Anyone think eBay and Amazon is kind of pricey?


Good grief.

Some out of print DVDs cost a mint. These aren't always great quality discs either. Do you remember how shite DVDs looked around 1999? Meh.

But yeah. As I am hunting on eBay, I see some DVDs are going for like, a whopping £40, and many movies aren't even available on Region 2 at all. Then I get worried about the damn case getting damaged in the post, if it's coming from abroad.

It's some hard hobby, I swear. :P

Trouble with a capital "T"
Good grief.

Some out of print DVDs cost a mint...
Out of print makes a DVD or book collectible...or at least the sellers think so and they can ask an astronomical price. I do think for vintage and used items ebay often is cheaper than Amazon. At least when I search both sites I often find it on ebay much cheaper.

Can I ask what movie you were looking for?

The Bib-iest of Nickels
I wonder if it's just lack of demand, due to streaming? DVDs were pretty cheap before that caught on.
They still are in a lot of places. eBay and Amazon more often than not only charge $5-10 per film, and you can sometimes find a "lot", as well (a couple months back I bought 120 movies for about $70, after all).

In the, ahem, real world, if you pick your spot, you can find a lot of good movies as well. The $5 bin at my Wal-Mart always has a few gems (I bought The Wolf of Wall Street, a special edition version of Scarface, and The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent for $15 total there recently). At my local Dollar Tree, I bought Boyhood and a handful of horror movies brand-new for a dollar apiece.