The MoFo Top 100 of the 2000s Countdown

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I haven’t seen any of those. Judging by the other responses I guess I should consider myself fortunate.
As someone that's only seen Pearl Harbor and at least some of the first Transformers of those myself I'd say that's a perfectly fair assessment.

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The truth is in here
I like Bad Boys, but that's mostly due to the humor and the chemistry between the leads. The directing itself is actually pretty bad, way too over-the-top and distracting at times. Bay should've focused more on making it on a comedy than going for an action epic.
Armageddon is the only movie I've seen so far where his style works since while it does have its fair share of (endearing) cheesiness and comedy the stakes are also big enough that his crazy directing fits in seamlessly. As a matter of fact it's actually fairly pulled back by Bay standards.

Compare Bumblebee to the first Transformers - like night and day!
That I've heard. I plan to check that out one of these days. Then again, it's not Bay's
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
98. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Wes Anderson is one of the top filmmakers of our time. Stepping in his fifties, he has a real chance to overtake names like Scorsese in the all time rank list. With a talent like this, I can see him very close to Woody Allen in the art of cinema hall of fame.
As for the The Life Aquatic, it is a bit too eccentric and experimental to be a serious contender for the top slots but I'm glad it made top 100 anyway. I would give it some points if I had a ballot of 50.

97. Werckeister Harmonies
I heard and watched this movie for the first time about six months ago. I'm double minded about it but I'm surprised it isn't in the top half of the list knowing how popular it is among the film enthusiast.

100. Master and Commander
I remember when they've launched this in the movie theaters. Then, it was in our watch list for a while but finally we've skipped it. That's all.

Never heard before Still Walking and The New World.
"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

I love The Life Aquatic even though I sort of agree with Roger Ebert that it's "the damndest film." Besides the excess of "hipster whimsy" that is one explanation for why Anderson has so many haters, it's not totally clear what we're supposed to get out of the movie besides the enjoyment of a quirky sea adventure. I enjoyed it as a story about a man who would fit right in on The Wizard of Oz in that he already has what he's questing for: respect, redemption, validation, etc., and his
WARNING: spoilers below
refusal to kill the shark is Steve not only realizing this, but also him realizing that he'd do the very thing he's completely against: harming the beauty and wonder of the ocean.

life aquatic is bottom-tier wes but still a solid picture. haven't seen any of the others but they're all movies that i've always imagined i would love but have been putting off for one reason or another.
Most Biblical movies were long If I Recall.
seen A Clockwork Orange. In all honesty, the movie was weird and silly

I wouldn't go so far as to say I liked Werckmeister Harmonies, but it was a unique and positive viewing experience.

I would like to see The Life Aquatic at some point.

I'm in the middle of a Brett Piper film right now. Transformers does NOT have "cringy" acting.
Hey, I said "awful acting and cringy dialogue"

Thief- you are doing a spectacular job on this list- thank you for all your hard work. love the critics feature you're doing, I will definitely be trying to check in daily. I think 80-100 is always the best part of these lists as anything can come.

Anyways I've only seen Werckmeister Harmonies and I rated it
at the time, however it's been so long I can't tell you why, I remember not feeling much of anything during the film

Bellamy was my 1 pointer, and my #19 on the foreign list, it's been a long time since I've seen it but it's a really pleasent film that plays out as a puzzle

My List:
25.Bellamy (1 Pointer)
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
I've only seen Life Aquatic so far though Master and Commander has been on my watchlist for a long ass time. Oh and I did contribute one of the 1-pointers. It was a very last minute scramble to make a list and I threw on Remember the Titans as my no. 25. It was a rush but it made the cut as its one I've seen numerous times and always enjoyed


The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

Did you know that...
  • during filming Bill Murray became a certified diver logging over 40 hours?
  • one fictional fish that didn't make it into the final cut was called the Hydronicus Inverticus? It was a fish that could turn itself inside out.
  • the role of Steve Zissou was written with Bill Murray in mind and according to Anderson, no one else could've played it?
  • Wes Anderson couldn't write the film with his usual partner, Owen Wilson, cause he was unavailable due to his popularity as an actor at the moment? Because of this, he co-wrote it with Noah Baumbach, their first work together. They worked together again in Fantastic Mr. Fox

I forgot the opening line.
98. (but really 99). The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou - This was on my lengthy list at the start, but was cut early. I have a lot of reasons to love this film. Wes Anderson and his whimsy at it's peak with stalwart Bill Murray in a leading role. Bud Cort as the bond company stooge. Noah Taylor, Willem Dafoe, Jeff Goldblum, Cate Blanchett, Owen Wilson and Michael Gambon. The David Bowie songs all the way through. The quotable dialogue. The visuals - especially the luminescent sea creatures, and cut-away of Steve Zissou's ship with characters inside it. The familial dynamics and sea adventures are fun in a colourful way, with a search for the mystical Jaguar Shark and battles with Filipino Pirates. I'm definitely on board as one of this film's adherents. I wasn't overly enamoured the first time I saw it, but it's very much grown on me with subsequent rewatches.

97. Werckeister Harmonies - I still haven't caught this, but feel I must.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.
We miss you Takoma

Btw, what are the hints for the next two films?
I've known you all my life
You care for me all along
I want to love you like a wife
You protect me if I do wrong

We're gonna drive together
From south beach to west sun
We're gonna dance together
Or you're gonna dance alone

Haven't seen either Life Aquatic or Werckmeister Harmonies. Both are going on the list.

My guesses for the next two:

Up and Miami Vice (most likely wrong on both)

Good ole Michael Bay. I remember when I thought The Rock was peak cinema. Now I can't watch that movie without getting nauseous because of all those freaking camera cuts. Just pick an angle and stick with it for God's sake.
I'll still vouch for the first Bad Boys film and The Rock as pretty solid. Bad Boys, in particular, had some solid female characters such as Theresa Burnett and Sinclair (something Bay films hasn't had for a while) that held their own with the men. Plus, I dug the spin that Tea Leoni gave to her character. In lesser hands, we probably would have gotten a romance between her and Mike Lowry

He started losing me with the one-two punch of Transformers and Bad Boys 2. His films got increasingly bombastic and formulaic while losing sight of the characters in the spectacle. I tapped out 20 minutes into T2 and haven't been back since with the exceptions of Transformers 4 (sorry Mark, but swapping you for Shia was no improvement) and 6 Underground (where Ryan Reynolds was largely wasted, but at least the music wasn't bad).

I haven't seen Bad Boys in a very long time, probably since it came out, and although I barely remember it, I do remember not being annoyed by it. The Rock is, without a doubt, his greatest "achievement".

BTW, Armageddon was another piece of s-hit.