Notice for new users


Troy doesn't have bangs, so why would Yodamalu?

Better get used to it, MoFos. It's here for, oh, another 12 days or so, unless I find a better one.

You're a Genius all the time
What exactly are you trying to insinuate about Yoda's avatar?
Whoa, chill. All I'm saying is it's silly, all right?

I mean, Troy Polamalu's body with a wrinkly green muppet inserted in the facehole? What am I supposed to make of that? What kind of sick sexual union spawned that abomination? How can there be a God if that exists? And is the belief in free will really a prerequisite for atheism 101? I think not! What a silly argument to make.

And is the belief in free will really a prerequisite for atheism 101?
Nope, other way around.

Anyway, it's no sillier than a racist puppet. Oh, snap.

Yodamalu stays!

I dont know exactly were this thread is going but I thought this was funny.
I don't know where it's going, but I don't think there's any going back.

Making a difference
Hello and welcome to the wonderful world of movie discussion that is Movie Forums. On behalf of Chris aka Yoda, I would like to take this time to lay down some simple ground rules to help you as you get acquainted with the site.

1. Please use the site function prior to starting a new thread about something that already exists. You won't get in trouble, but it can be confusing to have two different threads going about the same topic.

2. Don't register and build your post count to advertise a movie you've made or a website. This is just inconsiderate. You wouldn't want someone doing this on your website, would you?

3. Don't post links to where a full-length movie can be downloaded. This again is inconsiderate, but this is inconsiderate to the director of the film. They worked hard on their film and they deserve compensation for that. Again, you wouldn't want someone doing that to you, would you?

4. Enjoy your time here. You have joined one of the most enjoyable forums out there on the web. We're all here to talk about movies, first and foremost, but we are also here to have fun, so live it up.

If you follow these rules, you'll be fine. Again, welcome to Movie Forums, you are now a MoFo, SAY IT WITH PRIDE!! "I AM A MOFO!"

Thank you for your time,
Kent aka Spud
Ok, I'm going to continue to add onto what was previously listed.

5. Don't register to ask if movies can be downloaded from this website. Again, we don't condone the illegal downloading of movies. It is inconsiderate to all involved in the movie making process. Failure to comply with this request, will result in being banned.

6. Don't come with one-sided views. The internet wasn't initially created for anoymous slandering, but since it's come to that, you have the ability to express your views or thoughts concerning films here. Take advantage of that!

thank for the information.

How do I get the "popcorn container" critic ratings? Is there a thread with instructions? I've been having to copy and paste images of them for my reviews. Is this the right way to do this or am I missing something?

Like this (sans asterisks):


To find out how anything is done, though, just hit "quote" to reply to a post with what you want in it, and switch the editor mode until you can see the code that created it.

How do we change whats under our user name where it says "Registered User"? I looked in the My Profile place and under all the Editing tools...but I'm a bit of a technology nahnahnah...
But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet, Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. W.B. Yeats

Hi everyone!
I'm new and I'd like to say hello. I've registered for this forum cos' it seemed very friendly to me. At the same time I ask you for tolerance due to my English (I'm still learning it)

Hi everyone!
I'm new and I'd like to say hello. I've registered for this forum cos' it seemed very friendly to me. At the same time I ask you for tolerance due to my English (I'm still learning it)
Welcome aboard, you should post a new thread in this same section ( ) introducing yourself and telling us a little bit about you

Nice to see you've already filled in your favourite movies, I think you'll get along with JayDee as he seems to have similar taste of movies to you (American Beauty, LOTR, Dances with Wolves, Back to the Future)

Ghost In The Machine
Hi to everyone - Just joined and looking forward to getting involved.

Just a quick question really ...Why can't I see my signature on my posts - is it because I'm new, or too stupid to use the site correctly?

Oh my, It's there now ...too premature!
"Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death" Auntie Mame (1958)

The Adventure Starts Here!
Last I heard, Michael T, your signature shows up the first time you post on any given page here on the site. Then it won't show up again on that same page.

Unless Yoda changed something... which is entirely possible.

Ghost In The Machine
Last I heard, Michael T, your signature shows up the first time you post on any given page here on the site. Then it won't show up again on that same page.

Unless Yoda changed something... which is entirely possible.
Thanks Austruck.