New News on Terminator 4


I just know they're coming to kill me.
Yeah, just got off the phone with my brother, and he told me that he heard on the radio that Terminator 4 will go into production next week, that they're in the process of working out a brief 5-minute cameo appearence of Arnold, and that the terminator will be... get this... A KID!!! And, to make me even more mad, IT'S STILL BASED IN THE FRIGGIN' PAST!!! I mean, c'mon, the past? Again? I've seen that three times already... GET SOMETHING NEW. Oh, and Arnold's scene shows him standing in line with a bunch of Terminator's. Don't know what that means, but probably something not very important.
Everything I do, I do to make my second stepdad proud.

I wipe my ass with your feelings
I've honestly forgotten the whole storyline for this movie.

and I'm not sad or anything either.

i liked the first 2 t's the last one had waaay to much action? Why do movie makers think that action always sells?????

i really dont care about terminator 4 anymore. not that Arnold and Cameron are out i dont give a damn.
"A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theater admission and the babysitter were worth it."
- Alfred Hitchcock

Here is the latest as it says on Coming Soon:

Schwarzenegger's availability is the big question mark, since he is the governor of California. There's already been talks for Arnold to return, but it would likely be in a limited role. The expectation is that "T4" will break in a new terminator model.

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A kid......your serious. OK maybe that girl from 'the ring' was a little scary but a kid terminator would just on work at all.

Through all the terminator movies the theme of fear was constant, everyone is afraid of the 'bad' terminator and they run away. For a kid to be that scary and make people run away they would have to be a really good actor for audiences to buy into it.

After disappointment from the 3rd terminator movie, fans will be expecting a lot and from the sounds of this new film they are in for some more heartbreak.

I said it when they were casting "T3" and I'll say it again, make the new Terminator a six year old girl, with no front teeth and a shrill high voice and give her more guns than she knows what to do with.

Registered User
Meh... I don't know what to say... A kid, seriously??? I still think they should just make the movie of the "future". Where the bombs have already been dropped, roug humans and Terminators are running about, killing each other. I think that would be much more pleasing then what i've heard here...

Another actor for T4? Is that what i heard? It would work better for arnold...

Registered User
i was completely happy with the way they ended terminator 3. it kind of left kinda like an open-ended thing. terminator 4 to me would be a bad idea, because the first three movies were about all of the crap that happened before the whole "machine war"
"economic girly-mahn!" - arnold scharzenegger, republican convention.

That was good, but still there was waaaay to much action.

And this is my BOOMstick!
This is sad. Seriously.
"All I have in this world is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for no one."

What? The action? No arny? What???

Hey now. The only kind of movie T4 can be is a hyperbolic 'Tour Of Duty'.
A kid? Get the hell outta here. So, Skynet tried a couple of guys, a woman and now in its' infinite wisdom...a kid?? No, no ,no, no ,no...
Now, the first and second ones are, if you think about it, detached from the 3rd completely. Wait, I know what you're thinking, let me finish!
Cyberdyne was destroyed and research put back by years or even decades.
Therefore the Skynet we know, its' armies and the future evolved, so to speak, differently. Because it never existed before, Skynet's first attempt to kill John is in T3. Though the story does allude otherwise.
Anyhow. Can we see a different angle besides the Connors' past? How about a paralel storyline? Maybe Skynet sent more than one Terminator at one stage? Maybe there are still some among us now (before T3 for example)? Programmed to identify threats to Skynet's activation and illiminate them.
In Detriot there maybe a certain rival to CRS trying to get the military contract CRS has? Maybe its' OCP and they have a new weapon in the war on crime? A weapon so advanced it could jeopardise the CRS contract. Robocop. Saw that coming, eh? I don't know..Anything but a cheap rehash!!...with a kid.....!
--Oh, yeh, yno who'd be great as a Terminator? Gotz Otto, Mr Stamper from Tommorrow Never Dies.--

"give me back my hand...GIVE ME BACK MY HAAAANNND..."
"More success than most, but not as much as some.."

And this is my BOOMstick!
Originally Posted by Hail To The King
Hey now. The only kind of movie T4 can be is a hyperbolic 'Tour Of Duty'.
A kid? Get the hell outta here. So, Skynet tried a couple of guys, a woman and now in its' infinite wisdom...a kid?? No, no ,no, no ,no...
Now, the first and second ones are, if you think about it, detached from the 3rd completely. Wait, I know what you're thinking, let me finish!
Cyberdyne was destroyed and research put back by years or even decades.
Therefore the Skynet we know, its' armies and the future evolved, so to speak, differently. Because it never existed before, Skynet's first attempt to kill John is in T3. Though the story does allude otherwise.
Anyhow. Can we see a different angle besides the Connors' past? How about a paralel storyline? Maybe Skynet sent more than one Terminator at one stage? Maybe there are still some among us now (before T3 for example)? Programmed to identify threats to Skynet's activation and illiminate them.
In Detriot there maybe a certain rival to CRS trying to get the military contract CRS has? Maybe its' OCP and they have a new weapon in the war on crime? A weapon so advanced it could jeopardise the CRS contract. Robocop. Saw that coming, eh? I don't know..Anything but a cheap rehash!!...with a kid.....!
--Oh, yeh, yno who'd be great as a Terminator? Gotz Otto, Mr Stamper from Tommorrow Never Dies.--

"give me back my hand...GIVE ME BACK MY HAAAANNND..."
Your posts never fail to make me laugh.

more Terminator sequels make me think about time traveling..... and then my head hurts

Thanks Nitzer, I aim to please. I've been researching this T4, it appears in every incarnation of the so-called "leaked script" Arnie does make an appearance as stated by MovieMaker5087. However, there is one interesting idea herein also. The resistence captures (how I don't know) a T-1000, so I guess Patrick returns as the protector (like the Arnold T1 - T2 transition). Not bad. Still..NO, A REALLY BIG NO, TO THE KID IDEA!!

"What are you raising a barn?..probably is raising a barn like all the other primitives.."

bearing Six Strings of Stress
I dont consider T3 part of the series because James Cameron had nothing to do with it. I'll feel the same about T4.

Registered User
T3 Ruined the T4 will just add fuel to the fire