What was the last DVD you bought and why?


Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm running out of space on my shelves, so I wanted to get rid of some. A few were duplicates that I had upgraded or had two copies of and some were ones that I knew I wasn't going to watch again.
Ah, I see. You need a bigger house I recently got rid of a bunch of DVDs for the same reasons, no room to store them under the TV cabinet which is a small space...and I wasn't going to watch them again anyway.

Dead presidents

The Outer Limits, seasons one and two, the 1960's version of the show. As for why.....TOL was the best, bleakest, dreamiest, nightmarish sci-fi anthology ever done. It had a bleak voiceover intro by the mysterious Control Voice that was both gentle and ominous, stark black and white filmed cinematography, noir-styled imagery, excellent theatrical acting, characters who had no idea what was happening to them (being dragged off into psychic hell) and a plot line resolution that left you with the feeling that you'd escaped this fate just barely. You get to go on living or being sane, but just until the next episode. The cheesy, rubber-suited monsters were metaphors for the horrors of life, bringers of fear, "Until the next time when take you to The Outer Limits".

Season one was the best. Season two was not quite as good, but still better than almost anything else on TV.

It was a triple blue-ray set with Twister, Poseidon and the Perfect Storm. I mainly bought it for Twister. Having been way too close to several tornadoes in life, including being about 200 feet from one, and being somewhat traumatized by that, I prefer the cinematic version of that special thrill but I do like the thrill. Twister did it OK and had a better twister than the Wizard of Oz.

It was a triple blue-ray set with Twister, Poseidon and the Perfect Storm. I mainly bought it for Twister. Having been way too close to several tornadoes in life, including being about 200 feet from one, and being somewhat traumatized by that, I prefer the cinematic version of that special thrill but I do like the thrill. Twister did it OK and had a better twister than the Wizard of Oz.

gosh i need to rewatch twister and the perfect storm i missed those movies

It's Rod Serling's other show, Night Gallery, the first episode among 98 in a DVD set. I recall seeing some of them a long time ago. This episode has Roddy MacDowell and Ossie Davis. MacDowell is a spoiled, insufferable rich kid wanting to inherit the family fortune and having carefully murdered his father. Ossie Davis is the "manservant" in the mansion who's fed up with the spoiled son. Given the type of series it was, something tells me that the father is going to get his revenge, in this case, by means of haunted paintings.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
The Wolf of Wall Street and Scarface ($10 for both)

I did it because I have wanted to watch Wolf of Wall Street with my wife and am always setback either by its enormous runtime or by the fact I can't find it streaming anyplace. Scarface is a good one too, that I simply wanted in my collection.

The Wolf of Wall Street and Scarface ($10 for both)

I did it because I have wanted to watch Wolf of Wall Street with my wife and am always setback either by its enormous runtime or by the fact I can't find it streaming anyplace. Scarface is a good one too, that I simply wanted in my collection.
Good pickups and a great deal! I have both on blu ray.

The Wolf of Wall Street and Scarface ($10 for both)

I did it because I have wanted to watch Wolf of Wall Street with my wife and am always setback either by its enormous runtime or by the fact I can't find it streaming anyplace. Scarface is a good one too, that I simply wanted in my collection.
which edition of scarface did u get?