Best superhero movie other than the Dark Knight trilogy


I think there's a dynamic at play here with comic fans of the 90s and earlier wanting to see their/our Wolverine BE the Wolverine we grew up with.

R rating gave us that for the most part.
I just found the term "comic fans of the 90s" funny.
There was nothing good about comics in the 90's!

It's kind of known as the era that killed comics from both the artistic and economic point of view (so many covers were labeled "collector's item!" due to the collector phase of the 80's when they were actually all over-printed rendering them worthless, constant production of "1st issues" catering to speculators who still didn't realize that comics in the 90's were worthless, gimmicks everywhere you looked, every cliched story, plot, power & gimmick done over and over, the Independent publishers movement which ended up being tons of books & copy-cat characters that were all flash & no substance as interesting writing & good stories went out the window, shoulder pads & pouches!, every character had to be killed for sales only to later be resurrected... for sales, I could go on and on!)

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Yeah when you mention it like that, that fans who were teens in the 2000s, now adults and wanting an R rated Logan, that makes sense actually. I am kind of out of touch since X-men went down for me after First Class and the ones that followed, but I will check out Logan.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I think there's a dynamic at play here with comic fans of the 90s and earlier wanting to see their/our Wolverine BE the Wolverine we grew up with.

R rating gave us that for the most part.
I just found the term "comic fans of the 90s" funny.
There was nothing good about comics in the 90's!

It's kind of known as the era that killed comics from both the artistic and economic point of view (so many covers were labeled "collector's item!" due to the collector phase of the 80's when they were actually all over-printed rendering them worthless, constant production of "1st issues" catering to speculators who still didn't realize that comics in the 90's were worthless, gimmicks everywhere you looked, every cliched story, plot, power & gimmick done over and over, the Independent publishers movement which ended up being tons of books & copy-cat characters that were all flash & no substance as interesting writing & good stories went out the window, shoulder pads & pouches!, every character had to be killed for sales only to later be resurrected... for sales, I could go on and on!)

Exactly why the edit "and earlier" :P I got into comics mid 90s and it was hell trying to keep up with all the #1 variants. Ugh.

Exactly why the edit "and earlier" :P I got into comics mid 90s and it was hell trying to keep up with all the #1 variants. Ugh.
I got into them in the mid-70's - then dropped them as I hit adolescence as I didn't want to be "uncool." (It would be mortifying to be caught by peers at age 13 reading a comic book - "they're for kids!")

Then a friend who I began drawing comics with in high school started bringing in books to show me (he wasn't embarrassed!) He'd start telling me about the new books & characters - I even remember he was the first person to tell me about this "Wolverine" - a superhero who had steel claws come out of the back of his hands (this I had to see).

Thus the addiction began anew but with a new fervor - I even started to subscribe to titles.

All through college I'd make trips to flea markets & malls just to go comic shopping - it really was something like taking drugs!

In 1988 I actually got a job in the industry working for a local color separation company (back when they were done by hand) that did work for mostly DC Comics. (Nothing helps you begin to dislike something when it becomes part of a job.) The cool thing was they'd give a handful of comics with our paychecks, but it was always low-selling titles!

The 90's hit hard as I didn't realize what was happening - I too was buying multiple variants, "1st Issue Collector's Items!," and giving in to the speculation (not fully realizing that the only collector's items that I had which had any worth were those very first books I bought in 1975 - if only I hadn't stopped buying them at that time!)

Did my first convention (as a vendor) in 1994 - all everyone kept asking me was if I had any Spawn! (I did not!) By the mid-2000's, trying to sell my collections at shows became a losing proposition since most of my 70's stuff had already been picked through and sold.

In the meantime I was advised to try selling on eBay - where I moved most of my collection over the next decade or so - I still have a couple long boxes left consisting of unmovable 90's crap or items I don't want to part with.

Man... I didn't mean to go off on a tangent. But yeah, I have a problem with most superhero movies because I'm somewhat dedicated to the source materials as I knew them.

However, I do love these color Marvel Epic Collections as I'm now able to (affordably) look at a lot of stuff from the Silver & Bronze ages that came just before my time as a kid collector.

I still want to kick myself when I think back to when I first started buying comics off the spinner rack at Krauser's in 1975.

I remember seeing those X-Men titles ("Giant Size," "All New, All Different!") on the rack and just passing them by month after month because I was unfamiliar with them. It would have only cost me 25 cents an issue starting with #94 and oh how I could have cleaned up later on!

Still, this doesn't compare to my dad's stories of how he had Action Comics #1 and just threw it away sometime before the outbreak of the war. (I don't know if those stories were true - he probably didn't know the difference between Action Comics and Detective or Superman #1, but still, if he'd saved any of the comics from when he was a kid, they'd have been worth quite a lot.)

The article you have shared here very awesome. I really like and appreciated your work. I read deeply your article, the points you have mentioned in this article are useful
All 8 posts you've made on various threads are exactly the same as this one.

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All 8 posts you've made on various threads are exactly the same as this one.
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The article you have shared here very awesome. I really like and appreciated your work. I read deeply your article, the points you have mentioned in this article are useful
Thank you Linda, very cool!

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It's probably a dumb bot that isn't built to get around our particular measures, or something.

Usually nonsense or repeated/copied posts are supposed to be putting the user's spammy signature in more places, I think.