Alien Body Snatcher flicks


A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by MinionTV
Excellent articles there Hold, it's a pity I came in under the impression this was Adrien Brody Snatcher flicks.

There was one film I saw when I was younger where a family moved to a new town and each family member where being replaced. I'm not if by aliens or robots, it was really creepy though. Something about a getaway on a lake at the end too.
Yes!! I was trying to recall the name of this (made for TV) film, but I just can't remember it. I do remember some lady getting run over and then just popping back up afterwards. ...and two kids fighting over a handheld video game...This had to be circa 1981 or so....

Any ideas Holden?
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by Holden Pike
Yeah, Shivers and Rabid are both REALLY twisted and frightening and just plain unsettling. His latter and better known stuff (Dead Ringers, The Fly, Videodrome) is certainly creepy and disturbing, but the first few movies he made are something else.

I seem to have trouble sitting through the earlier stuff, it is so disturbing. Also, I saw The Brood at far too young of an age, and I still haven't fully recovered. Who the hell let me watch that stuff at the age I was??

And I haven't seen the whole movie beginning to end in a while, but the parasite in Shivers is a man-made creation, not space aliens of any kind, yeah?
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Originally Posted by Holden Pike
And I haven't seen the whole movie beginning to end in a while, but the parasite in Shivers is a man-made creation, not space aliens of any kind, yeah?
Aye, no space aliens, but alien in the sense that they're foreign to the human body. So technically alien, in context to the other films in this thread, not alien. I'll just go kill myself.
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I spent waaaay too much time on this thread today. That, and probably too much money at

OK, I already owned a bunch of these, and my favorites are by far the Body Snatcher movies. Years ago, I had seen one of them. It had ended up being the '93 version. Not remembering this, years later, I accidentally bought the '78 version, and was very pleased. I will admit that the 1st time I saw the ending, it drove me nuts. You just don't expect it, but that is what makes it such a classic ending. I do love it. I would have to say that my favorites go in the order of the '78 version first, the original '56, and then the '93 version. I can't wait for the 2006 version to come out. On DVD of course.

I LOVE John Carpenter, and 3 of my many favorites from him are The Thing, They Live, and another one of his remakes, Village of the Damned. I have a recorded copy of The Thing from Another World, but I have yet to watch it. I have ran They Live a million times. The fight scene alone is classic. Rather long, but hilarious because of that fact. Then of course, you have lines like the bubble gum, bank scene, the grocery store, "You! You look like your face fell in the cheese dip back in 1957.", the news station, "Gloria, you look like *****!", the motel, "Life's a b!tch, and she's back in heat!" . . . I do love this movie. I saw his version of Village of the Damned first. I really do like it as well. I have since bought a duel DVD of the original Village of the Damned, and Children of the Damned. I really enjoyed Village of the Damned, but I prefer John Carpenter's ending. I have yet to watch Children of the Damned. Maybe tonight.

The Puppet Masters, The Faculty, Starman, and Men In Black 1 & 2 are all good movies. The 1st Men In Black is of course better than it's sequel.

I have yet to see The Astronaut's Wife, and after your review, I will first view a recorded copy of it, that I have. This isn't the first time that I've heard it is bad.

The Hidden is another movie that I love. Fast cars, and loud music. I just watched it yesterday, as a matter of fact. I accidentally came across a VHS copy of The Hidden 2, for a buck, so I went ahead and bought it. I wasn't even aware that there was a sequel. It was by far as good as the first, but still watchable. How wrong can you go for a dollar!?!

I love Species. Every character, with their own special skills, is a great addition to the story. The sequel is OK. I have watched it a few times. It is by far as good as the first, though. It did end with the possibility of yet another, and I had always thought that they just gave up on the idea, but while shopping today for some of these other movies that you listed, I found Species 3. It went straight to video, and Natasha Henstridge is not in it. I will only watch this one if it happens to be on TV some day, and I have nothing better to do.

I only have "The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street" from those 2 Twilight Zone episodes that you listed. It is a real good episode, though. I will be buying season 2 of The Twilight Zone, sometime in the future, and will then get to check out "Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up?" I have another one, although I am not too sure what all it is about. This episode is called The Invaders. They had a thing for potatoes, if memory serves, and were really huge in comparison to us, or maybe we were the huge ones. Geesh, I will have to watch it again. I can't even say if this was a "take over the world" deal, or not. All I do remember, is that they did looked 100% human, regardless of size.

What about The Tommyknockers, with their mind control over humans, or The Arrival, with Charlie Sheen? I haven't watched either of those in forever, so I can't swear if they were trying to take over the world, or not.

I bought a few that you listed, and have taken note on the rest, for future purchases. You hit on a genre that I love.

Originally Posted by Holden Pike
Yeah, Shivers and Rabid are both REALLY twisted and frightening and just plain unsettling.
Of course, Shivers is also terribly funny.

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy
I do love it. I would have to say that my favorites go in the order of the '78 version first, the original '56, and then the '93 version.
So are the endings of the 3 are all different? I myself have only watched the '78 version and wasnt a big fan of the ending.

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy
I can't wait for the 2006 version to come out. On DVD of course.
Mm-hmm. I'll take any remake, any time of any year or decade even if I loved the original. I always have that hope it will exceed the better original film. Makes me feel alive just thinking about it.

