Things that annoy you...


Had a small bag of garbage in my hand & absentmindedly walked to the next block with it. All the street receptacles were jammed full so I walked to a dumpster out back of a small apartment building. Literally at that moment a Chinese woman (maybe Korean) came shrieking out of the back door of the building & demanded I get back on the sidewalk. I thought this was unreasonable so continued walking to the dumpster (empty) & deposited my small bag there. This woman then went bat**** & said she would call the police. (This would have been interesting since I am friendly with many of the officers in town.) I told her to call the police if she wanted to & she then proceeded to snap my photograph several times with her iPhone. I calmly continued on my way. I have to check the property records later, but I assume she is the owner of the building, but doesn’t live in our town. Very bizarre experience.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

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The truth is in here
Batman's name in Swedish: Läderlappen (The Leather Patch). WHY? I keep fůcking it up on the spot to Flädermannen (The Elderflower Man).
Don't deny it, you know it's the best name ever

Finally, the annoying guy who always gloms on to me at Dunkin Donuts has gotten the message that I do not want to engage in banal chit-chat when I’m having coffee. He didn’t say a single word to me today. Some people are so dense; I can tell right away if someone wants to be left alone.


I deny permission for apps to send push notifications but I must have skipped a pic app. My phone just made the little "woohoo" noise that usually means I got an email.


Growing up people constantly told me I looked like this one particular singer. I didn’t mind, but I felt I was so much prettier than her. I felt I looked like her maybe when I first got up in the morning, but when I was dolled up I didn’t want to be compared to her.
You're a woman?

Not annoying per se, but it’s odd how I carefully log out each time only to return to find I’m logged in again. Does that happen to anyone else? Twice this week for me.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Not annoying per se, but it’s odd how I carefully log out each time only to return to find I’m logged in again. Does that happen to anyone else? Twice this week for me.
No, because I have my browser set to delete all cookies and cache when I shut off the browser.

People who get in a mood when you don't reply to them straight away on the internet.

Some of us still live in the stone age and own a mobile phone that can not connect to the internet, so if I get an e-mail or a message on something like facebook, I will only see it when I go onto an actual computer to use the internet and that's usually at night.

Don't get in a mood with me because I'm not glued to a phone or computer screen every minute of the day!

Oh, I'm not a luddite, I just use electronic devices until they no longer work, and my mobile phone is still going after 10 or so years...

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People who call EVERYTHING different "Creepy" to disqualify it... Or any disqualifying words like "Communist" or "Conspiracy Theorist" and anything else that starts in "C"

Perfect hot day for a long walk along the Connecticut River, but just found out that USPS is delivering a parcel today from Optum.Rx that requires a signature. So annoyed since they said it was coming Tuesday so have had to re-think my day. Email says it’s out for delivery, but that means only that I will get it before 8 p.m. SO annoying.

My nice mailman, Nestor, showed up at 12.30 p.m., which really wasn’t bad. As soon as I signed for my package, I threw on sunblock & a summer dress & sunhat & blasted out of my front door. Connecticut River is SO beautiful.

My nice mailman, Nestor, showed up at 12.30 p.m., which really wasn’t bad. As soon as I signed for my package, I threw on sunblock & a summer dress & sunhat & blasted out of my front door. Connecticut River is SO beautiful.
Nestor ! Mine's probably called Phil.