himself... especially after Gangs of New York, Blood Diamond and The Departed...
I think his performance in The Aviator is his best to date. Plus, way back at the start of his career he was excellent in The Basketball Diaries.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

I think his performance in The Aviator is his best to date. Plus, way back at the start of his career he was excellent in The Basketball Diaries.

I've never seen The Basketball Diaries.... so am adding it to my 'to see' list... and I really need to re-watch The Aviator as I couldn't really get into it the first time around... but I was overly tired and a little on the depressed side when I tried to watch it which probably had a lot to do with it...

Oh, and btw, I rented The Third Man...

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I think his performance in The Aviator is his best to date. Plus, way back at the start of his career he was excellent in The Basketball Diaries.
I really need to see The Aviator again. I didn't like it when I saw it, but then I was sick and in a very bad mood, so I am not certain I gave it a fair chance. I think he was excellent in The Basketball Diaries. After that, I haven't been that impressed.

He was good in Gangs of New York, unfortunately he was overshadowed by an amazing performance by the best actor alive today. I am a big fan of The Aviator, I know most people aren't, but what can I say? I likes what I likes.

I just remembered I don't like Cameron Diaz, either.
After watching Being John Malkovich and There's Something About Mary, I take this back.