What is the most boring movie ever made?


I went through my movie notes for more boringness and in 2021 I tried to watch Outland (1981) but couldn't stand it and noted that "Also got Outland (1981) starring Sean Connery but was very bored with it, only watching 30 minutes before nodding off the sleep"

Death Proof after the first car crash scene.

Never has a film promised so much and then fizzled out to crap.

The whole introduction of stuntman mike rocks and then what? I wanted the cool as shit sexy car killer movie that was set up not the cheerleader waffle sesh that followed.

Death Proof after the first car crash scene.

Never has a film promised so much and then fizzled out to crap.

The whole introduction of stuntman mike rocks and then what? I wanted the cool as shit sexy car killer movie that was set up not the cheerleader waffle sesh that followed.
Yeah, he was going for a murder-whimsy thing. Prey becomes predator. Fear turns to joy. Tragedy turns to comedy. It's tough to stick the landing with tonal shifts.

Upon seeing this question, The Tree of Life instantly sprung to my mind.

But, thinking about it harder, Satantago, 7 hours of nothing happening, it's boring but it is good (I leave understading this as an exercise for the reader). Its on YouTube:

I know which one I'd rather watch...

I guess I'm the first person who brings up Paint Drying, a 10 hour film by Charlie Lyne that best serves as a middle finger to the British ratings board.

Personally, I'm going with Twilight. First time I saw it, I conked out in the afternoon. Gave it a second go, nearly fell asleep again.

So, here I sit, wondering how anybody could think a movie to be more boring than My Dinner With Andre, and I go to the source of all knowledge , Google. Searching, I can find a bunch of most boring lists, which surprisingly include flicks like Casablanca, Pulp Fiction, Avatar, Robin Hood Contagion, The Wild Bunch and Suicide Squad.

Apparently, like beauty, boring is in the eye of the beholder.

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I don't bail out easily, but when I do... it seems to be within 10 to 40 mins.

- District 9 (2009) — A love or hate movie?
- The Mountain (2018)
- Groundhog Day (1993) — Another love or hate? I usually dislike time travel mind****ery. A friend watches it every year...
- Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (2012) — Some horrible acting from Keira (not her only time)
- Terminal (2018)
- The Landlord (1970)
- The Duke (2020)
- The Neon Demon (2016)
- Fences (2016) — I usually dislike stage play vibes, but I don't always spot it in advance...
- London (2005)
- Wiener Dog (2016)
- Passion (2012) — After seeing the French original it did nothing for me
- ... (many I wished I had bailed out on)

Upon seeing this question, The Tree of Life instantly sprung to my mind.

But, thinking about it harder, Satantago, 7 hours of nothing happening, it's boring but it is good (I leave understading this as an exercise for the reader). Its on YouTube:

You know, I saw this movie in theaters and it was both boring and fascinating. Fascinating enough to keep you in your seat. Seems like almost a spiritual pursuit and given what was going on around me at the time and the situation/atmosphere in Hollywood at that time it was dialed in to that moment of existence and looking back it seems like whatever made this movie so right at that time escapes me now but it was meaningful for some reason.

I don't bail out easily, but when I do... it seems to be within 10 to 40 mins.

- District 9 (2009) — A love or hate movie?
- The Mountain (2018)
- Groundhog Day (1993) — Another love or hate? I usually dislike time travel mind****ery. A friend watches it every year...
- Seeking a Friend for the End of the World (2012) — Some horrible acting from Keira (not her only time)
- Terminal (2018)
- The Landlord (1970)
- The Duke (2020)
- The Neon Demon (2016)
- Fences (2016) — I usually dislike stage play vibes, but I don't always spot it in advance...
- London (2005)
- Wiener Dog (2016)
- Passion (2012) — After seeing the French original it did nothing for me
- ... (many I wished I had bailed out on)
I was ready to turn District 9 off the first time I saw it (because of the first 10 - 15 minutes of shaky cam). Luckily it didn't continue on that way and turned out to be a very solid sci-fi film.

Groundhog Day was another that I really did not like the first time I saw it (and I was bothered by the repetition). It wasn't until I looked past the attempted comedy and closer at the film's deeper meanings & life lessons that I grew to appreciate it more.

Shots fired!

Avatar - The Way of Water

One that always comes to mind when this question is asked is Eddie Murphy's Holy Man (1998).
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

I'm not sure, but I'm betting it has a Criterion release.