Your top 5 star trek movies and how do u like 2009 reboot?


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Yes you did.
I have to admit I haven't watched it in a while myself (so I wonder what I'd think of it now). I don't really need to watch it since I pretty much know all the jokes by heart.

Have fun with the songs.

It's been many years since I've watched Airplane!, but like you, I pretty much know the movie by heart too.

Hubby watched it recently and he said it wasn't as funny as he remembered it.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

I've not seen Airplane!, or any Star Trek films because i'm not really a fan of the show. Would you have to watch them in order because i've thought about watching the ones that are on the lists here before?

I've not seen Airplane!, or any Star Trek films because i'm not really a fan of the show. Would you have to watch them in order because i've thought about watching the ones that are on the lists here before?
The first ST film featuring the original crew (The Motion Picture - 1979) is a stand alone movie. It is never acknowledged again in any other film!

ST II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) kicks off a series of contiguous sequels:
III (The Search for Spock) & IV (The Voyage Home) are directly continuous, with each one picking up where the last one left off.

V (The Final Frontier) is a bit more stand alone. It's still in line with the previous movie as part of the series, but doesn't reference the previous film too much.

VI (The Undiscovered Country) also is fairly stand alone. Still part of the series but does not reference V (its immediate predecessor) at all.

"Generations" (1994) is the 7th ST film. It overlaps the crew of the Next Generation TV show and the original ST crew. This marks the end of the original crew's series of films.

After this there is a series of Next Gen movies and the characters (not necessarily the actors who played them) of the original crew are not seen on the big screen again until J.J. Abrams reboot in 2009 which is not in any continuity, but in a new "splinter" continuity that is severely altered from the original. (Oy vey!)

I imagine it's because it actually does work well as a stand-alone adventure that has an action-oriented plot involving the Enterprise fighting the Borg, which is nice and all but doesn't especially suit the TNG crew (or Trek in general, if the Trekkie fanbase's opinions about the rebooted films are any indication).
Yes, and we have lines like "Sounds Swedish" about the Borg, which must have been side-splitting for non-fans . It's great how they go to the trouble of getting H. R. Giger to spruce them up and make them look really sinister, then take the **** out of them.

Also, I can at least understand why Picard would be acting odd - the Borg has long been established as his arch-enemy and to have to deal with them once again (especially when their threat was seemingly resolved towards the end of the TV series with the two-parter bridging seasons six and seven and especially when they managed to successfully alter the timeline and assimilate Earth) would only fuel his hatred for them to the point where he becomes dangerously obsessed with fighting them. To take one of the most rational characters in the Trek canon and have him grow more irrational in his quest to defeat the enemy at least makes sense and I thought he sold it very well.
Even though I accept that notion – even then – I don't think it worked for the character.

Also, I'll give you two examples of dodgy acting, as I see it: where Picard says "That's what they want to do: stop First Contact" sounds really off and completely lacking in interest; and the speech where he says "a line must be drawn here". I'd also be tempted to blame Jonathan Frakes for letting it through, because it's as if he didn't want to ask for another take or a different way of doing it.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
1. Wrath of Khan-no doubt about it.

Here's where it gets tricky picking the next best ones and their order.

2. Star Trek 2009.

3. First Contact.

4. The Undiscovered Country.

5. The Voyage Home.

So the things is, the creation of genesis which was a failure and we only know it at the end of star trek 3 , all of the bad guys wanted to get their hands on the genesis device to create their own planets, only to become an obsession

So the things is, the creation of genesis which was a failure and we only know it at the end of star trek 3 , all of the bad guys wanted to get their hands on the genesis device to create their own planets, only to become an obsession
Its mentioned in Wrath of Khan though that Genesis can also be used to destroy life if its used on a planet which has it. I'm imagine that Khan's plan in that film for example might have been to return to earth and hold it hostage then declare himself ruler.

