random praise for personal favorites (actors, movies, directors,,,,)


more random praise for a personal favorite- Double Indemnity......Barbara Stanwyck, Fred MacMurray, Edward G. Robinson. I've seen this movie so many times, but i never tire of it- campy film noir classic!
on dance seul, on dance seul.....

I watched Predator today and I have to say it excells in everything that makes up the Action Genre. with some classic one line-ers by Arnold (Stick-around)(Knock-Knock) I'm not big on one line-ers but they fit perfect within the genre so what the hell it's good for a good laugh.

Stan Winston's S/F are amazing highlighted by the action peace & Donald McAlpine photography of the thick brushy Jungle is captivating. Alan Silvestri puts some nice touches to the soundtrack as well which I proceeded to Download after watching the movie.

and Shane Black writer of such films (Lethal Weapon (1987), Lethal Weapon 2 (1989), Last Boy Scout, The (1991), Long Kiss Goodnight, The (1996) plays one of the guys in the group with the glasses and in my opinion he has the best lines in the film or I should say jokes.

anyone else dig this movie.


.........The Manchurian Candidate- my choice for best movie ever made - it was on cable late last night.
Directed by John Frankenheimer (1962) and starring Frank Sinatra (his best performance IMO), Laurence Harvey, Angela Lansbury (perfect job creating evil incarnate), Janet Leigh, James Gregory, Leslie Parrish. it's a cold-war black comedy about some very sinister plans being carried out via brainwashed Korean war veterans.

this movie is brilliant in every way.

and i watched The List of Adrian Messenger a week ago....i thought i'd seen it because the title was so familiar, but it turns out i hadn't . the classic's movie "host" raved about the make-up artist in charge of disguising all the famous actor's making "cameos" for their buddy Kirk Douglas who produced the film. (....robert mitchum, burt lancaster, tony curtis, frank sinatra).
to me, it all just looked like obvious thick latex masks.
it was directed by John Huston- starring Kirk Douglas, George C. Scott, and one of my fave actors Herbert Marshall.

fun, well directed, suspenseful entertainment.

...therefore double posting is allowed?

Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid.......such a great movie.......couldn't imagine watching it without knowledge of all or most of the classics it borrows from. it is so unique and steve martin- Perfect!!!

Registered User
Hi Patti --
You're right that Steve Martin is the best of the best of the best. But I liked LAStory best. Nice 2 know he can be a real person as well as a reel person, No?

jozie....i didn't know Steve Martin was married (no longer) to Victoria Tennant untill i saw L.A. Story. I think it's time i watched that one again.
......but my favorite Martin flic is The Jerk. I really like him with Bernadette Peters - and Pennies From Heaven is also great.

but i know what you mean.

anybody know if Steve has any kids?

No, Steve Martin doesn't have any children.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Mischief. Mayhem. Soap.
Saw The Apartment again last night.

I love that movie, particularly Jack Lemmon's performance.
I am Jack's smirking revenge.

The movie "Kingpin" makes me laugh .
[email protected]
~Anything is possible.

Originally posted by jaidiar
The movie "Kingpin" makes me laugh .
Amen! I love that movie. It's completely hilarious. Gross, but hilarious. By the way: welcome to Movie Forums, jaidiar!

Thanks! Im a film nut

carl reiner........i laugh just looking at him....because of all the hilarious stuff associated with him.

and although i just said it a few posts back......steve martin...i love that guy.

mightymose's Avatar
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You're right about Angela Lansbury in The Manchurian Canidate Pats... My mom used to try to make me watch Murder She Wrote when I was younger... but I was never able to b/c that woman scared the crap out of me! Talk about evil... and she was his own mother!!!

you wanna know a secret, mightymouse? i watch murder she wrote religiously....it's calming...part of my day....embarrassing to say but true, oh so true.

why did your mom try to get you to watch MSW?

Death to Smoochy is my most anticipated movie of 2002.

i've gotta take a little random praise, turn it into random criticism and aim it at Elizabeth Shue....