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I think you mean Star Citizen simulator

(The digs at the kickstarter aspect in that trailer are just classic )

Not even Goat Simulator can match SC's absurdities and physics jank though

i never played Star Citizen lol but i have heard about it

You ready? You look ready.
What are games? They sound fun. I want to have fun.

This year is insane compared to last.

I want to play Gears 5 but ain’t had any time. I want to finish BotW but damn ever time I play that I spend half an hour getting nothing done. I honestly don’t get why it got such good reviews. The world is too damn big. Same with Pokémon. I need to finish that, too.

All I know is once new Halo drops I am planning a whole weekend around it.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Goat Sim is doing a pretty good job of 10-20 minute fix hits. It's janky, but makes me laugh well enough. I learned that I can headbutt things from a stand-still rather than trying to run into everything. I've been blown up into the air a few times but nothing major. I have been able to lick someone and drag them to a treadmill to launch them into the street. The sound my goat makes when I step on the treadmill is great. I've not yet tried any of the other areas, but I'm interested in one that looks like a Vice City reference. This soundtrack is kind of perfect for this world too, so that's good.

Anyway. I'm just stalling work with this post. Nothing really of value to add here but felt this was the best place to park myself for a few. I noted getting A Plague Tale: Innocence a few weeks ago on sale. I'm kind of excited for that but have delayed starting it just because I know I won't have time to put to it for a while. argh.

I guess I've abandoned that 3-pack Star Wars bundle from January. Squadrons is just too clunky IMO. Battlefront II feels like it was made with a premade level generator and was kinda buggy my few efforts through. Interesting, and feels like KotOR, but that's not necessarily a good thing considering what year we're in. Fallen Order gave me high hopes, but after that starter/tutorial stage things have fallen off. Things seem glitchy with enemies randomly appearing then disappearing when rounding a corner. I'm not getting much in the way of direction through the game either. I feel like it wants to be open world-ish, but nothing makes sense yet as to where to go or what to do. I get the feeling that I still need to go do A to open B so that I can close C, but only suggesting an open world I can run around through a bunch of dead ends until I discover just what and where A, B, or C are. Old NES carts like Metroid already figured how to stage game progression so it always throws me off that with today's technology, developers can't seem to build on what already exists to do it better. Maybe I'm just not yet into it. Tsushima and CONTROL never had those issues. Maybe I'm just grumpy. I will say that as a Jedi Force user, the idea of killing random life to refill my force meter is pretty morbid, and that detail could be an indicator as to how little effort the developers may have given this title if they didn't know (or care?) how jacked-up of a concept that is. hm. All of these games have great reviews though. How wrong am I then?


You ready? You look ready.
I really want my $20 back for Fallen Order.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I really want my $20 back for Fallen Order.
I'm still on that first world. I don't know what I'm doing on it, but there's a tower like structure that I'm supposed to find a way inside of. I think a Jedi is inside.

Does it get better and fall off again?
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

You ready? You look ready.
I'm still on that first world. I don't know what I'm doing on it, but there's a tower like structure that I'm supposed to find a way inside of. I think a Jedi is inside.

Does it get better and fall off again?
I dunno. I am still on that level, too.

Anyone here played Half Life 1 and 2? I'm wondering how much you need to play the first one to understand the second, I've been playing through the first and haven't been really compelled to get to the end, and I've heard it's pretty long (great "set pieces" and all for the time but it certainly hasn't aged as well as other games, at least for my ADHD brain). Should I stick it out to the end or just read a synopsis?

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Anyone here played Half Life 1 and 2? I'm wondering how much you need to play the first one to understand the second, I've been playing through the first and haven't been really compelled to get to the end, and I've heard it's pretty long (great "set pieces" and all for the time but it certainly hasn't aged as well as other games, at least for my ADHD brain). Should I stick it out to the end or just read a synopsis?
Totally personal opinion, but for me the fun of Half Life was what it was on release, or near about. I can't remember if I finished it it's been so long but all the novelty feels like it stayed back there and is a difficult replay for me. I don't even remember Half Life 2 for the complete interest vacuum that was Portal. I mean the Orange Box set. Portal just completely sucked up my focus and I was never able to return to Half Life for it, once I experienced Portal.

I did get my nephew the Orange Box for his xBox a few years back. He started and actually finished Half Life on that. Kinda surprised, if I'm honest. He was 13 or so at the time and I didn't think he'd have the attention span to explore all the bits and areas.

For me, things like this mostly come down to whether I was able to catch onto that wave at the time, picking up all the internet lingo and references to be part of that wave. Half Life 2, like Fall Out 3 and maybe Oblivion fall into that for me. I have no nostalgia for any of them really, so it's hard to reminisce. Or to imagine what it might have been like to play this for a first time when tech was what it was at the time. Now, I just sit in disgruntled judgment for what it isn't, today. YMMV?

Totally personal opinion, but for me the fun of Half Life was what it was on release, or near about. I can't remember if I finished it it's been so long but all the novelty feels like it stayed back there and is a difficult replay for me. I don't even remember Half Life 2 for the complete interest vacuum that was Portal. I mean the Orange Box set. Portal just completely sucked up my focus and I was never able to return to Half Life for it, once I experienced Portal.