Generally I think Wrath of Khan clearly looked to reimagine Trek as a kind of cold war submarine film. The ships become darker and more claustrophobic and Genesis becomes a parallel for nuclear research and its weaponisation. The Klingons more clearly than ever take up the position of the USSR and view Genesis as an attempt to upset the current status quo.

Yes you did.
I have to admit I haven't watched it in a while myself (so I wonder what I'd think of it now). I don't really need to watch it since I pretty much know all the jokes by heart.

Have fun with the songs.
I am a big fan of the first film simply because it has that intrigue of spock exploring that alien spaceship and how the build up was being made, i really like the first film tbh

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I haven't seen any of the movies accept for the 2009 reboot and the one that followed it. I saw the original TV show and some of the next generation when I was a kid though.

I didn't like the 2009 cause I felt it wasn't really in spirit with the show, it kind of went all over the place, with some cheesy moments for me. But it wasn't terrible though.

I don't consider the JJ Abrams' reboots part of the Star Trek universe - and apparently neither does he as they're not even supposed to be the same characters as they exist in an alternate universe that runs outside of the original one that Gene Roddenberry introduced.

I don't consider the JJ Abrams' reboots part of the Star Trek universe - and apparently neither does he as they're not even supposed to be the same characters as they exist in an alternate universe that runs outside of the original one that Gene Roddenberry introduced.
but nontheless, great entry in the star trek franchise, and i love how spock played lenard nemoy is introduced in the plot as spock from the future, big hommage to the original films

I saw a bit of Star Trek: Discovery recently, the early episodes. I quite like the revised Klingons with their monolithic faces, but the downside is that it looks like a big mask on a human, rather than a creature in its own right. Really bemused about the use of the name Michael for the lead character's name — and that's even with knowledge of the reasoning behind it. Her connection with Sarek and Spock just comes over as desperately trying to bolt the series to what's come before to make sure we care, but she's not an easy character to get behind from what I've seen. Incidentally it's weird how much I'm put off that James Frain plays Sarek with an American accent, and yet, of course, Mark Lenard had one .

Trouble with a capital "T"
I don't consider the JJ Abrams' reboots part of the Star Trek universe - and apparently neither does he as they're not even supposed to be the same characters as they exist in an alternate universe that runs outside of the original one that Gene Roddenberry introduced.
I don't consider them part of the Star Trek universe either. I don't even consider them period.

Welcome to the human race...
I'd argue Beyond is the only decent entry in the reboot series.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I don't consider the JJ Abrams' reboots part of the Star Trek universe - and apparently neither does he as they're not even supposed to be the same characters as they exist in an alternate universe that runs outside of the original one that Gene Roddenberry introduced.

Completely agree. I consider the Kelvin timeline films to be more like a reimagining of Star Trek rather than real canon. They have some good moments here and there but ultimately lack depth.

They represent paramount's attempt to make Trek appeal to a mainstream audience by focusing on action and effects rather than exploring the characters and delving into some of the philosophical issues which Trek is known for. Style over substance essentially.

By trying to broaden the appeal they pleased nobody because they alienated a lot of trekkies who felt like they'd sacrificed the spirit of Trek in order to make a few more bucks, and didn't do enough to make fans out of casual movie-goers who were spoilt for choice in a very crowded blockbuster marketplace with all the comic book films, Star Wars, transformers, fast and furious etc.

Star Trek is made for TV. That's where it thrives. Although after watching Discovery and Picard, I'm beginning to think otherwise...

Anyway my top five.:
1. Wrath of Khan
2. Undiscovered Country
3. First Contact
4. Voyage Home
5. Generations

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Star Trek is made for TV. That's where it thrives. Although after watching Discovery and Picard, I'm beginning to think otherwise...

Have you seen the TV show "The Orville"?

I highly recommend this show for Star Trek fans.

Have you seen the TV show "The Orville"?

I highly recommend this show for Star Trek fans.

No but I've heard it's meant to be good; more true to Star Trek than the actual Star Trek shows.