Most Overrated Movies


Interesting question. It brought me to the question of how I'd consider a movie to be "rated" and by whom. On the one hand, it would have to be rated by someone who thinks enough of him/her/self to get into the rating business, then... I'd have to disagree. The rater would need some credentials other than the opinions that come along with a few beers and would need some broad knowledge and recognized respect. I guess, the way to rate movies, for all time, would be whoever has the most statistics to count, and that would probably be IMDB.

Looking at the IMDB top 100, there's a lot there that has survived time and lots of voters, but some of the so-called "best", to me suck. So I will go against the overwhelming truth of statistics but select from that top choices among the top 100 that I would not bother to sit through, not in any particular order.

12 Angry Men
Pulp Fiction
Fight Club
The Seven Samurai
American History X
Apocalypse Now
Paths of Glory
Sunset Boulevard
Toy Story

None of them are bad movies, but all being the the vaunted top 100, should either be better or, have remarkable flaws or just didn't catch me on a good night.

From some IMDB lists:

Shawshank Redemption
Schindler's List
Forrest Gump
Star Wars (any of the first three movies)
Lord of the Rings trilogy
Saving Private Ryan
Raiders of the Lost Ark
Dances with Wolves
Jurassic Park
Rain Man
The Green Mile
Pulp Fiction
Good Will Hunting
The Dark Knight
Fight Club
The Matrix
Django Unchained
Inglorious Basterds
Avengers: Endgame
Terminator (any of the first two)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Alien (any of the first two)
Mononoke and other anime
Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse
Poor Things

Is this in reference to the thread or towards any particular film that has been stated as overrated?

Well, I obviously would take issue with most of the films being listed here. Not simply because of the obvious quality of the vast majority of them, but because of how so many of these posts sidestep actually saying anything. Every one of these films have deep reservoirs of film criticism and debate out there that can be easily found that can explain their supposed greatness to those not convinced...that offer lots of things that maybe someone can refute...but instead what we've got here as a rebuttal is a bunch of lists made by people who went 'meh' after seeing them. And that's it. Get stuffed history of cinema! I was bored!

And it's not like I don't get it. I've been in that boat too a bunch of times. I don't like a lot of things that lots of people love. And I've probably even used the dreaded word overrated from time to time when I'm being careless and lazy. But to have this thread where people just keep listing films they don't like, with the suggestion being that others like it too much (because isn't that what the essence of calling something overrated is?), it just gets gross after awhile.

Basically this is all just people screaming into a void about things they don't like, and maybe for no other reason than these films weren't meant for them, or it caught them on a bad night or (gasp) they didn't understand it. Or, yes, maybe all of history is wrong and these movies actually aren't that good. But you'd think you'd have some seriously interesting things to say about it if that was the case, right?

Or maybe people just enjoy this kind of thing, typing a bunch of movie titles and making fart noises with their armpits. Maybe this is what the kids call 'fun'. I wouldn't know, it never interested me.

Fun is overrated.

The trick is not minding
Well, I obviously would take issue with most of the films being listed here. Not simply because of the obvious quality of the vast majority of them, but because of how so many of these posts sidestep actually saying anything. Every one of these films have deep reservoirs of film criticism and debate out there that can be easily found that can explain their supposed greatness to those not convinced...that offer lots of things that maybe someone can refute...but instead what we've got here as a rebuttal is a bunch of lists made by people who went 'meh' after seeing them. And that's it. Get stuffed history of cinema! I was bored!

And it's not like I don't get it. I've been in that boat too a bunch of times. I don't like a lot of things that lots of people love. And I've probably even used the dreaded word overrated from time to time when I'm being careless and lazy. But to have this thread where people just keep listing films they don't like, with the suggestion being that others like it too much (because isn't that what the essence of calling something overrated is?), it just gets gross after awhile.

Basically this is all just people screaming into a void about things they don't like, and maybe for no other reason than these films weren't meant for them, or it caught them on a bad night or (gasp) they didn't understand it. Or, yes, maybe all of history is wrong and these movies actually aren't that good. But you'd think you'd have some seriously interesting things to say about it if that was the case, right?

Or maybe people just enjoy this kind of thing, typing a bunch of movie titles and making fart noises with their armpits. Maybe this is what the kids call 'fun'. I wouldn't know, it never interested me.

Fun is overrated.
Eh, I think you’re over reacting just a tad. I stated films I found to be so, but I, or others, didn’t think I need to defend those decisions so much as just name a few films I don’t like as much as others.*
Even if any of those reasons you suggest are actually applicable (over where head, not meant for them etc) those reasons are probably self evident, but I’d wager that they likely didn’t enjoy them as much as others.