I did get my nephew the Orange Box for his xBox a few years back. He started and actually finished Half Life on that. Kinda surprised, if I'm honest. He was 13 or so at the time and I didn't think he'd have the attention span to explore all the bits and areas.

For me, things like this mostly come down to whether I was able to catch onto that wave at the time, picking up all the internet lingo and references to be part of that wave. Half Life 2, like Fall Out 3 and maybe Oblivion fall into that for me. I have no nostalgia for any of them really, so it's hard to reminisce. Or to imagine what it might have been like to play this for a first time when tech was what it was at the time. Now, I just sit in disgruntled judgment for what it isn't, today. YMMV?

I'm trying to think of what the modern version of that would be, and it's kinda difficult. I mean, games become cultural phenomena, but tech has become so advanced that it's really difficult to make something that becomes boundary pushing in the same way. I was watching that Sony State of Play thing they did a week or two ago, and the graphic comparisons between the Playstation 4 and 5 versions of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake were practically unnoticeable. Even disregarding graphics, the physics engines and such that games have nowadays really can't be pushed in a way that allows for all sorts of new games to emerge. When you try and push tech now it breaks, and releases like Anthem and Mass Effect: Andromeda show that we are in a transition period where companies need to realize you can now really only separate yourself on concept and game design. The newest games that have the same cultural pull as something like a Portal are now viral games, things like Minecraft and Among Us that are less about having a tight, focused single-player experience and more so replayable multiplayer that can be pushed by platforms like Twitch and YouTube. In-jokes are less about the games and more about the people who play the games, and developers know this.

All of this sounds rather cynical, but I actually think this all may be for the best. Like I mentioned, now-a-days you can't rely on fancy hardware to separate your game from the bunch. Everything has long, cinematic cutscenes, 40-hour long campaigns, and massive worlds. Indie games, for as much as I hate the circlejerk around them, have shown push back against this. The big thing right now is Among Us, a game that looks like it was made a decade ago. As companies start to notice this, I think they'll start to branch out into more unique and diverse experiences. There is so much untapped potential for video games, and I still think we are in the very early stages of an artform that has so much to offer. We are in the silent era, and soon, there will be sound.

What were we talking about again?

Anyone here played Half Life 1 and 2? I'm wondering how much you need to play the first one to understand the second, I've been playing through the first and haven't been really compelled to get to the end, and I've heard it's pretty long (great "set pieces" and all for the time but it certainly hasn't aged as well as other games, at least for my ADHD brain). Should I stick it out to the end or just read a synopsis?
There's a good remake of Half Life called Black Mesa. I only played the unfinished version a long time ago, but I'd say that it's worth it if you can't get past the original's graphics. Both have great soundtracks too.

I played Half Life 2 before any of them, and I don't think it took much away from my enjoyment, but if I remember correctly, I would've liked extra context from the first game for a certain plot point.

I think part of the reason it hasn't aged too well is because a lot of games have used it and its successor as a blueprint since. Both still a lot of fun though.

there's a frog in my snake oil
The VR rabbit hole of odd, it is deep...

(Still waiting for a Korean pot sculpting game to go on sale though. Seriously )
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
i would read the reviews first before i buy a game

IGN: 9/10
Steam: 9/10
Google Users: 94%
Forbes: 9.5/10
Metacritic: 79%
PC Gamer: 73%

I picked it up in a 3-for-1 kinda deal. All three games are pretty low quality IMO and I have a difficult time squaring the reviews with the game I tried to play.

IGN: 9/10
Steam: 9/10
Google Users: 94%
Forbes: 9.5/10
Metacritic: 79%
PC Gamer: 73%

I picked it up in a 3-for-1 kinda deal. All three games are pretty low quality IMO and I have a difficult time squaring the reviews with the game I tried to play.
not bad but still dont want to waste the money tho like i watch the gameplay of the game i wanted to buy and tell people if the game is good or bad

You ready? You look ready.
The game looked good. Got good reviews. Everyone raved over it. That was my mistake. I forgot that the gaming press is rigged and I bought into the bs.

Thankfully it was a gift card and I’ll finish it eventually but dang, it’s a mediocre game at best.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Hey!! I feel better about having my business handed to me so often in Ghost of Tsushima! I just checked and noticed my difficulty was maxed at Lethal. I'm surprised I made it so far knowing this. Feeling kinda OP now.

You guys mean to tell me all those TLoU reviews weren’t accurate? 🧐

The game looked good. Got good reviews. Everyone raved over it. That was my mistake. I forgot that the gaming press is rigged and I bought into the bs.

Thankfully it was a gift card and I’ll finish it eventually but dang, it’s a mediocre game at best.
atleast u liked it tho?

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
(not one word, chyp. not. one. word.)

Halfway into that trailer I knew I had to restart it with headphones. I was NOT disappointed. Seriously though, it's way past due for a stunt bike track side-scrolling metroid shinobi hybrid. If that's the soundtrack to be expected? I'd probably pay full retail.

Is this real? Or a joke pet project video? 2022 seems a bit far for this!