MoFo Movie Roulette


The Guilty (2018)
Chosen by TheUsualSuspect

I already had this on my watchlist so I was glad when it was chosen for me.

This reminded me a lot of Locke with Tom Hardy. An under 90 minute thriller that's basically 1 man in 1 place in real time talking over the phone. A thriller this minimal probably doesn't have the highest ceiling for me, but I liked this a lot more than Locke.

A cop is on 911 phone type duty and he's answering calls. There's some stress in his life, which while not integral to the plot, adds a little stress to the viewer. He answers a couple of calls, and I noticed that he was a little judgmental. I didn't think much of it at the time, but it ends up meaning something later. Anyway he picks up a call from a woman who's been kidnapped and the main story grows from that. It's a tight and gripping movie from start to finish, and it had a pretty decent twist that I was not expecting. I think it's a movie most people would enjoy.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Oh, I was just going to watch your film tonight, but I guess I should hold off? It's cool if you've changed your mind
Yeah sorry MH had a real crash and didn't feel up to watching films/taking part - particularly not a horror film

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
I'd certainly still recommend Local Hero to you someday. Can imagine it being a film you'd really like.

Hope you found a good replacement choice of film

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I Love You To Death

Nominated by @Citizen Rules

I found this film to be hilarious. The over the top nature of the third act brought an odd smile to my face due to the absurdity of their situation. Kevin Kline's accent had me smiling from the opening confession and I really think this film was well cast as everyone does a spectacular job of being uniquely comical. I want to give a special shout out to William Hurt and Keanu Reeves as Coen-esque criminals who can't get the job done.

As I was watching I couldn't help but feel that this movie could be a movie that I'd revisit multiple times. It had that feel from the get-go and despite my lukewarm reactions towards the final sequence, this was a joy to watch from beginning to end. It's a well-written script too.

I probably would never have watched this unless I accidentally stumbled upon it on TV. So great nomination.

It's hard to believe that this movie was even loosely based on a true story.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

My new friend @edarsenal suggested Lockout (2012). I thought this was a reasonably fun action movie. It was fast paced and Guy Pearce did an effective job in the lead role. Nothing mind blowing, but it worked well enough for what it was. My rating is

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'd certainly still recommend Local Hero to you someday. Can imagine it being a film you'd really like.

Hope you found a good replacement choice of film
I have Local Hero, so I'll probably watch it sometime.

It's hard to believe that this movie was even loosely based on a true story.
I know, crazy that something like the movie actually ever happened...But you know what's even harder to believe? Suspect watched I Love You to Death and never mentioned Phoebe Cates!

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I know, crazy that something like the movie actually ever happened...But you know what's even harder to believe? Suspect watched I Love You to Death and never mentioned Phoebe Cates!
Now THAT'S weird
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
My new friend @edarsenal suggested Lockout (2012). I thought this was a reasonably fun action movie. It was fast paced and Guy Pearce did an effective job in the lead role. Nothing mind blowing, but it worked well enough for what it was. My rating is
Glad to hear you enjoyed it. I'll be watching Breaker in the next day or two

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Watched the trailer when I was deciding, so I'm pretty geeked to check it out.

BTW, this Movie Roulette is a pretty cool idea. Quite enjoying this

The Opposite of Sex is currently on Amazon Prime and The Other is on FXM. If that helps.
I found a copy of The Opposite of Sex and watched it. I'll write my thoughts about it later, but just wanted to let people know my choice.

The Opposite of Sex (1997)

I don't generally watch that many comedies, and I guess I'd have chosen The Other if I could have found it. Then again, I found the plot of The Opposite of Sex funny when I looked it up on IMDb, I like Christina Ricci, and this was sort of sold to me as a black comedy.

The film starts quite strong. It probably relies too much on the narration (I don't really need Dedee-the-narrator to tell me how much of a bitch Dedee-the-character is), but there are some funny moments there anyway. Like so often with these "raucous" comedies, The Opposite of Sex runs out of steam after the start. It becomes like an hour-long apology for the fun it was the first 30 minutes.

It's pretty hard to rate this, but I'll go with the math: 3.5 (1st third), 2.5 (2nd third), and 1.5 (3rd third) equals 2.5. I just don't get why comedies almost always go soft and PC towards the end.

The Opposite of Sex (1997)

I don't generally watch that many comedies, and I guess I'd have chosen The Other if I could have found it. Then again, I found the plot of The Opposite of Sex funny when I looked it up on IMDb, I like Christina Ricci, and this was sort of sold to me as a black comedy.

The film starts quite strong. It probably relies too much on the narration (I don't really need Dedee-the-narrator to tell me how much of a bitch Dedee-the-character is), but there are some funny moments there anyway. Like so often with these "raucous" comedies, The Opposite of Sex runs out of steam after the start. It becomes like an hour-long apology for the fun it was the first 30 minutes.

It's pretty hard to rate this, but I'll go with the math: 3.5 (1st third), 2.5 (2nd third), and 1.5 (3rd third) equals 2.5. I just don't get why comedies almost always go soft and PC towards the end.

That's fair, its not for everyone but dark comedy is my favorite genre. Just found the writing stellar and I'm a huge Ricci fan.

Let The Right One In

Recommended by pahaK

Not really a horror fan but this one intrigued me from the get go. It took me a bit to catch up because of being one of sub-titles, that and being American. It was hit and miss for a bit whether I'd finish it or not. But it drew me in slowly, in the nature of, hell what's next?

Now this is the point to where my love of dark comedy kicks in. The film kept me honed in until the end, because I adore "twistiness". This film had that down, loved it.

Side note: I'm exhausted after viewing two foreign films back to back. Whoever gets me next, make it english, pleaase.

*where's me beer...*

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm exhausted after viewing two foreign films back to back. Whoever gets me next, make it english, pleaase.

^where's me beer..."
When we're picking movies for each other just remind me of what you want/don't want. I aim to please Beer is on it's way. I hope you like good beer!

Let The Right One in

Recommended by pahaK

Not really a horror fan but this one intrigued me from the get go. It took me a bit to catch up because of being one of sub-titles, that and being American. It was hit and miss for a bit whether I'd finish it or not. But it drew me in slower, in the nature of, hell, what's next?

Now this is the point to where my love of dark comedy kicks in. The film kept me honed in until the end, because I adore "twistiness". This film had that down, loved it.

Side note: I'm exhausted after viewing two foreign films back to back. Whoever gets me next, make it english, pleaase.

*where's me beer...*

Very glad you liked it even though I didn't like yours that much. Let the Right One In is one of my absolute favorites, and I was really bummed that it didn't make the top-100 list here. It was perhaps a little risky choice considering that I knew you're not into horror, but then again I don't think it's that much more horror than something like The Pan's Labyrinth which you liked.

Very glad you liked it even though I didn't like yours that much. Let the Right One In is one of my absolute favorites, and I was really bummed that it didn't make the top-100 list here. It was perhaps a little risky choice considering that I knew you're not into horror, but then again I don't think it's that much more horror than something like The Pan's Labyrinth which you liked.

Too bad you couldn't find "The Other". Think you'd like it.

Too bad you couldn't find "The Other". Think you'd like it.

Yeah, I did add that to my watchlist. Hopefully, a free copy pops up somewhere (I don't have Amazon Prime and I have an impression its film catalog is quite poor here in Finland).