I mean, I’ve seen you, as you’ve already pointed out, so much the same with films others clearly enjoy and it while you state your reasons, it never boils down to much more the. the same reasons you’ve pointed out.

It’s neither “gross” nor the equivalent of “making far noises with your armpit” (a little condescending don’t you think?) , as you suggest, but as you say, people perhaps being a little lazy and not offering up their reasons. It is probably more likely they weren’t under the impression they really had to, anyways (I certainly don't think I am).

However, in the spirit of the discussion I’ll go with:
Silence of the Lambs
I don’t care for this very much because, outside of maybe Hopkins and Buffalo Bill, nothing else was down well for me. Not the suspense. Not Foster, who is only ok for me here. I’ve watched a few times and never could just get into it as much as I had hoped.

I’ve already gone my reasons I’m not a Fulci or Cassavetes fan, so I don’t think I need to go any further on that score at all.

But to have this thread where people just keep listing films they don't like, with the suggestion being that others like it too much (because isn't that what the essence of calling something overrated is?), it just gets gross after awhile.
This is why I don't care for the term overrated (or underrated). There are, of course, tons of highly regarded films I dislike, but the word means "rated or valued too highly", so this does come with connotations that the fans of those films are wrong for enjoying those films, regardless of how much one might want to avoid this implication.

I think this only becomes an issue though when people act snarky/condescending towards the fans of those films. When someone isn't doing that, I just take it with a grain of salt, even when they don't back up their opinion.

That said, I consider the backlash overrated lists tend to receive by fanboys and trolls to be far more eye rolling than the lists they're having a meltdown over.

The trick is not minding
This is why I don't care for the term overrated (or underrated). There are, of course, tons of highly regarded films I dislike, but the word means "rated or valued too highly", so this does come with connotations that the fans of those films are wrong for enjoying those films, regardless of how much one might want to avoid this implication..
Eh, I don’t think that’s true in many of our cases here, with a few notable exceptions. For what it’s worth, it’s clear most, including myself, are using the term for their own experience and not so much for others, as in I find this film overrated, and not so much condemning anyone who likes said film.
I’ve been vocal about the listed directors I’ve already given (Fulci, Cassavetes) but have always made it clear it’s from my own point of view, and I’m sure most are doing the same.

I personally have no issue with the term, or even its supposed implications . What I do find offensive is when one describes a film as trashy such as the Daisies debate/debacle, when trashy is about the worst and laziest description used for it. And not even accurate.

Also, when someone trashes an art film for benign “too artistic” and “on the nose” as if that’s something bad. That was from an actual review, by the way.

Boring is another lazy criticism, especially when it’s used towards slow cinem.

But I digress…

Trouble with a capital "T"
My pet peeve descriptive term is calling a film 'dated'. That's short sighted. Sure a film might not play to today's taste and trends, or tomorrow's styles, but it's a window into the past. Saying a film is dated is like looking at a 1957 Corvette and saying it's irrelevant because it doesn't look like a new car.

Ultimately, we're all here to give our opinions. There's nothing wrong with saying what we like and don't like.

'Dated' could be applied to any older movie, and if that's a problem for you then you're going to miss out on many, many terrific movies. To me, the only times it's truly a negative is when there are problematic elements. There are certainly many old movies that make me wince.

Gone with the Wind's idea of romance, white actors portraying minorities, feminism ridiculed, white saviors 'civilizing' the backwards minority groups, etc.

Two relatively recent movies that I find far overrated are both Batman movies. I'm a fan of Superhero movies in general, but I think we can agree there are a lot more in the IMDB top 250 than there should be.

Joker annoys me because of how much it borrows from three far superior movies: Taxi Driver, The King of Comedy, and The Network. To me, it doesn't have enough of its own ideas to hold itself up. This is nothing against Joaquin Phoenix's performance. He's a terrific actor.

Dark Knight Rises is just a mess of a movie. Forcing Tom Hardy to try to act with a bizarre mask that distorts his voice was a terrible idea. So many of the plot twists are ridiculous and lazy. The villains just happen to find Gordon's discarded speech, they "hack" the stockmarket to bankrupt Wayne, Bruce Wayne manages to effortlessly travel across the planet with no money or identification, Batman refused to use any gadgets vs Bane (hell even an average cop could've just tasered, maced, or tear gassed Bane and ended the movie 90 minutes early).

This isn't even touching on the fact that the federal government spends days doing absolutely nothing while one of America's largest cities is held by terrorists.

I know we're supposed to give leeway to action focused Superhero movies, but it takes itself so ********* seriously, and still sits in the top 250.

