Saddest movie you have seen


The two saddest movies i've ever seen would be

The Elephant Man
Just cause at the end. Because being based on a true story you get a feeling much bigger than any fictional character could give you and its just sad how it ends and knowing that this happened to a real person sucked.

The Devil's Rejects
I know most disagree with me but to me its true and very sad at the end cause when Freebird kicks in it makes it that much saddening because the music fit so well at that paticular scene almost what Otis was thinking at that moment in time.
James Sparrow's Rented Reviews!

The Reaping 7/10
Transformers 8.5/10
Flight of the Living Dead 6/10
The Invisible 6/10
Return to House on Haunted Hill 1/10
Planet Terror 8/10
A Mighty Heart 7/10

I never said it wasn't a sad film. I think The Green Mile is one the most under rated films ever made. It deserves to be an automatic in all top 100 lists and I have no doubt in years to come people will look back at it as a classic.

Originally Posted by blibblobblib
Not a fan of The Green Mile then?

Thats a shame. Is a sad film.

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by GameOvais
I never said it wasn't a sad film. I think The Green Mile is one the most under rated films ever made. It deserves to be an automatic in all top 100 lists and I have no doubt in years to come people will look back at it as a classic.
Not this person.

The third act got silly, destroying any real commentary that was built up during the first two acts. Also, too much melodrama...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Originally Posted by Tbj
Dead Ringers absolutely.
I found this movie more scary and disturbing than Sad
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

The House of Sand and Fog

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Originally Posted by IrisDown
The House of Sand and Fog
I still haven't seen that... I'm just not brave about sad movies.
The Iron Giant was devastating for me, and it was a cartoon!
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
I still haven't seen that... I'm just not brave about sad movies.
The Iron Giant was devastating for me, and it was a cartoon!

House of sand and fog is a damn good movie. Its no sad..just makes you think about the kind of world we live in..remind me alot of Crash.
Δύο άτομα. Μια μάχη. Κανένας συμβιβασμός.

Originally Posted by feral cat
White Dog … very, very sad film IMO
Superb movie, and a very sad ending. The film was angering as much as it was saddening.

When The Wind Blows was tremendously sad. I've somehow avoided hearing much about Grave of The Fireflies until now and I've only just ordered it- it'll be interesting to see how its tale of a true horror compares with that one of one that all too nearly came true.

I haven't seen it for ages, but I remember Watership Down having very sad parts.

Big Fish was transparently manipulative, and that approach usually makes me react and refuse to empathise with the film, but somehow, this shameless, blatant and schmaltzy grab for the heartstrings actually got me.

Glory, Armagedon, Million Dollar Baby, Monster, The Last Unicorn and tons others that I've blocked out of my head for my own mental health.

Registered User
Beast Master
Day of the Dead.

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
I see Watership Down keeps popping up and I was wondering if any of you have seen Martin Rosen's film The Plague Dogs ?

A very sad movie to me and definitely one of the most disturbing films I've every watched.

Originally Posted by The Watcher
Glory, Armagedon, Million Dollar Baby, Monster, The Last Unicorn and tons others that I've blocked out of my head for my own mental health.
Good call, armageddon was definitly a sad one.

I got for good luck my black tooth.
Originally Posted by Equilibrium
Good call, armageddon was definitly a sad one.
Isn't this an example of the kind of short meaningless posts you've been complaining about?
"Like all dreamers, Steven mistook disenchantment for truth."

Originally Posted by Strummer521
Isn't this an example of the kind of short meaningless posts you've been complaining about?

I said there were too many meaningless threads. I hardly see how agreeing with someone is a useless post.

I got for good luck my black tooth.
Originally Posted by Equilibrium

I said there were too many meaningless threads. I hardly see how agreeing with someone is a useless post. adds nothing to the thread other than a nod of the head that could have been accomplished by giving them a rep point. You'd be better off to add a new idea or expand upon one already there than simply reiterate what has already been said.

Originally Posted by Strummer521 adds nothing to the thread other than a nod of the head that could have been accomplished by giving them a rep point. You'd be better off to add a new idea or expand upon one already there than simply reiterate what has already been said.
Right, well in any case I'm allowed to be as big of a hypocrite as I want (though that is not the case), and in the one appointed you sheriff.

I got for good luck my black tooth.
Originally Posted by Equilibrium
no one appointed you sheriff.
Hey, you claim to want debate. I'm not trying to insult you merely making a point and I guess, being a bit more frank about it than you would like.

Originally Posted by Strummer521
Hey, you claim to want debate. I'm not trying to insult you merely making a point and I guess, being a bit more frank about it than you would like.

Be as frank as you seem fit. Debate is good, but you're contesting why I complained about the lack of interesting threads. You did so on another thread as well, so you obviously seem hung up on it.

Why are you so hung up on someone else's opinions? Honestly, I could care less about any points you're making, they obviously have NOTHING to do with this thread.

I got for good luck my black tooth.
Originally Posted by Equilibrium
so you obviously seem hung up on it.
Maybe I am a bit. Reason being I guess, that I see you complain about the lack of interesting things being said in threads and posts as well though you seem to be denying that part.

"Thats exactly how i feel as well. Yes there are some funny posts, but honestly I feel like there is nothing but really (and for a lack of a better word) stupid posts. Mindlesss blurbs in which i usually have nothing to say to."

And while complaining I have seen you post very little with much substance. I guess I saw your posts in that previous thread as an attack upon mofo and its users, and was trying to act in defense.

Edit: However, let's stop this argument now before it gets out of control. I don't really like the catty, pointlessly argumentative turn the forum is taking, and I just caught myself contributing to it. I apologise.