Birthday movie


And this is my BOOMstick!
My birthday is coming up soon so I was thinking about going to the movies with my friends, and I've been around long enough for you to realise that I have a crappy taste in movies. So, what would you suggest I go see that would suit my taste? Right now I'm thinking about catching White Noise, but I'm open for suggestions.
"All I have in this world is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for no one."

I believe White Noise is the only major release for January 7th, 2005. But, if by then you haven't yet caught The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The Aviator or A Very Long Engagement and any or all are playing at a theater near you, any of them would make an excellent choice. The Wes Anderson is probably the most accessible of the three, but maybe challenge you and whoever you're taking with you with the Scorsese or the Jeunet?

I think, anyway.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

And this is my BOOMstick!
Thanks for the suggestions but my taste is limited to horror and comedies. Plus my birthday is January 8th, so White Noise would work out perfectly. I really don't think I would enjoy those films anyways, but thanks for the suggestion.

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou is a comedy.

And I thought the original premise of this thread was that you find your own taste to be somewhat lacking at times ("crappy" was the exact word you used). I suggest a few flicks that are things you would not usually pick for yorself. Then you say, no, that's okay, I'm going to follow my own instincts anyway (which you just claimed you were trying not to do).

OK. Have the administrators close the thread then, and enjoy whatever mainstream piece of crap you hastily decide on! Then you can come back afterwards and report to us how stupid a movie it was! What a fun game.

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
Holden, you're not very good at recommending movies based on other people's interests, only your own. Yes, Nitzer said he had bad taste, but save for possibly The Life Aquatic I don't think your recommendations are going to sit well with Nitzer and his friends...
Horror's Not Dead
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And this is my BOOMstick!
Originally Posted by Holden Pike
OK. Have the administrators close the thread then
Close this thread? I was merely asking for a suggestion you jerk. I did say that the movies you picked I woldn't enjoy, so what else do you want? I can go see anything I want for crying out loud, I don't see how me not liking your movies would automatically mean I'll go watch any "mainstream piece of crap." (as opposed to The Life Aquatic and The Aviator not being mainstream?) There's no reason whatsoever for this thread to be closed, and you need to realize that not all people have the same taste in movies that you do.

I just know they're coming to kill me.
Originally Posted by Holden Pike
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou is a comedy.

And I thought the original premise of this thread was that you find your own taste to be somewhat lacking at times ("crappy" was the exact word you used). I suggest a few flicks that are things you would not usually pick for yorself. Then you say, no, that's okay, I'm going to follow my own instincts anyway (which you just claimed you were trying not to do).

OK. Have the administrators close the thread then, and enjoy whatever mainstream piece of crap you hastily decide on! Then you can come back afterwards and report to us how stupid a movie it was! What a fun game.

He did say thanks for the suggestions. No need to go off like that, Pike. A simple "Well, I hope you enjoy the film you see then." would have been fine by my standard's, and I'm sure by Nitz's as well.

And when did this become a game?

And as for closing the thread? Why? In the word's of my friend OG-, that's retarded.
Everything I do, I do to make my second stepdad proud.

Do you know my poetry?
I agree with Holden, there is no need for this thread at all, for the mere reason that Nitzer will probably not agree with any of the recommendations we made and just go an see the film he wants to see.

Originally Posted by Nitzer
I can go see anything I want for crying out loud
Then why the need to get suggestions from us?

And this is my BOOMstick!
Mkay I've a choice between White Noise and Darkness. Which one should I go for?

Quite a wonderful journey from "I'm open to suggestons" all the way to White Noise or Darkness. What a useful thread it was!

Whatever you do, do NOT see Darkness. Seriously.

A system of cells interlinked
There is a new Jeunet film out?? Must see it soon....

Any good?
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Thre's a new Wong Kar-Wei out this weekend, I've heard. The neanderthal DJs I listen to were making fun of it, sight unseen.

White Noise looks interesting, but I think it's a pity that ghosts get such a bad rap in the movie industry.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

Originally Posted by Sedai
There is a new Jeunet film out?? Must see it soon....Any good?
Where you been? It's A Very Long Engagement, starring Audrey Tautou again - an inventive tale about a young woman after World War One he refuses to believe her fiance died as reported, and goes to great lengths to find the truth. And of course it's worth seeing!

I mean, it's no Darkness, but it'll do.

Yeah im thinking about going to the the movies as well on my birthday which also is on the 8th, May see Lemmony Snicket. Have always been a fan of Jim Carrey ever since the begining with Rubberface (Which really was bad). I was thinking about White Noise though look interesting with the whole thing being based on truth well the E.V.P thing that is. Who knows.

Oh as a side note, Thank you Holden for letting me know about that movie "The Man Who Wasn't There." I just saw it and I really enjoyed it the whole film was beautifully done.
James Sparrow's Rented Reviews!

The Reaping 7/10
Transformers 8.5/10
Flight of the Living Dead 6/10
The Invisible 6/10
Return to House on Haunted Hill 1/10
Planet Terror 8/10
A Mighty Heart 7/10

Originally Posted by SamsoniteDelilah
Thre's a new Wong Kar-Wei out this weekend, I've heard. The neanderthal DJs I listen to were making fun of it, sight unseen.
Wow are you sure? I've been waiting to hear anything about U.S. release dates for 2046 for a while now and.... nothing.

If you have any info I'd really appreciate a link.

And this is my BOOMstick!
It's an allright movie, but not theater-worthy. Too long, too much buildup, not enough ghost scenes and scary parts. Most of the time you get scared because of sudden noises and the like. The climax is brief, kinda of cool, but forgetable. It's good for one watch, but wait for it to come out on video.

If only you had some recommendations for movies that are more interesting and memorable. Too bad.

Maybe next year, you can start a thread asking for suggestions of what truly good movies are out there, rather than just going to the same old disappointing mainstream crappy-crap crap? I mean, if you're open to suggestions.

Originally Posted by Holden Pike, 12-27-04
Then you can come back afterwards and report to us how stupid a movie it was! What a fun game.
Gee, I was wrong: it's not so fun after all.