50s Movie Suggestions


Alright, I was just trying to get some sort of discussion going. I mean I have a master list of hundreds of 1950s films that I used to make my Top 25 for the MoFo Top 100 50s Countdown, but I'd rather discuss than just post list. I can post it if you want it?
I would love to discuss with you I just don't know enough about the era. You can just give me a list but I would much rather some of your favorites or something very different and special in your eyes rather then a list of "good" movies from the 50s. Not to say I don't appreciate everyone else suggestions that are list of good movies.
Trust The Process

Trouble with a capital "T"
...You can just give me a list but I would much rather some of your favorites or something very different and special in your eyes rather then a list of "good" movies from the 50s...
That makes sense...Those 4 movies that I initially posted are some of my all time favorite 50s films.

Pickup Up on South Street
my full review, no spoilers
1 minute clip from Pick Up on South Street (it's not a trailer). You can see and feel Jean Peters' emotions in this scene. I love the way she instantly responds in character when she is bumped in the face with the chop sticks. The scene itself, the dialogue and the characters are rich. The actor who plays Lighting Louie is pretty great too.

Hanmer Studios' first Dracula film with Christopher Lee
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (a musical)
Roman Holiday
Rear Window
You may choose to ignore my suggestions but at least see Rear Window.