Can anyone identify this spider (urgent)


Any novelties about the spider ? Did he come back ?
A thought crossed my mind - perhaps your spider already mated there in the wild Probably they made baies by now
This is how they look:

Any novelties about the spider ? Did he come back ?
A thought crossed my mind - perhaps your spider already mated there in the wild Probably they made baies by now
This is how they look:
I did not need to see that

I haven’t seen the spider since I set it free in the garden. I did feel mild unease about going to sleep last night lest it crawl over me while I’m unconscious, so I’m still keeping my windows and door shut. But then again, I accept these things are well beyond my control, and something probably crawls across me every night, but I’m blissfully unaware. *shrug*

My best friend is now mad at me for sending her photos of a spider (the same ones from earlier in this thread). Oh, how tired I am of squeamish people. This is the woman who told me years back that she killed a rat in cold blood. (But actually, come to think about it, that explains a lot. I wouldn’t have killed the rat, just kicked it out).

Have to install some nets on my windows now that summer is coming. Have these stink bugs coming from outside. They are attracted usually by sunlight. They say they discharge that smell when they feel threatened
If it's sunny and I leave my clothes to dry on the balcony after I washed them, they always land on the clothes and I can wash them all over again. If the sun passes on the other side, they never "attack" lol I live on the first floor.
They look like this, each summer there are more and more:

Have to install some nets on my windows now that summer is coming. Have these stink bugs coming from outside. They are attracted usually by sunlight. They say they discharge that smell when they feel threatened
If it's sunny and I leave my clothes to dry on the balcony after I washed them, they always land on the clothes and I can wash them all over again. If the sun passes on the other side, they never "attack" lol I live on the first floor.
They look like this, each summer there are more and more:
Oh no, that sounds far worse than my spider! I’d probably fumigate the place (and the laundry) and end up with asthma for a few weeks.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Have to install some nets on my windows now that summer is coming. Have these stink bugs coming from outside. They are attracted usually by sunlight. They say they discharge that smell when they feel threatened
If it's sunny and I leave my clothes to dry on the balcony after I washed them, they always land on the clothes and I can wash them all over again. If the sun passes on the other side, they never "attack" lol I live on the first floor.
They look like this, each summer there are more and more:
I've never seen those until 2 years ago, now they are everywhere around where I live. They come into the house during the winter, I guess to get warm. So far I've escorted at least 20 of them to the outside where they belong....They also come in bright green and I can attest that they taste bad, I know I almost ate 2 of them. Not a fun thing to have in your mouth

I've never seen those until 2 years ago, now they are everywhere around where I live. They come into the house during the winter, I guess to get warm. So far I've escorted at least 20 of them to the outside where they belong....They also come in bright green and I can attest that they taste bad, I know I almost ate 2 of them. Not a fun thing to have in your mouth
Sometimes when it's warm - during the night - I leave my window open which was quite a mistake, because second day I was working on my laptop and one of them was just crawling on my screen. Their back has some sort of a dusty layer and if they get on your clothes, you'll just have to wash them again

Trouble with a capital "T"
Sometimes when it's warm - during the night - I leave my window open which was quite a mistake, because second day I was working on my laptop and one of them was just crawling on my screen. Their back has some sort of a dusty layer and if they get on your clothes, you'll just have to wash them again
I read that some of the shield aka stink bugs are from Asia and have become a real pest in parts of the USA. They 'drink' the juices from plants and in the southwest they have hurt the soy bean crop. They taste like a strange chemical if you ever try to eat one! Yes I have

I read that some of the shield aka stink bugs are from Asia and have become a real pest in parts of the USA. They 'drink' the juices from plants and in the southwest they have hurt the soy bean crop. They taste like a strange chemical if you ever try to eat one! Yes I have
I've seen a scene in a tv show that sometimes insects like these are kept and created in laboratories - then after they multiply they get released from planes.... like a weapon
Who knows. They say now with the global warming, since every year is much warmer - mosquitos from Africa will go higher and get into Europe. If not now in a few years for sure.
People will have to get vaccines against malaria and other creepy diseases.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I've seen a scene in a tv show that sometimes insects like these are kept and created in laboratories - then after they multiply they get released from planes.... like a weapon
Who knows. They say now with the global warming, since every year is much warmer - mosquitos from Africa will go higher and get into Europe. If not now in a few years for sure.
People will have to get vaccines against malaria and other creepy diseases.
Not sure if I understand the thrust of your post. Was it a joke or something? I hope you weren't mocking my post?

I was being serious in my post about the stink bug being invasive.
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
It's an invasive species according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

I've seen a scene in a tv show that sometimes insects like these are kept and created in laboratories - then after they multiply they get released from planes.... like a weapon
Things ain't always as bad as what they show you on movies and shows....

Not sure if I understand the thrust of your post. Was it a joke or something? I hope you weren't mocking my post?

I was being serious in my post about the stink bug being invasive.
Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
It's an invasive species according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
No, wasn't mocking anything - I was just telling you what I saw.
It gets warmer each summer, and they say insects which did not exist in Europe, will exist in the future because they will come from warmer continents.
In Malta for example which is the last country from the EU - an island between the African continent and the end of Italy - people get there all the time shots against malaria. And that is not far from Europe.

And not only for this region. They say bugs and insects from the equatorial region will go further - north.