Then of course, you have lines like the bubble gum, bank scene, the grocery store, "You! You look like your face fell in the cheese dip back in 1957.",
yeah that scene was friggin hilarious. And the look that chick gave him with those bug eyes after he said that. Here's another line "You see, I take these glasses off, she looks like a regular person, doesn't she? Put 'em back on...........(puts them back on)...... formaldehyde face".

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy
The Puppet Masters, The Faculty, Starman, and Men In Black 1 & 2 are all good movies. The 1st Men In Black is of course better than it's sequel.
I loved Men In Black 2 over the first though still enjoyed that one. Was not at all expecting it to be that funny. And who can forget that little alien Moses heheh. Oh, and Starman was awesome too.

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy
I have yet to see The Astronaut's Wife, and after your review, I will first view a recorded copy of it, that I have. This isn't the first time that I've heard it is bad.
Yeah that one can be a very good sleep aid indeed.

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy
The Hidden is another movie that I love. Fast cars, and loud music. I just watched it yesterday, as a matter of fact. I accidentally came across a VHS copy of The Hidden 2, for a buck, so I went ahead and bought it. I wasn't even aware that there was a sequel. It was by far as good as the first, but still watchable. How wrong can you go for a dollar!?!
Never heard of that one but after reading the plot: "An alien is on the run in America. To get his kicks, it kills anything that gets in its way, and uses the body as a new hiding place. This alien has a goal in life; power. Hotly pursued by another alien (who's borrowed the body of a dead FBI agent), lots of innocent people die in the chase." ..........It sound like my kinda film.

Originally Posted by Ðèstîñy
I will be buying season 2 of The Twilight Zone, sometime in the future, and will then get to check out "Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up?"
I got Season 1 and almost got Season 2 if they actually had it where I was shopping. All they had was a bunch of season 4's. I want them in order before I get those. I can be nitpicky that way.

The Arrival, with Charlie Sheen? I haven't watched either of those in forever, so I can't swear if they were trying to take over the world, or not.
Yeah, I liked that one. That elevator scene was hilarious. Where Sheen was shaking his head when that alien character was talking to him. He could have asked him "how was your day" for all he knew and maybe he did cause that trick didnt work too well heheh.
WARNING: "The Arrival" spoilers below
Oh and yeah, they were trying to take over the earth. Their underground sysytems were doing something to the earth's atmosphere to make it more livable for them. Or were they rasing the temperature a notch? Damn, now I cant remember the exact details there.

Not even a poster yet for The Visiting, but looks like it's not going to be released until 2007. Drat.

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About a month ago, I rented this movie:

You can definitely tell from this that it's not gonna be another Body Snatchers, but... this direct to DVD, Playboy Playmate starring film is about some injured high school football players who end up in a hospital where voluptuous candy stripers/nurses (they do more than they should as candy stripers in this hospital) are having their bodies taken over by an ugly alien race that plans on having sex with male humans to make ugly alien babies.

Oh, and did I mention that the aliens live off of sugar? That's why they're sucking lollypops on that DVD cover, not because it just looks dirty. You see the candy stripers eating as much candy as they can possibly find. They also cocoon their male mates after having sex with them in a cotton candy like substance.

It's just a very absurd movie. There are like a hundred different candy stripers that appear in this hospital. The only way you can stop them is to inject them with insulin. So, remember that if you're ever in a hospital and the candy stripers are a little too slutty. They might be aliens. Make as many diabetic friends as you can.

Lets put a smile on that block
Originally Posted by Holden Pike
Not even a poster yet for The Visiting, but looks like it's not going to be released until 2007. Drat.
This is bad news. Im really looking forward to this flick.
Pumpkins scream in the DEAD of night!

Now we're less than a month away from the release of the newest reworking of Invasion of the Body Snatchers. The initial title was The Visiting, but they've settled on The Invasion (which means we've had The Invasion and Body Snatchers, so I guess the next remake has to be called simply Of The). The trailer can be found HERE, and as a fan of this subgenere it looks damn good to me.

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Well speaking of species, that is a very good movie...Another Alien Body Snatcher flicks:

The Astronaut's Wife

You're a Genius all the time
I remember seeing a so-bad-it's-actually-good alien body snatcher flick on Mystery Science Theater a while back. But for the life of me I can't recall the name of it. I've been browsing the MST3K episodes, but so far nothing's jumped out.

The movie involved a rural family trying to outlast an alien invasion in their farmhouse. I think a friend of the father's was also with them. Everytime a member of the family looked into the sun, their eyes glazed over and they became an alien. Eventually only one of the children is left with mind and body intact, though if memory serves I think the family winds up killing that kid in the end.

Ring any bells to anyone?

Lets put a smile on that block
I saw The Invasion recently. I enjoyed it. Not good enough to warrent a remake i think and the end was far too optimistic but overall i liked it.

Bodysnatcher films are THE best horror sci-fi.

I am Jack's sense of overused quote
Just an FYI for this thread:

Starting in Spring '08, Marvel Comics begins a new crossover event called Secret Invasion.

Recently on a trip to Japan to rescue Echo from the Hand,

the New Avengers kill the Hand's leader Elektra,

only to reveal she is a Skrull--a shapeshifting alien whose race is bent on Earth's subjugation.

Needless to say the recent Marvel events -- Civil War, Captain America's death, Spider-Man's split from Mary Jane seem to be called into question.

Who is a Skrull?
"What might have been and what has been
Point to one end, which is always present." - T.S. Eliot

Originally Posted by gohansrage
Who is a Skrull?
The Kree and Skrull have been at it longer than the Sunni and Shi'a. Can't we all just get along?

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