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You mean me? Kei's cousin?

Look, Dr. Lesh, we don't care about the disturbances, the pounding and the flashing, the screaming, the music. We just want you to find our little girl.

My biggest problem with Galveston (2018), and most modern New Orleans set crime movies, is that its gangsters exists solely in a vacuum; with the movie's hand far from the pulse of the realities of the culture of New Orleans and its underworld. Filmed in Savannah, the film also lacks the atmosphere and singular architecture that both New Orleans and Galveston both have to offer. Though New Orleans and Savannah both have similar styled old world architecture, we are only shown barrooms and swamps, and we only know the beginning is set in New Orleans because a title card tells us. The portrayal of Galveston is worse. What is literally a Noir island with its downtown Art Deco architecture intact, is reduced to empty back streets and poverty stricken motels. Directed well enough by actress turned director Mélanie Laurent and acted more than well enough by Ben Foster and Elle Fanning (the part of gang boss Stan is wasted on Beau Bridges and his terrible accent), Galveston suffers from a clumsy and directionless script, which Nic Pizzolatto adapted from his own novel. If you're a carpetbagger or live North of I-10, Galveston may be entertaining enough, but residents of both New Orleans and Galveston will be disappointed in the lack of character their cites are given, leaving Galveston to be a better than average, but ultimately disposable, Gulf Coast set crime film.

Thanks for the review of this. Most of my family lives in or around Galveston and I used to go there every summer from my childhood to the early adulthood, then back for reunions and my honeymoon. So Galveston holds a special place in my heart. I hate it when they don't even consider filming a movie where the story's supposed to be held. Galveston has tons of beauty that would shine on a movie screen, so I don't get the director's choice. Thanks again, Gangland!
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

Pompeii 2014
★★★ Watched 22 Oct, 2018

I found it hard to believe that so many people whose opinions I respect have championed this film so vocally. I think I would have appreciated it as a disaster film regardless, one which works as a story even before the sky falls, but their high praise did encourage me to give it the benefit of the doubt as something more. Indeed, more it is, as Paul W.S. Anderson uses devastating romantic images and tragic circumstances to concoct a class singularity in which the great equalizer is death. Dying as revolution.

Sid & Nancy 1986
★★★ Watched 22 Oct, 2018

Alex Cox nails the grimy, scuzzy punk aesthetic with trash strewn interiors and graffiti'd walls while documenting the doomed spiral of a helpless iconoclast and his enabling lover. Gary Oldman and Chloe Webb are as repellant and obnoxious as a burp in the face, but their child like innocence compels us to care. It's a story of unconditional love that only falters in its monotonous structure as our stars plummet faster and faster towards the earth.

The Rider 2017
★★★★ Watched 23 Oct, 2018

Chloe Zao delicately blurs the line between film and documentary elevating real life relationships and circumstances with cinematic language. The Rider is a Dogma 95 inversion which marries stylistic artifice to barely refined substance. Its an inviting contradiction which builds trust through the transparency of its fiction. Quite a feat.

The Night Comes for Us 2018
★★★ Watched 24 Oct, 2018

Nimble Indonesians in gnarly knife fights nullify nonsensical narrative.

Phase IV 1974
★★★★★ Watched 24 Oct, 2018

Do you like horror? Hard science fiction? Disaster flicks? B movies? Nature documentaries? Trippy art house visuals?

You should watch this movie.
Letterboxd | ReverseShot | SlantMagazine

I Feel Pretty (2018)

I Feel Pretty (2018)

"I hate these blurred lines
I know you want it
I know you want it
I know you want it
But you're a good girl
The way you grab me
Must wanna get nasty
Go ahead, get at me"

Welcome to the human race...
Hellraiser: Bloodline -

in case you ever wondered what The Fountain would've been like as a slasher movie
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Good movie. I enjoyed it. Influenced by Bergman’s Winter Light.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Shoplifters (2018) by Hirokazu Koreeda

Not one of Koreeda's more subtle movies, even considering this one won the Palme d'Or, i dont regard it as good as some of his older ones, for instance Maborosi. Still a good watch.

Gabbeh (1996) by Mohsen Makhmalbaf

A quite interesting detour in Makhmalbafs filmography with a multilayered plot and a very visceral and colorfull film experience. Quite recommendable.


I Feel Pretty (2018)

"I hate these blurred lines
I know you want it
I know you want it
I know you want it
But you're a good girl
The way you grab me
Must wanna get nasty
Go ahead, get at me"
The fact that the video was not illegal makes me question this world. Not complain. Just headscratchin' .

Snooze factor rating = Z

[Snooze Factor Ratings]:
Z = didn't nod off at all
Zz = nearly nodded off but managed to stay alert
Zzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed
Zzzz = nodded off and missed some of the film but went back to watch what I missed but nodded off again at the same point and therefore needed to go back a number of times before I got through it...
Zzzzz = nodded off and missed some or the rest of the film but was not interested enough to go back over it

“I was cured, all right!”

A very good comedy/drama from Buñuel. Love that ending.
It is an unfinished work, a pity that they ran out of money during the production. Silvia Pinal as The Devil is a real temptation

A very emotional ride with a man lost amidst his mistakes from the past. There are millions of stories like this happening every day, Wim Wenders knows well how to put that tragedy into the picture.