Eh, I don’t think that’s true in many of our cases here, with a few notable exceptions. For what it’s worth, it’s clear most, including myself, are using the term for their own experience and not so much for others, as in I find this film overrated, and not so much condemning anyone who likes said film.
I’ve been vocal about the listed directors I’ve already given (Fulci, Cassavetes) but have always made it clear it’s from my own point of view, and I’m sure most are doing the same.

I personally have no issue with the term, or even its supposed implications . What I do find offensive is when one describes a film as trashy such as the Daisies debate/debacle, when trashy is about the worst and laziest description used for it. And not even accurate.

Also, when someone trashes an art film for benign “too artistic” and “on the nose” as if that’s something bad. That was from an actual review, by the way.

Boring is another lazy criticism, especially when it’s used towards slow cinem.

But I digress…
To clarify, I don't think you or anyone else in this thread is acting snarky or condescending. I'm sure most people on this forum try to avoid that. My point is just that, though one can say they don't think people are wrong for liking/not liking certain films, the word overrated does carry that implication, whether you want it to or not. It does explicitly mean that something is rated or valued too highly, so saying that isn't what you meant doesn't change the widely accepted definition of the word. So, if you don't think people are wrong for liking a film you dislike, I think it's best to avoid the word overrated and stick to "dislike", "hate", and other such terms since that more accurately describes your relations to the respective films than overrated.

With Daisies, if you're referring to the HoF situation where at least a few users were dismissing ueno's nominations on principle due to them being different or due to vendetta's they clearly had with her, then yes, I agree. That made them lose a great deal of credibility with me, tbh. Too artistic is another bad criticism.

As for the boring criticism, there are a handful of films I find boring, like Hollywood biopics and cliché sports films, so while the word is often just used to mean "it's too slow and it doesn't have action", I don't think it's entirely without merit.

Eh, I think you’re over reacting just a tad.
I think I'd just say I reacted.

I stated films I found to be so, but I, or others, didn’t think I need to defend those decisions so much as just name a few films I don’t like as much as others.
I'm not saying you're not allowed to do this. I'm talking about what I find empty about the exercise. List away! But when you have a thread that is explicitly about drawing attention to controversial opinions, and how certain movies aren't as good as other people say they are, it should be expected that some people might question these hot takes. Or at least start finding the lack of explanations to be a bit of a provocation in itself.

Even if any of those reasons you suggest are actually applicable (over where head, not meant for them etc) those reasons are probably self evident, but I’d wager that they likely didn’t enjoy them as much as others.
Not enjoying something as much as others is different from calling something overrated. The term overrated has to do with how others have viewed a film. It implies the person speaking is the one rating it correctly, and the rest of the world is somehow wrong. They are the ones who overrated it. The issue is supposedly with everyone else. And that's what is gross about the term, particularly so when (as I said) these are films that already have lots of writing about why the people who love them love them and think they are classics. Whereas, in here, we just have a lot of people going 'nope, not good'.

And while I personally don't mind the provocations of knocking sacred cows off their pedestal, even those that I personally think deserve to be there, I feel it should be attached to some kind of rebuttal or explanation that shows there is some understanding as to why they were on the pedestal on the first place.

Now obviously no one has to humor me. But I can still point out what I find flawed or gross about all this. And I think the more actual discourse falls to the wayside, and the more people keep thinking that their ultimate hot take verdicts are what is most important in cultural discussion, the more the value of art diminishes.

I mean, I’ve seen you, as you’ve already pointed out, so much the same with films others clearly enjoy and it while you state your reasons, it never boils down to much more the. the same reasons you’ve pointed out.
At least there is something to boil down.

And it should also be pointed out that most of my negative criticisms towards films I don't particularly like, usually have less to do with the movie itself and more to do with how certain ideas of what a movie is supposed to be have calcified. Have blotted out the value that can be found in different kinds of movies expressing different kinds of things. Even if I'm being negative, it's mostly just to point to alternatives.

It’s neither “gross”
Maybe not gross if just simply taken as some people having a laugh and ruffling feathers.

Definitely gross (to me) when I find the overall trend of all cultural discussion to now be little more than this. Not just here, but everywhere.

nor the equivalent of “making far noises with your armpit” (a little condescending don’t you think?)
I didn't mean it to be flattering. But I did consider using "sad trombone noise" instead, if that's to your preference.

as you suggest, but as you say, people perhaps being a little lazy and not offering up their reasons. It is probably more likely they weren’t under the impression they really had to, anyways (I certainly don't think I am).
No one has to. I'm not calling out anyone in particular. I'm calling this out generally. The fact that so many talk on the internet without ever being under the impression that maybe putting some work into what they think or say might actually make it of actual value.

So, yes, lazy is probably the word I was looking for.

