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Hick, 2011

Luli (Chloe Grace Moretz) lives in a small town in Nebraska with an alcoholic father and an indifferent mother. After a bizarre 13th birthday party in which she’s gifted a revolver, Luli decides to run away. She first hitches a ride with Eddie (Eddie Redmayne), who seems both contemptuous of Luli and attracted to her. She later ends up traveling with Glenda (Blake Lively), but ends up crossing paths with Eddie again. As Luli gets increasingly enmeshed with the messy personal lives of Glenda and Eddie, she finds herself in more danger than she ever imagined.

Overly written characters and an uncomfortable fetishizing of its main character makes this a labored and icky watch.

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Arrival (2016)

I am in the minority in not liking this movie much, according to IMDb. All the flash forwards / flash backs are annoying and the story gets slower and slower. The entrance into the craft was fascinating along with the contact and all that but while I waited for the action to start and the story to take off and climax, it sort of dissipated and fizzled out instead. And the security protocols seem really lax for a regiment establishing contact with space aliens, you'd think every inch of that place would be on strict lockdown. This film also seemed sympathetic to communists and thats a mighty big huge thumbs down with me.

It's another one of those "sneak something in near the end" movies.


Believe: The Eddie Izzard Story, 2009

This documentary follows stand-up comedian Eddie Izzard as she navigates a challenging year of trying to write and launch a new show.

Some okay insights here, but I hope one day Izzard gets a documentary that lives up to all the interesting facets of her life.

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I watched "The WOLF OF WALL STREET" and haven't seen it in awhile and it's really good and if you're looking to see Margot Robbie in all her buff & glory, this is the movie to see her in.. Can't decide if that was a stunt double or her in that nude scene with Leo??

Attack of the Crab Monsters - Another Roger Corman joint and one of nine (!) films he is credited with having directed in 1957. This one takes place on an uninhabited island where a group of researchers have come ashore to investigate the fate of the previous scientific expedition. Those unfortunate folks were there to study the effects of radioactive fallout from the Bikini Atoll explosion. The only actor I recognized was Russell Johnson, who later played the Professor (another shipwreck survivor) on Gilligan's Island. There's a French guy, a German guy and the requisite couple. Corman keeps his cast busy scurrying up and down trails and navigating caves. The titular monsters are, of course, atomically mutated land crabs that have not only grown to enormous, man killing size but are also super intelligent and mostly invulnerable. They also absorb their victims minds and are therefore able to taunt the survivors. Things play out in requisite fashion with the group winnowed down until it all wraps up in somewhat abrupt fashion. If I had to hazard a guess I'd say someone had to have flipped a coin to get that ending.


The Amazing Transparent Man - There's really nothing amazing about this movie. It's a low budget affair clocking in at under an hour. But it is directed by Edgar G. Ulmer who had helmed some pretty decent films in the past including The Black Cat and Detour but also the not so decent Beyond the Time Barrier (which Ulmer shot back to back with this in a combined two weeks!) and The Man from Planet X. In this one thief and safecracker Joey Faust (Douglas Kennedy) is broken out of prison by retired Major Paul Krenner (James Griffith). He wants to use Faust to steal fissionable material from a secure government location so that scientist Dr. Ulof (Ivan Triesault) can keep fine tuning an invisibility ray. He blackmails Faust into undergoing a procedure that renders him invisible but the short runtime and the budgetary constraints conspire to have the wheels come off in abbreviated fashion. Characters are killed off and plot points laid to the side and forgotten in the headlong rush to wrap this up. Few if any f***s are given.


The Searchers - 1956

Always on my list but finally got around to watching it. First time I've really watched a John Wayne flick. He takes a little time to adjust to because to me he isn't a terribly great actor. Feels a bit one note. But he is so confident you finally accept it and move past it until he feels like he is killing it. Is that what confidence does for you? Wouldn't know The film surprisingly has a decent amount of comedy for such a dark plot. Which the plot keeps you intrigued enough through the whole movie. I enjoyed it. I am not running back to rewatch it but it was fun enough.

I am usually against remakes but a lot of these old Westerns feel ripe for an updated interpretation ala 3:10 to Yuma and True Grit. It's the one genre I am more forgiven with remakes. Rumor has it Spielberg was developing a remake of it. That would have my intrigue.
Yeah, I think if any older movie would benefit from a remake with some updated, less problematic cultural depictions in it, it'd be this one, to be perfectly honest.

Arrival (2016)

This film also seemed sympathetic to communists and thats a mighty big huge thumbs down with me.

It's another one of those "sneak something in near the end" movies.
Um... what?

Psychopathic Psychiatrist

It basically is BODY SNATCHERS from a parallel dimension, rather than growing out of pods who where coming from space.

4 Doppelganger out of 5


Attack of the Crab Monsters - Another Roger Corman joint and one of nine (!) films he is credited with having directed in 1957. This one takes place on an uninhabited island where a group of researchers have come ashore to investigate the fate of the previous scientific expedition. Those unfortunate folks were there to study the effects of radioactive fallout from the Bikini Atoll explosion. The only actor I recognized was Russell Johnson, who later played the Professor (another shipwreck survivor) on Gilligan's Island. There's a French guy, a German guy and the requisite couple. Corman keeps his cast busy scurrying up and down trails and navigating caves. The titular monsters are, of course, atomically mutated land crabs that have not only grown to enormous, man killing size but are also super intelligent and mostly invulnerable. They also absorb their victims minds and are therefore able to taunt the survivors. Things play out in requisite fashion with the group winnowed down until it all wraps up in somewhat abrupt fashion. If I had to hazard a guess I'd say someone had to have flipped a coin to get that ending.

I absolutely love Attack of the Crab Monsters. I think it's weirdly quotable and funny, and it has some really out-of-left-field elements like using metal items to communicate with telepathic powers.

I watched it with a friend and her 5 year old daughter. We were a little nervous about whether the crabs would scare her. Later in the film she says something like, "The crab is eating that man. He's hungry!". LOL.

God, Roger Corman movies are just fun. Remember when you could make a whole movie premised over giant crabs attacking people?

Oppenheimer - 2023

Still gathering my thoughts after I saw it last night. Was definitely a theatrical experience. Also side note Barbie is going crush Oppenheimer in the box office...nothing but girls in pink at the theater...Oppenheimer had a crowd but nothing like Barbie. Anyways takeaways. Murphy was incredible and should be a shoe in for a nomination. The Trinity Test sequence lives up to the hype I was filled with anxiety during it. Downey will probably get a nomination as well. He was great. It's a bit jarring with how much Nolan switches from time line to time line. It takes a second to catch up if you can. Very dialogue heavy. It feels like a thick book at times. I've read some reviews that say it's too cold but I think that is the point. That was Oppenheimer's scientific nature. He was cold. I enjoyed the film and it will give you tons to ponder after. I will be safe and give it a 3 of out 5. However it has a chance to go up on a rewatch. I think I almost need a rewatch to give it a proper rating. Think I'll be able to digest it better after a 2nd watch. Deftinely better than Tenet.

I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

God, Roger Corman movies are just fun. Remember when you could make a whole movie premised over giant crabs attacking people?
I am still very much in this market if Hollywood is willing to churn them out.

If only Eight Legged Freaks had been a bit better!

Silent Running, 1972

In a distant future, all flora and fauna on Earth has died out and will not re-propagate. Deep in space, Lowell (Bruce Dern) tends to several biomes in a specially designed spacecraft. He holds out hope that one day they will get the call to return home and help revive the planet. But when they do get a call, their direction is to destroy the biomes and return home. Distraught, Lowell turns against the other crew members, going to more and more extreme lengths to save his plants and animals.

If you don’t have some of those environmental anxieties, I’m sure this would be a long haul. For me, I connected very deeply with Lowel’’s emotions and his conflicting feelings. I’d often heard very middling things about this film, but I really liked it.

