A-Team the movie


I read somewhere that are going to make an A-Team movie and they were going to try to cast Woody Harellson as Murdock . The rest of the cast is up in the air. So you all have a chance to play BA.

Isn't Mr. T a bit old to playing B.A. still ? Finding a replacement is going to be hard.

Yeah! An A-Team movie! It was about time...but I don't believe that they doing it right without the original cast..

sharkfan's Avatar
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.......................An A-Team movie? Come on! Such a film would work if the "team" had to help out a family of seals from being slaughtered by Canadian seal clubbers. Imagine how the seals would contact the ex-military folk, talk to them, and pay them for their help. Imagine the vehicles and tools the team would make out of ice and more ice. And if penguins got involved...whoa! Talk about bringing down the hammer on these guys who run around and club seals in their heads. But a serious A-Team movie seems out of place. It worked for the time, but a movie now would demand changes that could make the film A-Team in name only.

Are there really no ideas for films anymore? Should we expect to see a movie based on Me and Mrs. C? I could bear a film that combined The Golden Girls and Friday the 13th--the films or the series--but a show based on the original would be like poison.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Supposedly the release date is 2010, except that the film no longer has a direcotr (John Singleton was slated to direct, but then quit when the studio asked for more rewrites) and never had a cast to begin with.

I don't think they could make it with the original cast, as George Peppard, who played Hannibal, died a while ago.

I'd go see it if it's done well, as an action film, but with comedy, as compared to being a comedy film with action. Woody Harrelson would be awesome as Murdock, and in my opinion, Bruce Willis could rock as Hannibal. maybe have Ryan Reynolds as Face, and if Mr. T isn't available, Ice Cube as B.A.

Of course, I'm not making this movie. lol.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson


I thought Ice Cube was in the frame for BA? I'm sure Mr T would pop in for a cameo, sure he'd savour it more than advertising Snickers.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Sounds interesting, need to find out more info about it.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

I was a fan of the TV show I watched it recently on cable it isn't as good as I remember
They couldn't use the original cast surely they are too old
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Their van was badass... Mmmmm Hmmmm. I so don't want this to happen. Is there anyone out there on the intraweb that actually thinks this would be good?
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Did you know mr t is a christian? he always preaching on tbn. i alway thought steve martian or lesle nelson to play hannble. i also think jim carry should play murdock. i don't know who could playface maybe own wlsion. i also thik michal clark Dunco or ice cub would be good for mr t. who do you think should play amy? i hope they have someone good.

I was a fan of the TV show I watched it recently on cable it isn't as good as I remember
They couldn't use the original cast surely they are too old

I used to love the show when I was younger but watched it again not too long ago and it just seemed silly... growing up sucks...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

i like the hints they put throughout iron man and the hulk about this movie