Rate my top ten and suggest diehl40


Trouble with a capital "T"
OK, you asked

Godfather 1, Godfather 2, I don't get why everyone is so into them. It's good film making for sure, but I just didn't care about the mafia.

Chinatown, I still haven't seen it, but it looks good.

The Graduate, I thought this blew. I mean I guess some people feel like Dustin Hoffman did in the movie (lost in the world without direction), but it didn't speak to me. I seen it for the first time a couple years ago and expected so much more.

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest...A perfect film! A true tour-de-force. Definitely one of the top movies of all time.

Hannah and Her Sisters...Solid movie, I enjoyed it and there's not many films like it. When Woody gets it right, he really makes something special.

Goodfellas, just like The Godfather I could care less about this film.

Inception, Ahh, it was OK I guess, not my thing and besides being trippy I just didn't get much out of it.

Paris Texas, Never seen it.

Dr. Strangelove, One of a kind black comedy, a person could watch this a number of times and each viewing find more to appreciate it.

Sorry I didn't actually rate them, but it's more revealing to actually type something out about a movie, than just putting ratings on them.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
The only two I haven't seen are Godfather 2, and Hannah and Her Sisters. They are all great movies accept maybe The Graduate and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Next which I would say are good, but not great.

The only ones I've seen is Dr. Strangelove and the Godfather, which, if you check my profile top ten, are also top ten favorites of mine.
Lists and Projects

OK, you asked

Godfather 1, Godfather 2, I don't get why everyone is so into them. It's good film making for sure, but I just didn't care about the mafia.

Chinatown, I still haven't seen it, but it looks good.

The Graduate, I thought this blew. I mean I guess some people feel like Dustin Hoffman did in the movie (lost in the world without direction), but it didn't speak to me. I seen it for the first time a couple years ago and expected so much more.

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest...A perfect film! A true tour-de-force. Definitely one of the top movies of all time.

Hannah and Her Sisters...Solid movie, I enjoyed it and there's not many films like it. When Woody gets it right, he really makes something special.

Goodfellas, just like The Godfather I could care less about this film.

Inception, Ahh, it was OK I guess, not my thing and besides being trippy I just didn't get much out of it.

Paris Texas, Never seen it.

Dr. Strangelove, One of a kind black comedy, a person could watch this a number of times and each viewing find more to appreciate it.

Sorry I didn't actually rate them, but it's more revealing to actually type something out about a movie, than just putting ratings on them.

I though of the Graduate as more than lost in the world. Some say that it is one of many movies that seek to identify what the sixties were about. (easy rider, etc.) I think he is lost because he wants his life to be something different from his parents. A theme that would sum up the attitude of many in the sixties. And it seems many of those also did not know what they wanted on the positive side, just that they wanted their futures to be different from the then current generation.

I like inception because I thought it was different. I liked Momento for the same reason.

Godfather 1 — 8.5/10
Godfather 2 — 9/10
The Graduate — 7/10
Goodfellas — 8/10
Dr. Strangelove — 7/10

I've left out the ones I haven't seen, have seen but can't remember, or that I've only seen bits of.

Godfather 1 -

Godfather 2 -

Chinatown -

The Graduate -

One Flew Over the Cuckoo nest -

Hannah and Her Sisters - don't remember watching it
Goodfellas -

Inception -

Paris Texas - don't remember watching it
Dr. Strangelove -
(best movie in this list IMO)

Good top 10. You love those American gangster movies. I am not quite a fan of the genre so I wouldn't think I could recommend stuff you might like.

I would recommend watching all the movies in the IMDB top 250 since its a diversified portfolio of good to great movies. Its gets a lot of flak from more pretentious film buffs but it is a very good sample of movies. My personal top 250 is different but that applies to everyone's.

The trick is not minding
Godfather 1 and 2 are masterpieces. Great filmmaking. 4 out of 4 stars for me.
One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest 4 starts as well. Love Nicholson
Dr Strangelove. Hilarious and amazing. 4 stars.
Goodfellas. Great performances and great dialogue. 4 stars
Inception. 3 stars when I first watched it and it may have been better upon a rewatch. Feel safe with 3 stars still tho.
The Graduate. 3 stars.
I don’t think this has aged all that well since it’s first release. I liked it, but found Hoffman’s character unappealing.
Slightly overrated film for me.
Chinatown 4 stars. Again, Nicholson is amazing and his best work was in that decade.
Hannah and Her sisters. 3 1/2 stars. I enjoyed it but it’s not among by top five Allen films.
Have yet to see Paris, Texas

Trouble with a capital "T"
I though of the Graduate as more than lost in the world. Some say that it is one of many movies that seek to identify what the sixties were about. (easy rider, etc.) I think he is lost because he wants his life to be something different from his parents. A theme that would sum up the attitude of many in the sixties. And it seems many of those also did not know what they wanted on the positive side, just that they wanted their futures to be different from the then current generation...
I agree. And that's a great reason for someone to watch The Graduate is that it's iconic to the desires of a generation coming of age in the 60s. I didn't hate it, but was underwhelmed by it, but still glad to have finally watched it.

Also answers to Jabba
Your top ten is very US-centric. Just from that, all I can suggest is that you diversify your viewings and expand to World cinema.

Your top ten is very US-centric. Just from that, all I can suggest is that you diversify your viewings and expand to World cinema.

I do like the films of wim wenders, I have seen over 40 films with Depardiue. I like Pan's Labyrinth, Bread and Tulips, Cinema Paradiso, Malens, I enjoy the films of Ingmar Bergman, I even have a thread that has been placed under the directors tab asking for American directors who would play well in Europe. Trying to find American film makers who have the courage not to pander to the lowest common denominator. if you have suggestions for non-us films or directors, post them here ot under the thread on the directors tab. I will watch what I can get a hold of. I thoroughly enjoy films not made in the good old USA
My top ten changes periodically. The following movies have appeared on my top ten at different times. If you have an opinion on these let me know:
Jean de Florette
Manon of the Spring
Wings of Desire
Camille Claudel
Pan's Labyrinth

Godfather 1

Godfather 2


The Graduate

One Flew Over the Cuckoos nest



Paris Texas

Dr. Strangelove

I don't give films the highest rating because I agree with the pornstars, there's always roof for improvement.

Maybe take a look on, Stroszek, Midnight Cowboy, Taxi Driver, I don't know, your tastes are the generic kind, is what everybody likes, there's plenty like it, just search around. Start here.