Rank M. Night Shyamalan's Films


My ranking of the ones I have seen:

1. The Sixth Sense
2. Knock at the Cabin
3. Unbreakable
4. Signs
5. Glass
6. Lady in the Water
7. Split
8. The Village
9. Old
10. The Happening
11. The Visit

The Sixth Sense.

After this film, he died in a tragic accident home. His family, however, realizing the income that could be made off his name, covered it up and replaced him with his less talented first cousin I Might Just Twistalot.

1. The Village
2. Signs
3. Unbreakable
4. The Sixth Sense
5. The Happening

That's all I've seen.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

I forgot the opening line.
I've seen 10 :

1 - Unbreakable
2 - The Sixth Sense
3 - Signs
4 - Glass
5 - Old
6 - The Village
7 - Lady in the Water
8 - Split - a film that was absolutely ruined by it's revelatory trailer
9 - The Visit - a film where I guessed the big twist way too early
10 - The Happening

The amazing thing about M. Night Shyamalan is the fact that it's so tempting to see every latest movie he makes, despite his flaws and foibles.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

"Tell Me. Do You Bleed? You Will."
I've seen 10 :

1 - Unbreakable
2 - The Sixth Sense
3 - Signs
4 - Glass
5 - Old
6 - The Village
7 - Lady in the Water
8 - Split - a film that was absolutely ruined by it's revelatory trailer
9 - The Visit - a film where I guessed the big twist way too early
10 - The Happening

The amazing thing about M. Night Shyamalan is the fact that it's so tempting to see every latest movie he makes, despite his flaws and foibles.
Honestly, I think this is my exact ranking. Amazing.

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SIGNS is such an incredible movie that it makes me forget how absurd the premise is for Aliens to travel all this way to Earth knowing how they're afraid of water??