However, in the spirit of the discussion I’ll go with:
Silence of the Lambs
I don’t care for this very much because, outside of maybe Hopkins and Buffalo Bill, nothing else was down well for me. Not the suspense. Not Foster, who is only ok for me here. I’ve watched a few times and never could just get into it as much as I had hoped.

The fact that Demme made such a good film from such a trashy novel is in itself enough reason to celebrate it. I don't necessarily think it is some piece of high art, but as a blockbuster horror/thriller that mostly trades in fairly standard narrative conventions at the time, it offers a lot to chew on in regards to the dysfunctional dynamic between Foster and Hopkins. The movie works best as a character study between two people constantly angling to get the psychological upper hand on the other. That to me is what is interesting, and I think is likely where much of it's classic status hinges on.

Again though, I'm not bothered if someone doesn't particularly like the film. Or takes the piss out of it. Or just entirely dismisses it. But when the claim is overrated, the question I always have to ask is overrated by who? And when all I have in this particular instance is that it is supposedly being properly rated by someone who is putting it beneath Hannibal....errrrrrr....surely you expect that to raise some eyebrows? Especially when that's all there is to go on. Because Hannibal is essentially just the same basic kind of film, just more superficially pretty and with all of the characters emotional complexities scraped clean out of it.

To clarify, I don't think you or anyone else in this thread is acting snarky or condescending. I'm sure most people on this forum try to avoid that. My point is just that, though one can say they don't think people are wrong for liking/not liking certain films, the word overrated does carry that implication, whether you want it to or not. It does explicitly mean that something is rated or valued too highly, so saying that isn't what you meant doesn't change the widely accepted definition of the word. So, if you don't think people are wrong for liking a film you dislike, I think it's best to avoid the word overrated and stick to "dislike", "hate", and other such terms since that more accurately describes your relations to the respective films than overrated.


And I don't think we've necessarily got to be language police here. I think we all understand basically what is being said when the term 'overrated' is being used. But there are also hidden implications in the kinds of words we use, and this explains what those are when we use 'overrated'.

Well, I obviously would take issue with most of the films being listed here. Not simply because of the obvious quality of the vast majority of them, but because of how so many of these posts sidestep actually saying anything. Every one of these films have deep reservoirs of film criticism and debate out there that can be easily found that can explain their supposed greatness to those not convinced...that offer lots of things that maybe someone can refute...but instead what we've got here as a rebuttal is a bunch of lists made by people who went 'meh' after seeing them. And that's it. Get stuffed history of cinema! I was bored!

And it's not like I don't get it. I've been in that boat too a bunch of times. I don't like a lot of things that lots of people love. And I've probably even used the dreaded word overrated from time to time when I'm being careless and lazy. But to have this thread where people just keep listing films they don't like, with the suggestion being that others like it too much (because isn't that what the essence of calling something overrated is?), it just gets gross after awhile.

Basically this is all just people screaming into a void about things they don't like, and maybe for no other reason than these films weren't meant for them, or it caught them on a bad night or (gasp) they didn't understand it. Or, yes, maybe all of history is wrong and these movies actually aren't that good. But you'd think you'd have some seriously interesting things to say about it if that was the case, right?

Or maybe people just enjoy this kind of thing, typing a bunch of movie titles and making fart noises with their armpits. Maybe this is what the kids call 'fun'. I wouldn't know, it never interested me.

Fun is overrated.
I'd take some issue with this. "Over rated" is about as hard to define as "Good". Grammatically, all it means is that you don't agree with whoever rated it high. That high rating could be a panel of experts or just me spouting off after a couple of beers. It means that you don't agree with whoever is doing the rating.

I think that before you can determine that a movie is "Over-rated", you need to specify the movie, the rater, the rating criteria and then explain why you disagree. Personally, I think that Citizen Kane is "over-rated". I don't care about the critics. To me it's a decent but ponderous movie, but it's not set on repeat in my dreams.

That's why we call ratings "opinions".....there's no defendable criteria for a high rating, just an opinion in a world where I've seen as many movies as a lot of critics, but completely disagree with them sometimes.

I recall a philosophy professor who one uttered the truism that Opinions are like A**holes. Everybody has one and they all stink.

I'd take some issue with this. "Over rated" is about as hard to define as "Good". Grammatically, all it means is that you don't agree with whoever rated it high. That high rating could be a panel of experts or just me spouting off after a couple of beers. It means that you don't agree with whoever is doing the rating.


I agree. It's also interesting you mention that it's hard to define good, because separating the varying degrees of 'good' has always seemed kinda pointless to me. Everything from B- to A- are movies that I enjoyed, but can't claim are masterpieces.

I usually give any movie that falls into that range a . They probably aren't awards worthy, but i'll gladly watch them again.

I'm leaning towards a 4 star system, with the ratings being:

