Why is Hollywood making much more movies about racism in the US lately


Thank you Guanporense for taking the time to write such a long and articulated reply.

Though I agree on many factual points (for exemple the influence of many Marxian concepts to look at the world and try to understand it), we reach completely opposite conclusions. One reason for this, I think, is that you (ingenuously, I'm sure) misrepresent identity politics or its supporters on a few critical points.

I'm not sure I want to debate those, or that I could change your mind, but just for the sake of fairness I'll name a few:

- 'Identity politics' does not say that 'White people are evil', but rather that they belong to a world in which Blacks are systematically treated unfairly. There is strong evidence for that, and most of the time it's not even intentional (for example, there are historical reasons why race is highly correlated with wealth)
- It just isn't true that 'those who do not care about race are called racists'. What is true, though, is that those people who are oblivious to the systemic oppression of Blacks/Gays/Women/Atheists etc... tend to be straight wasp males.

- In my opinion, one shouldn't see 'Identity politics' as an ideology, but rather as a set of conceptual tools which help understand the world a little better. I absolutely agree with you that those tools can lead to broad generalizations and doesn't seek to see people as individuals. That is just not the purpose of those tools, and it does not prevent one to see his fellow humans as individuals.

Funny how a small number of key differences make us reach opposite conclusions on the matter.
In my own land, I’m in a far domain
Welcomed gladly, and spurned by everyone

None taken.

I live under a rock. And im mclovin it
In that case why did you decide to post on this topic? Under the rock people can still make great contributions, i just don't trust them on this topic.

None taken.

I live under a rock. And im mclovin it
In that case why did you decide to post on this topic? Under the rock people can still make great contributions, i just don't trust them on this topic.
Because I do what I want. And the topic isnt about skull and bones. Conspiracy theorists can tie anything into anything. I dont subscribe to gaslighting, and since ive already said my piece on this topic much earlier. Hows about you go and try to troll someone on another website more suited for the art of oneupmanship?
We've literally nothing to talk about regarding the topic of this thread.

Because I do what I want. And the topic isnt about skull and bones. Conspiracy theorists can tie anything into anything. I dont subscribe to gaslighting, and since ive already said my piece on this topic much earlier. Hows about you go and try to troll someone on another website more suited for the art of oneupmanship?
We've literally nothing to talk about regarding the topic of this thread.
You could expect what i wrote to come up unlless someone lives in a certain type of progressive bubble. and you could expect it to be relevant to the topic.

No, that group is nothing like Skull and Bones. How is it a conspiracy when it's out in the open? As in the open as it could be.

I don't see the point of this dispute, or even what's being disputed.

Your original message was a little unclear. Even if it wasn't, asking you to clarify or confirm it's meaning should not be taken as an indication that the person is unaware of the relative scarcity of Hollywood conservatives. There's really nothing more to say about it, and no reason to bicker about it unless you're going out of your way to find a dispute.

[quote=Ipu Omiya;1990014]

No, that group is nothing like Skull and Bones. How is it a conspiracy when it's out in the open? As in the open as it could be.
Thought it was trapped in the closet.

I don't see the point of this dispute, or even what's being disputed.

Your original message was a little unclear. Even if it wasn't, asking you to clarify or confirm it's meaning should not be taken as an indication that the person is unaware of the relative scarcity of Hollywood conservatives. There's really nothing more to say about it, and no reason to bicker about it unless you're going out of your way to find a dispute.
Sorry just saw this. This guy is all over me haha

Trouble with a capital "T"
Why is Hollywood making much more movies about racism in the US lately
My answer to that question is: 'Hollywood' makes movies about racism because it's topical, there forth it sells tickets, which then makes more profits...Movies are often made as a commercially viable product.

Answer #2
: There are more black film makers these days and they choose to make films with subject matter that is important to them. As do most all film makers.

Answer #3: Is there really much more movies being made about racism today than say 5 years ago? I'm not so sure there is.

Because it's a thing now. Well it's been a thing for the longest time, but now with Trump in office and the racial divide that has taken over the country, the theme of racism in the US is taking front center stage once again in Hollywood. There's also the gay issue too. And if you notice, mostly all movies about the struggles of blacks, Hispanics, Jews and gays are receiving top accolades every year in the movie industry. It's all politics I tell you.
“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!” ~ Rocky Balboa

My answer to that question is: 'Hollywood' makes movies about racism because it's topical, there forth it sells tickets, which then makes more profits...Movies are often made as a commercially viable product.

Answer #2
: There are more black film makers these days and they choose to make films with subject matter that is important to them. As do most all film makers.

Answer #3: Is there really much more movies being made about racism today than say 5 years ago? I'm not so sure there is.
Superheroes and action heroes make the real money.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Superheroes and action heroes make the real money.
Yeah that too. It's not an all or nothing path to profits in movie making. Many different subjects & styles of movies are made that appeal to various demographics. If everyone just made superhero movies the market would soon be over saturated...Then when a new movie trend takes off, those in on the ground floor would be making the most profits (at least for a while until their ideas became passe). Film making, like life is about change, it's never static.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Because it's a thing now. Well it's been a thing for the longest time, but now with Trump in office and the racial divide that has taken over the country, the theme of racism in the US is taking front center stage once again in Hollywood. There's also the gay issue too. And if you notice, mostly all movies about the struggles of blacks, Hispanics, Jews and gays are receiving top accolades every year in the movie industry. It's all politics I tell you.
But a lot of the movies I mentioned came out when Obama was President.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
But a lot of the movies I mentioned came out when Obama was President.
People got really racist during Obama's two terms. Let's not kid ourselves.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson


Yeah that too. It's not an all or nothing path to profits in movie making. Many different subjects & styles of movies are made that appeal to various demographics. If everyone just made superhero movies the market would soon be over saturated...Then when a new movie trend takes off, those in on the ground floor would be making the most profits (at least for a while until their ideas became passe). Film making, like life is about change, it's never static.
I said action also

Yeah but action adventure is pretty much killing everything else right now in the box office.

People got really racist during Obama's two terms. Let's not kid ourselves.

You back this statement up with?

But a lot of the movies I mentioned came out when Obama was President.

Yes. During the end of his tenure, the police violence against minorities really ratcheted up. I mean like going from Backstreet Boys to Black Sabbath heavy. Then the dude with the cotton ball like hair, NFL player, knelt down. Their were underlying currents even then, and then Trump happened. Viola!

I am sure, there is some political hand pulling the strings behind it to get their party in power maybe, or probably i am just feeding the conspiracy theorists.

Probably we will find out in a documentary 20 years down the line that wins the Oscars for best documentary.
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Welcome to the human race...
I would think the logic is that a black person attaining the highest position of power in the country (and arguably the world) aggravated the racists to the point where Obama's successor was a man who had spent years promoting the racist conspiracy theory that Obama was secretly born in Africa and therefore an illegitimate president.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
How was Obama, aggravating the racists exactly?

Welcome to the human race...
Because white racists don't like seeing black people succeed, especially not to the extent that Obama did by being elected.

I would think the logic is that a black person attaining the highest position of power in the country (and arguably the world) aggravated the racists to the point where Obama's successor was a man who had spent years promoting the racist conspiracy theory that Obama was secretly born in Africa and therefore an illegitimate president.
It happens. Clinton kill squad conspiracy theories anyone?