The Simpsons DVD


I posted last week in a different thread that The Simpsons on DVD is being released by season starting this year. I'm now on a mission for Fox to find out what, if any, special features these discs should include. I brought up the music video that came out a few years back for the series, animation stills, and some kind of behind-the-scenes thing featuring the people who do the voices. Anyone have any other features they would like to see? Fox was also wanting a "yea" or "nay" with Easter Eggs. If "yea", what kind of eggs should they be and any ideas on clever ways to access them. Can't guarantee that everything will be included on the discs, but I can promise that I'll forward all comments to Fox and let you know what they say. Thanks all!!
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In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Special features eh? I think it would be cool to have a song selection. A menu would pop up displaying a list of all the musical numbers in that season and you could jump to just the songs. Character profiles giving history etc. Storyboards. Interviews with Matt G, and Yeardly etc. A trivia game would be kinda cool. Oh and the Simpsons should have some sort of animated menus. I know it would be hard but those still frame menues just drive me crazy. It doesn't have to be too intircate, ie T2, but it would be cool if their were just some sort of motion and sound in the background, ie Army of Darkness. I'll think of some other features also.

As for the eggs. Hide episodes that weren't seen on tv. Hide some cool interviews or something. Hiding episodes fo Futurama on there would be really cool. Hide clips of the simpsons being given awards at the emmys or something. And it would be pretty funny if they just hid clips of random things in there. Like a man wrestling a bear or something. That would be great.
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Animated menus would be great. Maybe in a map-of-Springfield kind of way. Click on the Simpson house and you could access character bios. Click on the mini-mart and you'd get a featurette or something. Click on the nuclear plant and get some weird thing about Mr. Burns and the who-shot-him episodes. It would be cool if everytime you click on something you hear a voice clip like "doh!" or something as long as everytime is a different sound.


You said they will be releasing dvd's by season. There's a lot of will they organize this? I'm excited now!
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In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Ok, I was thinking about this when I woke up this morning in that period of time where i just lie in bed for like 3 hours thinking. The way I think it would work best is if you are displayed a map of Springfeld, and you could select where in the town you wanted to go. If you were to click on 742 Evergreen Terrace, yes I know their adress, then it would bring you to an inner view of their house. You could angle it just right so that you could so the tv room area, the kitchen, and the upstairs. You would see Homer on the Couch, Marge in the Kitchen, Santa's Little Helper outside, the cat etc. If you clicked on Homer you would get a bio of him which could include best moments, quotes etc. Then you could go back to the map and click something like Moes Tavern and see everyone who is regularly in there. Or better yet you could have Homer at the bar and Bart and Lisa on the couch watching Itchy and Scratchy. And if you highlighted the tv you could watch the little itch and scratchy clips they always play. And do that for every major place in Springfield. The School, the plant, Kwik-e-Mart, The retirement home...

The Springfield Library would be the chapter selection place. I know it would be pretty hard to do. But I think that would be the best way to do it.

Also if you did it this way it would be really easy to hide eggs. Although it would be really hard to program it this way. And they probably have a deadline, but if it were set up that way I know tons of people would love it. Although anyway its set up Simpsons fans will buy it.
[Edited by OG- on 01-08-2001]

This is subject to change...

Fox is currently wanting 4 or 5 episodes per disc by season. They are hoping to release the sets about one every 6 months until they are caught up with the current season. Also, each DVD case will be different and feature a different character from the show. At least the episodes will be in airdate order which seems to be what the majority of consumers have said they wanted, including everyone here.

I love the idea OG. I copied everything you wrote and will pass it on. Considering the number of characters on the shows, character bios would be sweet. I hope they include guest stars.

How about set inserts like a collector's booklet or a single animation cell for each disc...kind of like the cells Fox inserted for the release of Star Wars: Phantom Menace.

I'll just be glad to have The Simpsons in a more durable format. My videotapes of the episodes I taped off the TV are mostly worn out from overuse.

I just wish I could have them all now. (A season every six months is a pretty good release schedule, though. Of course, 50% of my kids will be in college by the time FOX gets up to this season on DVD).

I'm simply too excited to type...this is so freakin' cool! Did we have some kind of impact in getting these released, or am I being ridiculous?

I know! This is just too cool!

Laurie...can I go out with you?

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
HEY HEY HEY POOPOO BACK OFF!! I asked if she would marry me a long time ago. lol. a little out of my age group though.

But anyways. As for set inserts. That would be pretty hard. It would either have to be something so abundandt the could offered to place different ones in every DVD or something so cool youd want it anyway. I think a little reference guide to all the episodes and the jokes you missed would be cool. I know they have a book out like that.

LOL...I knew if I looked hard enough I'd find a man who wanted me for my job connections.

Chris...this site was actually a big push for Fox to release the series. I let them know how involved everyone here is and how I feel that the ideas and desires expressed here for the DVD market were representative of most consumers.

All of the studios I work with hear the ideas that come from this site and I can tell you that most of those ideas will be implemented in one way or another. I've always wanted an intelligent, well-rounded question group that can provide various suggestions for the continued growth and success of the DVD market. I think I've found that group with the people here and I thank all of you for your imput.

You have *NO* idea how cool that is. With that in mind, I'll try to think through my responses to your questions/surveys/etc a bit more.

Thanks so much for giving us all this opportunity. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say two things.

1 - Your expertise is staggering, and greatly appreciated.
2 - Don't marry those bums, marry me.

You don't happen to have a picture to show us ya...p p p p p p pleeeaaaase!

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Didn't I say back off poopoo?!? Do I have to repeat myself. Same to you Chris! Lousy punks.

Anyways I 'm gonna have to agree with what Chris said. Thank you. It's cool knowing that an idea I had could become something. Although it probably won't.

LOL...y'all aren't gonna fight over little old me, are ya? lol Thanks to all for the compliments...I love my job and I'm glad to help.

Any idea can become a reality with this field. A few months ago I told the head-exec at one of the 'Motherships' that DVDs should be encoded with two different kinds of the French language...Europe French and French-Canadian since they are both different and vastly popular. The idea went through and now DVDs can be found in either or both.

Makes more sense I suppose - the industry is young, and as such there's a big change to make an impact early on. Very glad we've all had a chance to be heard - you've no idea how cool it'll be to tell my friends and fellow Simpsons Fans that my site may have helped put those suckers on DVD.