

Yo She Bi*ch, lets go.
I want some input, I've heard many other things on other forums on my questions. I'm just curius about these questions. Here they are.

1. They say the universe is expanding constantly, what the hell is it expanding into?

2. This is a question that hasn't been answered. Could we make a robot feel like it has a soul? I just whatched I-Robot. :-)

3. Is there anyway that a new born baby can be an exact copy of their parent? I see this being very possible. Say a baby was born, and that baby copyed the DNA and Memory of their parent, and they have the same motor skills, memories and stuff that their parents do. Is this possible?

4. What makes humans think of new ideas? This is very weird, I mean, thinking of something new is like thinking of a color you've never seen right?

5. I remember seeing on T.V. that there is -Nothingness- Between two atoms. Is this true? I seen this on T.V. along time ago, so I might be remembering it wrong.

6. If we wrap dark matter around us would we be invisable?

7. I was thinking, do wormholes exsits? I know black holes and white holes exsits but do wormholes exsits? Black holes and white holes are different from a worm hole, right?

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The People's Republic of Clogher
Originally Posted by The_Butcher

3. Is there anyway that a new born baby can be an exact copy of their parent? I see this being very possible. Say a baby was born, and that baby copyed the DNA and Memory of their parent, and they have the same motor skills, memories and stuff that their parents do. Is this possible?
So, you want a tiny, bald, chubby cheeked person with the memory of a middle-aged man? But one Elton John's surely enough for anybody!
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Originally Posted by The_Butcher
1. They say the universe is expanding constantly, what the hell is it expanding into?

2. This is a question that hasn't been answered. Could we make a robot feel like it has a soul? I just whatched I-Robot. :-)

3. Is there anyway that a new born baby can be an exact copy of their parent? I see this being very possible. Say a baby was born, and that baby copyed the DNA and Memory of their parent, and they have the same motor skills, memories and stuff that their parents do. Is this possible?

4. What makes humans think of new ideas? This is very weird, I mean, thinking of something new is like thinking of a color you've never seen right?

5. I remember seeing on T.V. that there is -Nothingness- Between two atoms. Is this true? I seen this on T.V. along time ago, so I might be remembering it wrong.

6. If we wrap dark matter around us would we be invisable?

7. I was thinking, do wormholes exsits? I know black holes and white holes exsits but do wormholes exsits? Black holes and white holes are different from a worm hole, right?
1, 5. That is dark matter. it's the void where there is not mass or light, or energy of any kind.
6. Assuming you could actually wrap yourself in it, you wouldn't be invisible, dark matter is that fills outer space
2. could we as humans? I doubt it. Perhaps in several thousand years, once we understand the existence of our own souls we may be able to replicate it, unless we create it by a fluke, like in flubber
3. For humans? no, but there are some existing theories of genetic memory, i'm not aware of any existing examples, but in fiction, Goa'uld, and Xenomorphs have genetic memory.
4. Ultimately, it's just a specific sequence of electrical synapses firing in the right order. Beyond that, you've got me.
7. According to modern science, wormholes exist, though it is entirely theoretical. Personally I do believe they exist, my understanding is that a wormhole is a rift in the fabric of our space-time that opens into another dimension and that "hole" lets back into this dimension through another such rift. As for black-holes and white-holes, you're on your own. They're far too ambiguous for my liking.

1. They say the universe is expanding constantly, what the hell is it expanding into?

Who is "they" and what have the done with my pinto beans? OR Think of it as a balloon, hopefully it wont explode too soon.

2. This is a question that hasn't been answered. Could we make a robot feel like it has a soul? I just whatched I-Robot. :-)
No, a cyborg maybe, robot nah. Now if we could get my ex-wife to admit to having a soul that would be even better.

3. Is there anyway that a new born baby can be an exact copy of their parent? I see this being very possible. Say a baby was born, and that baby copyed the DNA and Memory of their parent, and they have the same motor skills, memories and stuff that their parents do. Is this possible?
A few traits sure, but growing up has its own experiences, including the place and time you were born. Maybe memories could be passed along possible i guess but new ones would also occur which would ruin the idea of "exact copy".

4. What makes humans think of new ideas? This is very weird, I mean, thinking of something new is like thinking of a color you've never seen right?

I imagine we think of new ideas because it is human nature to do so.

5. I remember seeing on T.V. that there is -Nothingness- Between two atoms. Is this true? I seen this on T.V. along time ago, so I might be remembering it wrong.
Where are the micronaughts when you need them?

6. If we wrap dark matter around us would we be invisable?
Yeah, dead too.

7. I was thinking, do wormholes exsits? I know black holes and white holes exsits but do wormholes exsits? Black holes and white holes are different from a worm hole, right?

Sure, even if it only exists in ones imagination it exists at least on that plane.

Not sure why I answered these other than it was lunch time.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

can i ask a question too? ok, i've been wondering about this but my brain freezes every time....if the universe was created by a big bang, was was there before it? nothing? can you fathom nothing-ness? and what is eternity?

Originally Posted by adidasss
can i ask a question too? ok, i've been wondering about this but my brain freezes every time....if the universe was created by a big bang, was was there before it? nothing? can you fathom nothing-ness? and what is eternity?
Think about it, before you were here what existed in your place? I do not mean a sperm and an egg, but before that...well nothing I guess. So when your Father had a "Big Bang" there you were, just like the universe, Big Bangs are so underestimated.

yes, but i was created out of something...the universe was created out of something too, but is there a begining? one point in time when it all started? hence my question about eternity...

Originally Posted by Tea Barking

42 and towels--

Arresting your development
Originally Posted by The Watcher
42 and towels--
You've got to know where your towel is and 42 Doesn't work.
Our real discoveries come from chaos, from going to the place that looks wrong and stupid and foolish.
Embrace the chaos and sour adversity, for wise men say it is the wisest course.

****in' A, man. I got a rash, man
Originally Posted by The_Butcher
I want some input, I've heard many other things on other forums on my questions. I'm just curius about these questions. Here they are.

1. They say the universe is expanding constantly, what the hell is it expanding into?

2. This is a question that hasn't been answered. Could we make a robot feel like it has a soul? I just whatched I-Robot. :-)

3. Is there anyway that a new born baby can be an exact copy of their parent? I see this being very possible. Say a baby was born, and that baby copyed the DNA and Memory of their parent, and they have the same motor skills, memories and stuff that their parents do. Is this possible?

4. What makes humans think of new ideas? This is very weird, I mean, thinking of something new is like thinking of a color you've never seen right?

5. I remember seeing on T.V. that there is -Nothingness- Between two atoms. Is this true? I seen this on T.V. along time ago, so I might be remembering it wrong.

6. If we wrap dark matter around us would we be invisable?

7. I was thinking, do wormholes exsits? I know black holes and white holes exsits but do wormholes exsits? Black holes and white holes are different from a worm hole, right?
Some good questions, I'll try and provide some good answers

Black holes, white holes, worm holes etc are by no means proven to exist. They exist only in theory.

Black holes actually contradict many laws of physics

Black holes are based on . Many scientists have doubts over the the theory of general relativity.

There are also many flaws in the big bang and expanding universe theory. For example, the ages of global clusters appear older than the universe.
"You smell that? Do you smell that?... Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for twelve hours. When it was all over I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' dink body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... victory. Someday this war's gonna end..."