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They Cloned Tyrone

A funny movie about cloning, but it is longer than it really should be (2 hours). The cast is really what makes this worthwhile to me...Boyega was fantastic.

They Cloned Tyrone

A funny movie about cloning, but it is longer than it really should be (2 hours). The cast is really what makes this worthwhile to me...Boyega was fantastic.
This movie wasn't even on my radar and then today I read a review of it that made me very interested in checking it out. I've loved watching Boyega's star rise ever since Attack the Block.

(2022, Peele)

"This dream you're chasing, the one where you end up at the top of the mountain, all eyes on you, it's the dream you never wake up from."

Nope follows siblings OJ and Emerald (Daniel Kaluuya and Keke Palmer), the aforementioned horse handlers, as they struggle to make ends meet. That is until some weird occurrences and sightings of an alleged UFO presents an opportunity for them to gain both fame and fortune. But chasing that dream can be the reason for them to never wake up again.

There is something about Peele's work that still amazes me on this, his third film. It's a confidence and assuredness in his direction that makes you feel at ease with his work; at least in terms of the craft because the premise is still as eerie and intriguing as with his previous works. No matter the shot, you get the feeling that Peele knows what he's doing and that there is purpose in everything you see on the screen.


Full review on my Movie Loot
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

I forgot the opening line.

By https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5437928/, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=57884483

Colette - (2018)

I'm very aware that looking to cinema for an education in history is pretty foolish, but I'm often inspired to learn more about the subjects I watch - and this was no different with Colette. Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette earned enough fame to be accepted by her preferred nomenclature "Colette" - but to get there she had to fight her way out of her husband's shadow. Henry Gauthier-Villars had his own one-name moniker, "Willy", and Collette's novels were at first released under his name. In fact, when her "Claudine" novels became a massive popular hit in France, he convinced her to write more, at stages locking her up when her output slowed down. This film starts with their marriage - Keira Knightley playing Colette and Dominic West, Willy, focusing on their sexual proclivities, and a relationship which was at times close and friendly, at others frosty and dysfunctional. Willy parties, and usually spends a lot of money buying drinks and dinner for the countless people with him - it's amazing how he goes through the massive amounts of money the two earn, and one particular financial transaction hurts Colette keenly. In the meantime, Colette explores her bisexuality, and partners up with Mathilde de Morny - kind of daring for the time, but Mathilde openly dresses in men's clothes and openly identifies with being a man. Interesting biopic, but like with many biopics, I don't see myself ever watching it again - it did it's job, encouraging me to learn about these late 19th/early 20th Century figures.


By http://www.impawards.com/2016/assassins_creed_ver3.html, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=50518324

Assassins Creed - (2016)

Oh boy. $125 million - and honest effort. They weren't fooling around. New Regency Productions, Ubisoft Motion Pictures and all the other production companies and head honchos really wanted this to work. But - and this is an important but - they didn't grasp what's intrinsically fun about the games. Running around in the past and being an assassin - the action and historical accuracy. The present day sections are around 10% of the game, and the more laborious, overarching and narratively complex parts - the parts that should have been minimized. You can guess what happened - we get a few half-decent action set-pieces in 15th Century Spain, but most of this film is set in the future/present with the tangled web of hopelessly convoluted narrative lovingly transplanted for cinemagoers to hate. Don't blame yourself if you don't understand it - it's simply vague and nonsensical. This film's narrative should have been straightforward, and most of it should have played out in the 15th Century portion. Michael Fassbender, Marion Cotillard, Jeremy Irons, Brendan Gleeson and Charlotte Rampling - a dream cast in a film that's a living nightmare to watch - but the reviews that popped up on YouTube are a lot of fun to watch instead.

Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

The Martian (2015)

I forgot how good this movie was. I saw it in theaters and was floored with the special effects. Everything is so realistic. The depiction of Mars is perfect as far as I know, looks and feels like what you see on the NASA site. Second time around though it doesn't quite hit the same level of excitement and intrigue because you know whats already going to happen. I can't see rating this under 10 because there doesnt seem to be any reason whatsoever to knock it down a notch.
