The MoFo Top 100 of the 2000s Countdown

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I'm not really a PTA fan, but I can see his power with filmmaking. And I think Plainview is absolutely DD-L's towering, greatest performance. Dano did a great job playing against him but it's Day-Lewis I remember whenever I think of this film. One of the great performances in film. That said, I'm with Miss Vicky on PTA and the type of characters he fills his movies with and they're not just movies I can revisit over and over, which is mostly what informed the choices on my list.

#2. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King 8
#3. The Dark Knight 10
#4. The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 15
#5. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl 63
#8. Unbreakable 62
#10. Million Dollar Baby 57
#15. Shaun of the Dead 20
#18. The Royal Tenenbaums 35
#20. Iron Man 83
#21. Finding Nemo 44
#22. Fantastic Mr. Fox 70
#23. The Descent 80
#25. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 76
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

With today's entry, Paul Thomas Anderson enters the list of directors with multiple entries in the countdown. He had previously placed Punch-Drunk Love at #73. Also, with only 2 films released during the decade, PTA joins Edgar Wright, Pete Docter, Brad Bird, and Andrew Stanton as the only directors to go 100% so far (all of them 2/2).
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

In case I’ve missed it, has Thief given clues for tomorrow yet?
Hints: The cop and the nerdy kid that votes for his friend
either if it's at a mall or high school, the dynamite kid will be damned if his friend don't win.
Moviefan1988's Favorite Movies<br />

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Some articles about There Will Be Blood...

There Will Be Blood: Paul Thomas Anderson’s deranged masterpiece

"[There Will Be Blood] offers a persuasive critique of the nihilism that the Coen brothers’ film simply (if effectively) re-enacts. For a story that’s all about the harnessing of fateful chthonic forces, Paul Thomas Anderson has dug deeper than ever before, and struck black gold."
Why the best film of the 21st century is There Will Be Blood

"Daniel Day-Lewis gives perhaps the greatest, certainly the most exotic performance of his career as an oil prospector in the early 20th century, rewarded with colossal wealth that never gives him the smallest pleasure and serves only to amplify the loneliness, paranoia and resentment that were there from the very beginning."

This one is pretty neat...

‘There Will Be Blood’: The Original Eli Sunday Reveals the Truth About Being Fired By Paul Thomas Anderson

"O’Neill blames himself for failing to create a good working relationship with Anderson, telling Vulture, 'An actor should, with every ounce of their humanity, be attempting to give the director what he or she wants. And I recall going in and out on whether I could really do that'."

"Lengthy" Charlie Rose interview with Paul Thomas Anderson and Daniel Day-Lewis

More useless countdown trivia... but in case you hadn't noticed, the gap in points between Mulholland Drive (#4) and There Will Be Blood (#3) was fairly small (9 points only), especially coming after the two biggest gaps in the countdown (89 points between #6 and #5, and 64 points between #5 and #4). The gap between #3 and #2 is also relatively small (15 points) that any moderately well-placed vote could've swapped them.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
In case I’ve missed it, has Thief given clues for tomorrow yet?

He DID imply it was 2000. So. It's not Galaxy Quest =\

There Will Be Blood was my number two. The story of an oilman who literally drags himself into the American dream and finds himself caught up in family, greed, and a rival named Eli Sunday is absolutely absorbing. DDL owns the screen, the cinematography is great and
the direction by PTA is superb. I think Dano holds his own with Lewis here. I think Blood is top 25 of all time for me.

My List:
1. City of God
2. There Will Be Blood
3. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
4. O Brother, Where Art Thou?
5. Memento
6. Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl
7. X
8. Up
9. Million Dollar Baby
10. X
11. Spider-Man 2
12. X
13. Brokeback Mountain
14. Finding Nemo
15. Requiem for a Dream
16. Pan's Labyrinth
17. X (Kind of surprising to me)
18. X
19. Amelie
20. Kill Bill Volume 1
21. Chicago (Just Missed)
22. The Wrestler
23. X (Probably the only one who picked this one)
24. X (Probably the only one who picked this one)
25. Gladiator

Honorable Mentions:
Remember the Titans
Shaun of the Dead

My plans are to reveal the honorable mentions tomorrow and this weekend reveal the Xs.

I forgot the opening line.
3. There Will Be Blood : The best film of the decade for mine, tackling the complicated relationship between money and religion, not to mention man's relationship with his fellow man, whether that be through blood or other kinds of kinship. In doing so, and loosely basing his screenplay on the novel Oil!, Paul Thomas Anderson created one of the all time great cinematic characters in Daniel Plainview, and Daniel Day-Lewis brought him to life in one of the most stunning performances in cinematic history. Plainview's single-minded determination to enrich himself is beautifully portrayed in an epilogue that spells out just what this man is. When we hear him speak, he has the silver tongue of the devil - and has adopted a child not in a family way, but as part of his business plan. His conflict with Eli Sunday (Paul Dano, in a wonderful piece of duel-casting as twin brothers) brings out the best in both actors, as Sunday matches Plainview as a seedy con-man with his town equally in his grip. Watching the two go at it is spellbinding - but There Will Be Blood branches off into all kinds of areas - all of them good and riveting to watch. As a complete film it succeeds in all areas, to a degree that puts it in the range of titans such as Citizen Kane as masterpieces that delve into this side of human nature. There Will Be Blood was my #1, and among my top 10 all time greats.


Films I've seen : 85
Films that have been on my radar : 7
Films I've never even heard of : 6

Films from my list : 16 (+2)

#3 - My #1 - There Will Be Blood (2007)
#6 - My #4 - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
#11 - My #5 - Memento (2000)
#12 - My #12 - In the Mood for Love (2000)
#32 - My #7 - Lost in Translation (2003)
#39 - My #17 - Sideways (2004)
#43 - My #2 - Adaptation (2002)
#49 - My #8 - Dancer in the Dark (2000)
#51 - My #6 - The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007)
#56 - My #20 - In Bruges (2008)
#59 - My #16 - The Secret in Their Eyes (2009)
#66 - My #9 - A Serious Man (2009)
#71 - My #23 - Snatch (2000)
#78 - My #13 - The Death of Mr. Lazarescu (2005)
#84 - My #21 - The Man Who Wasn't There (2001)
One pointer - World's Greatest Dad (2009)
#102 - My #10 - Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
#109 - My #19 - Michael Clayton (2007)
My #11 - Broken Flowers (2005)
My #15 - Before the Devil Knows You're Dead (2007)
My #24 - Training Day (2001)
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

Clearly the “place your bets” is a reference to Oceans 13.
Place your Bets...on Bad Boys 2.